Author Topic: To our fellow muricans  (Read 21219 times)

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #30 on: September 01, 2013, 12:46:50 pm »
I doubt Assad alone can do much, let alone teach a lesson to a superpower that just bombs/ launches missiles all over the place.

You forget the fact that Russia will actually back up Assad if needed, Russians have tons of missiles in Syria, so actually he`s not alone, he has the bear behind him lurking in the dark for the right moment to attack.

What makes me shit my pants, and to be honest it`s not far from happening, is that the world is heading towards another world war.

Some days ago I read this interview

    A member of the Syrian Ba'ath national council Halef al-Muftah, until recently the Syrian propaganda minister's aide, said on Monday that Damascus views Israel as "behind the aggression and therefore it will come under fire" should Syria be attacked by the United States.

    In an interview for the American radio station Sawa in Arabic, President Bashar Assad's fellow party member said: "We have strategic weapons and we can retaliate. Essentially, the strategic weapons are aimed at Israel."

    Al-Muftah stressed that the US's threats will not influence the Syrain regime and added that "If the US or Israel err through aggression and exploit the chemical issue, the region will go up in endless flames, affecting not only the area's security, but the world's."

So actually if Syria gets attacked, they will insta hit Israel, and then Israel will attack back.

Israeli Prime minister after reading this interview stated this


We are not a party to this civil war in Syria but if we identify any attempt to attack us we will respond and we will respond forcefully

So we have, Turkey - USA and Israel against Syria and Russia (?), and don`t forget to add that Iran is allied with Syria, so actually there is a big chance for them to prove themselves against USA.

What I love the most is that USA, is actually backing up FSA, who they are a terrorist group masked as "Rebels", a lot of rebels have pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda, and for the past months, they kept beheading Christians and in some cases they burned entire christian villages.

A war will be bad also, because Europe should be expecting a lot of immigrants from Syria, already the unemployment rates around Europe are high (12.8%), what will happen when thousands of Syrians try to escape from the bombings to Europe?? Unrest will happen, here in Greece the vice president stated that if a war happens in Syria, we are to expect at least 1500 Syrians per Week.

I don`t want to sound like a conspiracy lover, but having military experience, made me watch war related matter from a different view, so actually if you take the pieces you can actually solve the puzzle..

Enjoy some videos of the so called innocent freedom fighters..


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Allahu akbar..  :?

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #31 on: September 01, 2013, 01:39:19 pm »
Lel, whole chemical weapon thing was an american plan to get "real reason" to get their hands in the oils

Syria is a net oil importer. Otherwise Europe would have supported the rebels with air strikes months ago.
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #32 on: September 01, 2013, 01:48:55 pm »
Well if there is oil, of course USA will intervene and save the poor oil from chemical warfarare. Ofc the US politicians, commanders and other scumbags doesnt give a fuck about chemical weapons and stuff like that, but it seems like a good and valid reason for the public. You can always be there and help the rebels overthrow the old goverment, and then of course help them form a new one that will be very positive to the US.
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #33 on: September 01, 2013, 02:04:08 pm »
You forget the fact that Russia will actually back up Assad if needed, Russians have tons of missiles in Syria, so actually he`s not alone, he has the bear behind him lurking in the dark for the right moment to attack.

It's not a "fact" Russia will attack U.S. and engage in open warfare with the U.S. if we intervene in Syria. Russia was completely against an Iraq invasion by the U.S. but once we invaded they turned their back on saddam's regime practically overnight.

This is along the lines of what I'm reading "Russia has dismissed U.S. accusations that Syrian forces used chemical weapons, calling the charge "utter nonsense," and warned that a military intervention without United Nations authorization would be a violation of international law."
Feel free to give links that say Russia threatens to attack U.S. Forces if we invade... That's news to me.

Also you coverage of FSA rebels is completely one sided. If you really want to get close to the truth, it's best to include multiple news sources and new sources which disagree and show conflicting reports.
Here is some footage of the opposite side of the bias spectrum:
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #34 on: September 01, 2013, 03:08:05 pm »
Just to add, Syria has a severe lack of oil and which USA would not be interested in, just adding this.
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #35 on: September 01, 2013, 03:53:36 pm »
As much as i enjoy reading all the conspiracy posts and what not from every anti-U.S euro, the thread title is "To our fellow muricans" with the following "what do you think about this Syria thing, as an American?".

