The spot on the left was camped by ranged in EU continously and was much closer to one team then the other. As you can see, the ruin top where the staircase leads to allows multiple ranged to completely lock down that location as they can shoot even shielders from both the front and the back simultaneously. Believe me, I have tried to get up there as a shielder. Multiple ranged up there near the end of the round are extremely hard to beat and it happened often. Spot on the right was rarely part of gameplay but for the sake of consistency I'm not not gonna leave that one in as it won't add anything to gameplay apart from camping and drawing out rounds.
This might not happen as much in NA, but if there is a spot that is hard to reach, ranged is gonna camp on it everytime. EU ranged are complete cunts for who you have to lock down every map based advantage they can get. Ranged is balanced to compete on the floor. Camping spots like these remove both cav and infantry as counters which is bullshit. Seeing as you seem to find the removal of ladders bad though, I am probably talking to a wall. On EU ladders were the lamest and dumbest shit ever, completely detrimental to gameplay. If this spot wasn't a problem on NA, it probably wasn't used like it was in EU. Which also makes me fail to see the big deal of the removal for you.
As a mapmaker and now scene manager I try to create a good experience for everyone. Quick and balanced rounds are my priority. One-sided or one entry way camping spots are bad for the gameplay experience except the party that benefits from it, which is why they do not fit with my definition of a good experience. If you disagree with that, ehh you're not going to be happy with anything I do.
Who the hell builds their farm next to ruins? No good reason for that.
I noticed they changed another map, nord village themed one. They attempted to make the spawn points better, but one team still controls the top, so it's arguably worse now, since the new bottlenecks are narrower.
I am curious which team you say gets to control the top. Both teams should be able to at least get on top of both walkways before the other one manages to lock it down, which makes the top go to whichever team pushes hardest on it or manages to flank to one of the other two ways up. There are 3 ways up that top of which each team gets to one first, and the third way up should be fairly centered. Can't believe it's worse than spawning each team on top of great camping spots.