Author Topic: LOL this is brilliant... Pork laced bullet to send jihadist muslims to hell!  (Read 6279 times)

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Sir Isaac Newton, Galileo, Kepler, etc. the list goes on. So maybe do a little more research then just ignoring people because you hate religion.

 I don`t hate religions, I hate the retards that don`t practice what they preach.
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it's said that you can't eat pork.

Shoot em in the mouth anyway.

 I don`t hate religions, I hate the retards that don`t practice what they preach.

The worst about religions is the people who force their own religion upon others, or try to.
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Offline BASNAK

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The worst about religions is the people who force their own religion upon others, or try to.

Quote from: Quran 2:256
There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower. (256)

And there's many religious people that have contributed to science. Georges LemaƮtre was a Catholic Priest and set the foundation for the Big Bang theory. Muslims developed Algebra and many other things. Gregor Mendel set the foundation to Genetics, which also was a Priest. And then you have many Jews who invented alot of things but were rejected as the authors of their inventions because they were jews.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 12:34:51 pm by BASNAK »
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Yup, sure, there's no compulsion to be a muslim in the Quran, or any of the hadiths. Thank you for opening my eyes Basnak. Of course what the quote really means is that to be proper and follow the "right direction" that is "distinct from error" IS to believe in Allah. It's not compulsory, but if you don't want to be an evil disgusting apostate who is following an erroneous path, you need to be a believer. Yup, no compulsion at all. Just a friendly reminder.
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Offline BASNAK

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Yup, sure, there's no compulsion to be a muslim in the Quran, or any of the hadiths. Thank you for opening my eyes Basnak. Of course what the quote really means is that to be proper and follow the "right direction" that is "distinct from error" IS to believe in Allah. It's not compulsory, but if you don't want to be an evil disgusting apostate who is following an erroneous path, you need to be a believer. Yup, no compulsion at all.

It means forcing someone to convert to the Religion is forbidden. Since it wouldn't make any sense, because a person forced to convert would truely not believe and there would be no point in it. You think thats a bad thing?
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Offline Oberyn

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It means forcing someone to convert to the Religion is forbidden. Since it wouldn't make any sense, because a person forced to convert would truely not believe and there would be no point in it. You think thats a bad thing?

HAHAHAHA yes, of course, when have muslims ever forced anyone to convert? After all, it is forbidden. There weren't dozens of mechanisms ensuring that you would be a second-class untermensch if you were not a believer. What am I talking about, were? It's still exactly like that in the most openly muslim countries where religion is inextricably linked to government.
Because if something is written in the Quran it must be true. It couldn't possibly be contradicted by ANYTHING else in the Quran, or any of a variety of hadiths you may or may not adhere to depending on your particular muslim sect.
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Its not haram, since you do not touch the bullet with your own will.But no one knows that in Afghanistan , so it can be effective :D

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I can`t understand what are you trying to say here

I don't want to insult you, but this is really the case, you didn't understand at all what I am trying to say. I shouldn't have started this, because it is way too complicated and time consuming for me to try to explain it in english and not from face to face. And I don't know what knowledge you have and what not.

I still try it again as shortly as possible:
When humans started to bury their dead and tried to understand the world they are living in thousands of years before judaism and christianity they could only try to explain things by inhumane/supernatural/'religious' powers. Of course this view is modern, because back then and for a very long time there was no real distinction between rational and religious thinking. The theory is then, that judiasm and christianity helped (not the only factor) by merging all gods and supernatural powers into 1 god and separating him from our earthly realm to develop our modern rational thinking.

Note that what I am writing here is highly compromised and needs further explaining to understand it right. Also just so you know, I think institutional church in its current form is not useful and of the crimes churches did in the past we don't need to speak.

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Oberyn, most of your post are great, the rest are brilliant! You just does not seem to be a typical video game player. There must be something wrong with you, since i can't imagine why would you waste time on posting here otherwise... Be honest, are you doing that "Fritzl gig" in your basement, or having a conjunction-twin-fetus stuck on your forehead, or, may be, you are a raging alcoholic? I am really lost here. No sarcasm by the way, i am genuinely in awe of your writing abilities!
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Eating to many froglegs caused this brain damage to oberyn.
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Offline Oberyn

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Yeah, I blame the frog legs.
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Offline Kafein

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I agree with bloody nine. It is widely believed by modern philosophers that atheism is the logical step further after monotheism and personally I think it makes sense. It is much easier to stop believing in the existence of something that cannot be detected. If we still had a god of thunder and no other explanation of thunder, thunder would be proof of its existence.

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And there's many religious people that have contributed to science. Georges LemaƮtre was a Catholic Priest and set the foundation for the Big Bang theory. Muslims developed Algebra and many other things. Gregor Mendel set the foundation to Genetics, which also was a Priest. And then you have many Jews who invented alot of things but were rejected as the authors of their inventions because they were jews.

Without religion this could have happened as well. Or do you really want to claim that if religion wasnt invented, people wouldn't have done any research or stuff?
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Without religion this could have happened as well. Or do you really want to claim that if religion wasnt invented, people wouldn't have done any research or stuff?

ofc he isnt claiming that.  twas a response to iirc panos saying religion held science back.  read the hole thread lol :'D

but seriously.  religion talk on gaming forum ftw!
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Exactly. Just like monotheistic religions in their time, atheism is the next step for humanity. There were far worse things than church, like rules of the tribe or sacrifices to animal gods etc. But now we have better thing than religion and it's called science. Maybe one day we'll find out science was wrong and someone will come up with something even better, who knows. I can already feel the wrath of many scientists, just because I said science could be wrong. Many of them aren't much different than religious nutjobs, don't you agree? :wink:

It's in human nature to be scared of new stuff, that's the real problem here. Never be afraid of trying new stuff and never stop questioning yourself, it's the only way to improve. Ask Marie Curie, if you meet her someday. There's no heaven and hell, but who knows, maybe our conscience don't die with our bodies. After all, it's all energy and you can't destroy the energy.