Can you atleast think from our point of view and stop trying the really original, "must have oil" thing, because its Syria, and they dont.  On top of that, even if we were giving the rebels weapons to fight the Syrian government, which im under the impression we arent, as we just loaded ourselves with a 3 trillion dollar debt from Iraq, and Afghanistan, i dont think we need to be wasting our time on what seemed like a petty revolt in a backwater country.  I think what everyone wants to happen is just make sure that they arent dragging the civilians into the mess and especially arent going to release any more chemicals.

Dont forget these inspectors go on planned trips to specific areas, its really a joke, as all the stuff could just be moved around the country or sold elsewhere, or in this case possibly planted by rebels or another country. 

Just laughing at the whole, Iran declaring war on the United States lol.  I'm sure Mini-U.S will mop up anything we need done for us anyways if things break bad.  Thats Israel btw.

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #36 on: September 01, 2013, 03:58:42 pm »
Can you atleast think from our point of view and stop trying the really original, "must have oil" thing, because its Syria, and they dont.  On top of that, even if we were giving the rebels weapons to fight the Syrian government, which im under the impression we arent, as we just loaded ourselves with a 3 trillion dollar debt from Iraq, and Afghanistan, i dont think we need to be wasting our time on what seemed like a petty revolt in a backwater country.  I think what everyone wants to happen is just make sure that they arent dragging the civilians into the mess and especially arent going to release any more chemicals.

and who the fuck made the USA  police of the world??

Who the fuck are you, to invade a country, anytime when something that you people don`t like happens??

I really hope Asad kicks some American asses, just because I despise that kind of attitude.

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2013, 04:14:15 pm »
The conflict in Syria strikes me as life and death struggle between Allawites and Sunnis. The government has long lost effective control of the country and I don't see the conflict coming to an end. I can only see it becoming more desperate as one side gets closer to being defeated. Which if it is the Allawites, will result in shooting up the enormous chemical weapon stockpile that they possess. I'd say the best solution, as in the least casualties, would be to get NATO to missile strike the shit out of the big material of the Syrian goverment. The goverment is supported by a minority and is much easier to target without getting ground troops in there, so if you want to end the conflict, that is the way to do it. Otherwise the conflict is only going to end if one side wins. At this point both sides are too invested in it to settle for much less. My solution is neither morally or diplomatically defensible, so it is not going to happen. I doubt anyone would be stupid enough to get seriously involved so I think we'll be staring at increasing death rates from Syria for the next few years with a lot of diplomatic fuss, but zero action.

As for a World War coming out of this. Give me a break, Russia is not going to attack the USA or anyone really if they get involved in Syria. Russia always likes to pretend to still be one of the big boys but everybody and especially they themselves know they are not. Worst thing that is going to happen is an Israeli-Turkish invasion of Syria, which will in fact end the Syrian conflict, so I don't think it's that bad. Everybody will make a fuss, but no one will do shit. The wonders of global economic dependency.

This struck as me as an interesting statement by Russia, did not bother to check the validity of it.
"Russia has dismissed U.S. accusations that Syrian forces used chemical weapons, calling the charge "utter nonsense," and warned that a military intervention without United Nations authorization would be a violation of international law."

Chemical weapons being used and the killing of civilians are a violation of international law as well. International law is an empty shell though when it comes to Syria, as the organisation which is mostly viewed as the enforcer of international law, the U.N, is completely powerless to do so in violent inter-state conflicts. Russia and especially China simply view sovereignty as much more important than any 'liberal' or 'humanitarian' ideals, so a veto is always present. Which means that a UN sanctioned military intervention into a state pretty much can't take place. Which makes Russia condeming a military intervention on the basis of international law quite ironic, as they are simply unwilling to enforce any other international law themselves.

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #38 on: September 01, 2013, 04:23:10 pm »
My opinion - although I am not American - as long non of my fellow countrymen go down there to fight: I dun care.

