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Re: NA2
« Reply #120 on: August 13, 2013, 06:20:57 am »
I mean holy shit, just look at this thread, the closest anybody ever got to owning-up to their mistakes was when Fips said that they were "aware of problems", and even that's a cop-out. Apart from that, to hear the badmins and devs talk, you'd think they believed every decision they made was perfection. They've never done anything wrong, of course, and if we're upset with the way things are then it's just a case of us not "appreciating them" enough. About the best we can expect is that sometimes they'll "take back" a bad tweak, eventually. When was the last time things worked the other way, and a good idea actually struggled its way up from the community into the game? When did feedback ever matter except in the rare instances it managed to bother a certain number of the devs' European guildmates?

chadz did this mod better in the old days, before all these other too-many-cooks came along and spoiled the soup. I don't get what happened. It's like he recruited people on to get some technical assistance, which they were good at, but then he made the mistake of letting them decide things too. Now the mod is defined by the newbie-devs'/badmins' personal biases and friendships, without any regard for how it started, what its competition is, what the biggest gameplay issues really are, or how the changes being made affect the server populations.

NA2 is dead for the same reason that we have a "nudge attack" but no fix for 1H bugs/balance.

Welp, its all over now, huge nerf incoming to dedicated thrower builds after that blew it.  Next update will be 3.0.5 blame Artymostnerfedthrowerinthelands.

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Re: NA2
« Reply #121 on: August 13, 2013, 06:38:10 am »
Masterwork Jarids will cause -1 pierce damage, so helpful it gives back health to the enemy team!
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Re: NA2
« Reply #122 on: August 13, 2013, 10:15:24 am »
I thinks it's because all the devs are trying to speed-date at the pub.
Hooray for customization and hybridization!
Down with monotonous pure classes!

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Re: NA2
« Reply #123 on: August 13, 2013, 04:14:21 pm »
Funny thing is, NA2 had great pop last night (and I think the one before too)...

Maybe this thread is helping in spite of itself! :)
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Re: NA2
« Reply #124 on: August 13, 2013, 04:42:41 pm »
Funny thing is, NA2 had great pop last night (and I think the one before too)...

Maybe this thread is helping in spite of itself! :)

Yeah! I think the server had a constant population of 30-40 people till midnight or 1 in the morning.
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Re: NA2
« Reply #125 on: August 13, 2013, 05:36:08 pm »
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Will you please stop trying to act like you have all the knowledge and solutions, especially when you can't even follow through with your analysis? It's both a symptom and a cause, to say it's not a cause, is to say that a low population has no affect on whether or not people join the server. Do you always join the server when there are fewer than 5 people on siege? No, you come to battle like most other people, especially in the mornings (Please see the page on Causality if you're still confused). The shit about devs being biased and not doing anything unless it affects their clan members is not only a groundless statement, it should come as absurd to anyone who actually knows one or two things about them.

I go out of my way to ask a lot of people their opinions on various topics and have developed a bad habit of getting into item balance discussions in TS that generally cause the channel to split into two. What's more, I myself do not even like many changes that have come about over the years, this includes recent changes as well. Again, another groundless statement. To get back to the point though, my response was to your statement about 'NA' having to put up with shit, which implies some sort of split between NA and EU. After having convinced cmp to make all the servers 'beta' servers, both EU and NA now deal with the same things. So as stated, it seems absent of any real meaning.

That's a strong case of rose-tinted glasses you have. About a year and a half ago, chadz hosted a build of crpg that was pre-upkeep. He hosted it until its death, which was about 1 month. The website, scene rotation, item stats, everything was the same, except hardly anyone cared to play on it past the first few days. Certainly not all changes are full improvements, but for the most part the vast majority of people in actuality, enjoy what we had at that time over what we had in the early crpg days. As for changes since then, we'd have to hold a test like that again. It's entirely possible that more people prefer what we had then, to what we have now, although something about the old melee turn rates makes me think otherwise.

So I find myself wondering just who exactly you're speaking for. It seems to me that there is only a small group of players that really agree with everything you're saying (and for good reasons, as most of it is complete hogwash). You try to be a Martyr for the community, but it seems more likely that you only represent a small minority. You're portraying feelings of discontent, which is likely what most people would find agreeable, not what you're actually saying.
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Re: NA2
« Reply #126 on: August 13, 2013, 07:17:14 pm »
Draggon sent me a message that I just read a minute ago, and I completely forgot the contents :|. I agree with most of Draggon's posts, and we played sidge together all the time [I just came back from a year-year and half break], mostly with my cursing and his laughing at me.

Anywho, at low populations, the lack of admins isn't really a big issue, although the server should have some kind of permanent polling option. I only would've wanted an admin once, but that issue got itself resolved. The population levels are close to what they were when I left [I think 40 was an average night, right now it's closer to 30], but I've only been playing again for about a week so meh... I do see the same map over and over again, and missing a couple of the ones I liked that were probably removed for balance. The map pool is getting pretty stale [one night we played map A at night then Map B at night, to Map B during day to Map A during day as the four consecutive maps]

Oh I could also use some more cav friendly maps, would be nice to stab horses in the face in sidge.

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Re: NA2
« Reply #127 on: August 13, 2013, 07:30:31 pm »
In my 4000+ hours of playing NA2, I rarely encountered any issues that required an admin to resolve. Leechers get reported, griefers opening gates/etc on D get poll kicked; the community does a good job of policing itself.

