Kinngrimm, nobody asked for your novel about strategus
I wanted to a) show causalities & timelines b) perspectives
The point gets lost in this massive wall of text.
That maybe so, still i tried to structure as good as possible.
I do call things differently sure, as from my perspective and my reasoning, they are.
I didn't deny my deeds as i told them i call them but a ruse with quite a different depth to it.
2 weeks tricking someone, with rarely any conntact, yes some lieing by fairly saying anything in a meeting OMG, as noone ever would ever lied on your behalf or you yourself.
... How can there be as much as a simple doubt in this matter?
I respect you as a player, and I respect your intelligence Ramses Kinngrimm, but I certainly don't respect this unhinged disregard for other people. I'm well aware its a game, and I'm not taking things too seriously,
but the amount of constant arrogance you and your allies put into pressuring me to
leave "all the worthless smaller clans" behind. This was always the tenor from the big clans you know.
It started that way in strat 2.0 when i looked for cooperations and was small clan myself. And Risen, Mercs, Byzantium or Fallen all acted as bigshots not on eye level or worse treated me like a worthless peace of shit.
And now to the real hypocrisy: You even have the balls to be mad about others being traitors to you! You accuse the Brotherhood of being "Cowardly backstabbers" when you've done the exact same thing to at least as big a scale. As I've mentioned before, you're an intelligent man, so I am simply baffled that you allow yourself this false virtue.
So please, enlighten me on this matter (And only this).
Alright then lets ahve a look at you, hypocrits with double standarts trying to corrupt me, wanted me to be the same, to also treat the smaller clans with the exact same arrogance, leave them behind and betray them, but work with you as you would have have some inbreed higher value, royalty by choice, the bigger fish, with the rightousssness and the holy cause to fight DRZ and UIF
... dudes you have a blind spot in the size of a watermelon when it comes to introperspective. Dont you dare get all moral on me. I tried here again to reflect and tell you my view points of the story, but you still have your head up your ass, so far there is no sunlight to be seen.
You wanted the Wolves even the templars, as our numbers were impressiv, but French Connection, Camel Screamers, CotgS ... you wanted me to kick them and leave them behind. You guys still dont get it or do you? You asked me over and over again, you tried me .., you tried to make me question myself and my values and you tried to corrupt my values instead of just leaving me alone and having a good time playing the game, you were the snake in the garden trying to break my will.
I don't condone my own action, i gave you to some extent something from your own medicin, i defeninetly despice how this game had already been played without me adding to it.
And then man, how you all went nuclear after it came out, as your people would be so much more worth then the 420 players i supported.
Tell me now, how worthless are the smaller clans? Even in the beginning of strat 4.0, Rogue repeated this notion by telling me "it isnt worth the trouble" Still the same subtext.
... to an extent it is trouble yes, but totally worth it, fun, helping dudes getting rolling in strat and if done right also effective as by now people should have realised.
So when you for once take your blindfold of your eyes, you may come to realise, that you punctured a nerv with me, back then and still do, by your blissfull ignorance over your own arrogance. If you want to call me a backstabber, do it, but dude, the wrotten once had been you all along.Since strat 2.0 i worked with a plan in my mind towards enabling smaller clans, without dictating them.
I may not be the best person to do so, but i really tried as i saw it was the right thing to do.
The Project was/is called "Circle of Peace"(CoP) and the CFA is a predessor to it. Grandmom was the first i told about it and showed him my documents, which date back to the end of strat 2.0. Gettting something regualted so that smaller factions have a place on the map, with a few medium sized factions to protect the smaller once. And when those are ready help them to gain some areas outside of that construct.
So that huge clans and factions consisting out of several clans wouldnt be just taking shit away from the small dudes.
The goal was and is to get more colors on the map, not less.
Guess who is responsible for me having this goal?
Clans like yours.
So please, enlighten me on this matter (And only this).
Backstab after 7 months VS Ruse of 2 weeks
No tell, as they didnt say no VS 2 months telling to bugger of
Inferiority complex on Bros side VS Superiority complex on Fallen/Byzantium/Mercs
Using ressources which didnt belong to them VS i gave in the 2 weeks Kapikulu Ressources back, which they lost to a raider i recaptured for them, a substantial amount of gear
no remorse vs acceptance and acknologing my deeds, defining them partly differently
@FLANS Coallition hasnt had any alliance with Wolves, we have had a NAP and the same enemies.
But Coalltion had been allied, to Crusaders and Mercs. And Wolves had been allied to Crusaders.
And as Fallen/GK/HRE were in the same entity/alliance Coallition, we built the entity/alliance CFA(difference was we choose to keep the colors for every member, against efficency reasoning but pro Identity)
So Coallition was in their full right to attack us, as by definition in a "FULL ALLIANCE" they have the same enemies.
Really bad this situation was for Crusaders, as they had now to choose with whom to side with.
I also wrote Thomas and Rogue, that i didnt like the outcoem that we became enemies this strat, but they sticked to Mercs, who did a few things which in teh end brought eastern block down.