It's their conflict. Let them handle this alone. Civilians die? So do thousands every day in Africa cuz of hunger. Rather spend that money there for food then to... yea well, what are they trying to do in Syria...
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #39 on: September 01, 2013, 04:29:33 pm »
and who the fuck made the USA  police of the world??

Who the fuck are you, to invade a country, anytime when something that you people don`t like happens??

I really hope Asad kicks some American asses, just because I despise that kind of attitude.

Going hungry makes you angry. Maybe the Germans can lend you some food.  :P
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #40 on: September 01, 2013, 04:33:44 pm »
Going hungry makes you angry. Maybe the Germans can lend you some food.  :P

Maybe the chinese can lend you some money to buy some weapons from the jews, so you can invade muslim countries for their oil  :wink:
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #41 on: September 01, 2013, 05:16:15 pm »
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this would look more convincing without that guy having an RPG-7 on his back...
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #42 on: September 01, 2013, 05:44:31 pm »
A -1 Benkei? Hey, don't step into a 'Murican thread if you don't want to be 'muricaned  :lol:
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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #43 on: September 01, 2013, 06:14:51 pm »
Not 'murican, but will give my five cents.

Middle East is a very complex geographical location, that can be by far stable. With Israel, Syria, Iran, Gulf countries and now-liberated (!) countries with people in power, who are Islamic extremists (like Muslim Brotherhood) - it creates a bad, bad mixture.

Turkey is pro-Morsi and against the coup d'etat, while it also is anti-Israel. Morsi was anti-Israel and was okay with Syria, not Iran. Iran is pro-Syria and against Israel, but against Morsi, as he was, from their point of view, put there by western imperialists. Plus, they are not with Turkey. Gulf Countries are with Turkey and United States, but also are against Morsi.

Simply put, Middle East is way too complex, militarized and unstable. People are allies and enemies with both their allies and enemies.

Furthermore, Russian Foreign Minister stated why the heck would Syrian Government use chemical weapons while the UN Investigators were there. Understanding the Free Syrian Army, is actually not Syrian nor free, and their members are Turkish, Chechen, Arab, Afghan, Kurd, Iraqi and African, rather then Syrian.

Assad is not innocent. But the western governments needs to understand something, after Iraq and Afghanistan. Those regions NEED dictators. Before the "liberation" of Iraq from Saddam Hussein, there was NOT A SINGLE bombings. Now, everyday, at least once, dozens of people die from the blast, many more severely injured. Afghanistan had a very, very oppressing regime indeed, however now, with terrorist attacks, bombings and gun fires at every single part of their region, it is much much more destabilized. Libya, "liberated" by French, perhaps also had an oppressing regime; however with the worlds perfect social care and welfare system. Now it is also destabilized with much much worse condition. And Egypt? Hah. Yeh.

Sure, keep liberating nations after nations. Though remember. It is not because of the sanctity of preserving and protecting human life. It is just for economical gains, while thousands die in conflicts. 

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Re: To our fellow muricans
« Reply #44 on: September 01, 2013, 06:38:24 pm »
Also you coverage of FSA rebels is completely one sided. If you really want to get close to the truth, it's best to include multiple news sources and new sources which disagree and show conflicting reports.
Here is some footage of the opposite side of the bias spectrum:
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Wait wait wait, the mainstream media is biased against the Syrian rebels? Is this why every news outlet basically carries every single piece of information put out by Syrian activists, and then in the last few paragraphs says "this information cannot be independently verified", knowing full well that most people read the first 2 or 3 paragraphs of a journalistic article?


The way I see this situation is very clear.

Obama has made himself a shit sandwich and now he has to decide whether to eat it, or to let it stink up the room. He has said that chemical weapons would be a gamechanger where it would result in immediate US retaliation. He has to follow up on that attack, which is deeply unpopular among not only his own population but pretty much every Western country, tarnishing his legacy and further exacerbating the US's precarious economic position by funneling more borrowed money into the military (eating the shit sandwich).

Or he can find a way to back out, which is what he is attempting to do with seeking congressional approval, but if he does, then America's prestige will severely suffer as it's word will be seen as worth a whole lot less (letting the shit sandwich stink up the room).

Either way, he's backed himself into a corner with no positive outcomes for US interests.