Author Topic: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?  (Read 23758 times)

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #180 on: May 25, 2011, 06:38:22 pm »
So, we can agree that everything is hard to master in it's own way.  :P

hahaha, using that word on this forum is like pissing in the pacific ocean with the intent of creating a flood somewhere.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #181 on: May 25, 2011, 07:47:14 pm »
hahaha, using that word on this forum is like pissing in the pacific ocean with the intent of creating a flood somewhere.

At least I tried. :(

Offline Corrado_Decimo

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #182 on: May 26, 2011, 12:59:12 am »

corrado if i saw you running around with your morningstar you didnt block much. Not because you can't block but you simply didnt have to. You just onehitted anything in your path. I call this easymode.

Better protection agains ranged you say, maybe yes but all 2h can carrie shield as well.

Shields nerfed, archers nerfed, throwing nerfed - all those nerfs were actually buff to 2h.

we're talking about how weapons perform NOW. not six month ago when morningstar had crushthru, i had a level 42 gen10 wpfstacker str 2handed with 13PS and 197 wpf.
i really played that OP build but that was WAY too much. now things are really different. morningstar is gone, barmace too. OP builds are gone, high level builds are gone.

and please the last 3 patches nerfd 2h every time.

1- morningstar blockcrush removed

2- barmace and ironmace blockcrush removed
2a- 2h lolstab animation changed
2b- 2h thrust damage nerfed by something like 25-30%

3- highland claymore length reduced.

then if you want to talk about REAL FACTS lets talk... otherwise we're done.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #183 on: May 26, 2011, 03:18:47 am »
I'd be more than willing to duel any NA shielders that think 2hers are op. I'd use only a 1h weapon, with which I have 1 wpf, and they can use sword and board. Of course, when I win, you have to post in this thread that you no longer think 2h/poles are op. 13 pages of this shit is rather disgusting.
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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #184 on: May 26, 2011, 03:22:54 am »
I'd be more than willing to duel any NA shielders that think 2hers are op. I'd use only a 1h weapon, with which I have 1 wpf, and they can use sword and board. Of course, when I win, you have to post in this thread that you no longer think 2h/poles are op. 13 pages of this shit is rather disgusting.

But there are people who say OP to any build. This will never really end, even if the game was perfectly balanced.
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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #185 on: May 26, 2011, 04:12:17 am »
I'd be more than willing to duel any NA shielders that think 2hers are op. I'd use only a 1h weapon, with which I have 1 wpf, and they can use sword and board. Of course, when I win, you have to post in this thread that you no longer think 2h/poles are op. 13 pages of this shit is rather disgusting.

I am not sure what that is going to prove, apart that you are better than them in 1 hand. Although there will be quite a strong proof of OP if they then subsequently grabbed a polearm or twohander and killed you, given your skills in 1 hand.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #186 on: May 26, 2011, 09:26:06 am »
I'd be more than willing to duel any NA shielders that think 2hers are op. I'd use only a 1h weapon, with which I have 1 wpf, and they can use sword and board. Of course, when I win, you have to post in this thread that you no longer think 2h/poles are op. 13 pages of this shit is rather disgusting.

Lol, they'll instead make another thread saying 1h is OP now.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #187 on: May 26, 2011, 09:35:43 am »
we're talking about how weapons perform NOW. not six month ago when morningstar had crushthru, i had a level 42 gen10 wpfstacker str 2handed with 13PS and 197 wpf.
i really played that OP build but that was WAY too much. now things are really different. morningstar is gone, barmace too. OP builds are gone, high level builds are gone.

and please the last 3 patches nerfd 2h every time.

1- morningstar blockcrush removed

2- barmace and ironmace blockcrush removed
2a- 2h lolstab animation changed
2b- 2h thrust damage nerfed by something like 25-30%

3- highland claymore length reduced.

then if you want to talk about REAL FACTS lets talk... otherwise we're done.

Before these changes 2haders had exactly same arguments like they do now. And all the op smartasses were saying that it is  perfectly balanced.

-"behind the corner" hit must be fixed same goes for shield piercing glitch.
- Axe damage heavely reduce when you hit with the wooden part.
- Hammers overhead midswing direction change must go.

