Every time we step into a middle-east conflict we just end up stirring the hornets nest more at the cost of our financial standing and the lives of American soldiers and Muslim civilians. My personal belief is that we should just pull out of the region entirely, Israel included, and take a "let it sort itself out" stance. While we do currently have one of the largest and best funded militaries, as Crisco was so keen to point out, that does not in any way mean that we have to be the world police.
I am perfectly fine with letting the European countries deal with the middle-east, the chronically inflamed anus of the world, on their own. It is pretty much in their backyard after all. They're the ones who will feel the effects of something going terribly wrong first so they should have the most interest in a favorable outcome. #notourproblem
If we do manage to successfully detach ourselves from the middle-east it could be a huge boon for our economy. We could redirect the money being blown on these fiascos towards rebuilding our crumbling national infrastructure and, perhaps, stop de-funding our school systems like short-sighted imbeciles. Also, we could maybe feel a little better about ourselves when our drones and poorly trained soldiers cease killing innocent civilians every other day.