However, the fact that offense wins 90%+ of the time when the population is <30 is the #1 problem facing the server. People get stuck on D for a few rounds in a row and GTX, or they do like I do and just ignore the flag while trying to get valor (which just pisses off everyone that is actually trying to defend the flag). Once the population gets decent (>50), defense starts to win and overall the experience is pretty good.

So the proposed mechanic of decreasing defender respawn timer as a function of population would be a godsend for NA2, since the population would grow a lot faster if defense had a chance during low-pop times. So the only question for the devs is if this change is even possible.

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Re: NA2
« Reply #128 on: August 13, 2013, 08:05:40 pm »
I think i'm the odd ball here, i'd love to see siege get more populated but i'm just fine with less than 30 atm. ( Maybe it's because of MB banner stack ) But the more the merrier, unless it stops the banner stack steam roll. XD

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Re: NA2
« Reply #129 on: August 13, 2013, 09:10:02 pm »
In my 4000+ hours of playing NA2, I rarely encountered any issues that required an admin to resolve. Leechers get reported, griefers opening gates/etc on D get poll kicked; the community does a good job of policing itself.

However, the fact that offense wins 90%+ of the time when the population is <30 is the #1 problem facing the server. People get stuck on D for a few rounds in a row and GTX, or they do like I do and just ignore the flag while trying to get valor (which just pisses off everyone that is actually trying to defend the flag). Once the population gets decent (>50), defense starts to win and overall the experience is pretty good.

So the proposed mechanic of decreasing defender respawn timer as a function of population would be a godsend for NA2, since the population would grow a lot faster if defense had a chance during low-pop times. So the only question for the devs is if this change is even possible.

4000+ hrs? Holy sheeeeeit. Anyways I second the idea of proportional respawn timers.

I think i'm the odd ball here, i'd love to see siege get more populated but i'm just fine with less than 30 atm. ( Maybe it's because of MB banner stack ) But the more the merrier, unless it stops the banner stack steam roll. XD

I must admit, I love 30 man siege. It allows for one or two players / heroes to make all the difference. However the fact that on defense your only hope for a multi is to yolo charge attacker spawn or camp ladders just aint right. Even if the pop never got past 30, but the respawn timers were tweaked, i could die a happy man.
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Re: NA2
« Reply #130 on: August 13, 2013, 09:14:48 pm »
Is that how armor and athletics work? Every 7.5 weight = 3agi + 1 ath (or really just one ath, depending how you look at it)? I've been meaning to find that info out for some time... So wearing ~16.8 weight total armor and having 8 ath would give me an effective ath of 5.76 (+ some agi bonus)? Does weapon weight contribute to this?

Weapon weight has even more impact than armor weight when it comes to the weapon you're currently holding. While sheathed, weapon weight functions the same as armor weight for runspeed reduction. In your hand, the weight is somehow multiplicative with the length of the weapon, both contributing to how much slower you move.  Link

Respawn timers being static is a big influence on map balance in general, even when not considering population size. You simply can't make a drastically different scale of map (or one with more chokepoints with doors to break) without the timer causing the balance to be skewed in comparison with other maps in rotation. edit: and the randomness of spawns increase the effect of this problem

It's much harder to balance a siege map than it is a battle map, and almost impossible when considering a variable population size.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 09:49:46 pm by Canary »

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Re: NA2
« Reply #131 on: August 13, 2013, 09:29:21 pm »
4000+ hrs? Holy sheeeeeit.

Maybe it's more like 3000; it was 2600 on Steam when cRPG switched to the launcher. I haven't played a single other game since I discovered cRPG, siege mode. 2.5 years I think? It has flaws, but I haven't found another game that comes close for overall fun.

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Re: NA2
« Reply #132 on: August 13, 2013, 10:03:49 pm »
Maybe it's more like 3000; it was 2600 on Steam when cRPG switched to the launcher. I haven't played a single other game since I discovered cRPG, siege mode. 2.5 years I think? It has flaws, but I haven't found another game that comes close for overall fun.

I feel ya Phew, I think I have like 3000 hours or something. It would be more if I actually played now a days.

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Re: NA2
« Reply #133 on: August 13, 2013, 10:06:03 pm »
If it gets populated more I might aswell spam x-bow and or archer.. range powr.
if u got 10 ps u have skill

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Re: NA2
« Reply #134 on: August 14, 2013, 05:17:57 am »
Weapon weight has even more impact than armor weight when it comes to the weapon you're currently holding. While sheathed, weapon weight functions the same as armor weight for runspeed reduction. In your hand, the weight is somehow multiplicative with the length of the weapon, both contributing to how much slower you move.  Link

Thanks Canary, that was quite informative.. and a lot to digest.

Maybe it's more like 3000; it was 2600 on Steam when cRPG switched to the launcher. I haven't played a single other game since I discovered cRPG, siege mode. 2.5 years I think? It has flaws, but I haven't found another game that comes close for overall fun.

I really don't want to know how much Ive played crpg. I had only logged 246 hours into steam before the crpg launcher came out. And that is including a decent amount of time spent conquering calradia in single player. I can only imagine the scarily-high number that it would show now had the launcher never come out. And like you, most of my time would probably be in siege. But I have definitely spent time elsewhere, so unlike you I am probably only in siege at most 60% of the time I am playing. DTV is where its at when siege is down ;)

I feel ya Phew, I think I have like 3000 hours or something. It would be more if I actually played now a days.

Dude, just stop trying to improve the game by modding textures and being a forum warrior and spend all that time PLAYING! One more person in siege can make a whole lot of difference.

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« Last Edit: August 16, 2013, 02:16:41 am by Jona »
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