All these are bugs and must get fixed.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #188 on: May 26, 2011, 02:31:24 pm »
I'd be more than willing to duel any NA shielders that think 2hers are op. I'd use only a 1h weapon, with which I have 1 wpf, and they can use sword and board. Of course, when I win, you have to post in this thread that you no longer think 2h/poles are op. 13 pages of this shit is rather disgusting.

A duel is a very special situation and not representative of a real battle. Fact is, if you swing a long weapon with high damage in a battle, you are likely to get more kills than with a short weapon with lower damage.

Therefore: with 2h/pole, you kill more, with 1h+shield, you live longer.
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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #189 on: May 26, 2011, 06:24:21 pm »
A duel is a very special situation and not representative of a real battle. Fact is, if you swing a long weapon with high damage in a battle, you are likely to get more kills than with a short weapon with lower damage.

Therefore: with 2h/pole, you kill more, with 1h+shield, you live longer.

It is not about who can live longer. Hell you live even longer if you are naked and run to the other side.
What i am talking about is get rid of 2h bugged attacks and by that give shielders a chance.
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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #190 on: May 26, 2011, 07:28:35 pm »
What i am talking about is get rid of 2h bugged attacks and by that give shielders a chance.

Give shielders a chance? Shielder is the easiest class to play by far..
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #191 on: May 26, 2011, 07:35:25 pm »
Give shielders a chance? Shielder is the easiest class to play by far..


If you know how to play 1h & shield well, you get RIDICULOUS kpd.
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Offline Corrado_Decimo

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #192 on: May 26, 2011, 07:39:29 pm »

Before these changes 2haders had exactly same arguments like they do now. And all the op smartasses were saying that it is  perfectly balanced.

-"behind the corner" hit must be fixed same goes for shield piercing glitch.
- Axe damage heavely reduce when you hit with the wooden part.
- Hammers overhead midswing direction change must go.

All these are bugs and must get fixed.

good. now we're talking about facts.

- i agree on the behind the corner swing.. no clue about the shield piercing glitch tho.
- that's a polearms issue. 2h axes are really short. anyway i agree that you need a perfect positioning when hitting. but to balance that as they will be more difficult to use, raise cut damage.
- regarding heavy crushthru hammers, you SHOULD be able to change direction (as it is now) in the FIRST part of the swing (as the weight is still perpendicular over your head and thus you should rotate almost freely.) BUT in the second half of the swing, the direction should be blocked (as it is now) and the swing should not be stopped (as it is now).

mount&blade physic engine can somewhat manage this "unbalanced" property making heavier and slower weapons harder to control, and lighter weapons easier, in a progressive way.

no major flaws in it IMO.

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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #193 on: May 26, 2011, 07:51:01 pm »
- that's a polearms issue. 2h axes are really short. anyway i agree that you need a perfect positioning when hitting. but to balance that as they will be more difficult to use, raise cut damage.

I do not agree, that would completely remove all polearm styles except backpeddaling and support... Plus they would be useless in duels.

Also they would be very imbalanced in battle... As raising dmg would result in 1hk on many weps, promoting spam.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 07:54:11 pm by Dezilagel »
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Re: Why oh why are 2h and pole arms still OP?
« Reply #194 on: May 26, 2011, 07:52:09 pm »
It is not about who can live longer. Hell you live even longer if you are naked and run to the other side.
What i am talking about is get rid of 2h bugged attacks and by that give shielders a chance.

Not trying to offend here, but if you can't do better than average as a shielder you really just need to practice more.  You have a great chance of continuous, omnidirectional autoblock that only stops when you choose to swing, so just improve your timing and your footwork and you should romplestomp most 2handers.  All those 2hander "spammers" you are complaining abouta re really easy to kill as a shielder, just wait for them to swing once, hear the ting sound as they hit your shield, swing back (true spammers can't block), hit them and since theya re spammers and can't block they will just try to swing again not realizing that until they block a hit you can keep hitting them over and over again before they can recover enough to swing back fast enough to hit you before they get hit again.  You can easily kill spammers as a shielder and they have no chance agaisnt you, but if you are complaining about actual good players, then you just really need to practice and get better technique.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2011, 07:53:21 pm by Keshian »  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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