I've been running mad thinking that 1h thrusts have been buffed. But reading this carefully, I understand the exact change better. So, it is just a necessary animation change and it is only a matter of getting used to the proper animations now. Point taken dear Tydeus.
I've had a while to evaluate the new 1h thrust, and here are my impressions:
1. You can actually hit people toward your left with a thrust now; the animation used to be "out of steam" before you could even rotate left. This is good.
2. The attack seems active a bit too long at full extension; i.e. you can deliberately miss then "wiggle" the attack into the enemy for full damage. This is reminiscent of the "roflcopter pike" everyone gets upset about.
3. It still glances at short-medium range. Short swords especially should be the ideal weapon for close-quarters thrusting, instead they are inferior to both 2h and pole in this situation.
As much as I enjoy being able to stab people 1.7m meters away with a 1h, I don't think we need yet another thrust attack that people are wiggling all over the battlefield for nonsensical hits. I'd prefer that the sweetspot function be adjusted so that short swords are effective stabbing implements at close range (their historical role). Let 2h and pikes be the long range stabbing weapons.
The new 1h right swing, however, seems pretty much perfect to me (less frustrating without introducing any exploitable mechanics).