Author Topic: bringing order to the Chaos  (Read 22945 times)

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #90 on: June 14, 2013, 10:25:55 pm »
Sandy you are 100% correct. Especially your spoiler. I have felt this way for a long time but didn't give a shit to put it so eloquently and still don't. Thanks for doing it for me. The rest of NA needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize FCC is and will win strat unless something is done. Way to go nerds you're being out nerded by nerds scared to be wiped from the map banding together. Orange block scum. Fight them or bend the knee as so many cowards have done already.

FIDLGB and CHAOS had the past year to do something about it (or do anything at all lol) lord knows LCO/SS were busy duking it with FCC/BIRD/TKoV the majority of strat and never got any help. We didn't ask for it or need it but instead just invited people to get in on the fun war. Quite impressively Fimbulfuckers (who at least skirmished with SS/LCO) and CHAOS/FIDLGB managed to accomplish nothing when Strat interest was at its peak and are now sitting around wondering why they don't have any allies or help when everyone's already burnt out.  Enjoy The Game
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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #91 on: June 14, 2013, 10:29:00 pm »
Sandy you are 100% correct. Especially your spoiler. I have felt this way for a long time but didn't give a shit to put it so eloquently and still don't. Thanks for doing it for me. The rest of NA needs to get their heads out of their asses and realize FCC is and will win strat unless something is done. Way to go nerds you're being out nerded by nerds scared to be wiped from the map banding together. Orange block scum. Fight them or bend the knee stand with them as so many cowards great people have done already.

Fixed that a bit :P
I think sandy does some discredit to everyone though... we didn't do well cause we had stacked rosters fighting against a buncha scrubs. Most of our battles were against excellent rosters but we managed to get some really key victories, whether the other side made some tactical mistakes or didnt gear up as well as they could have or maybe our guys just had a better day or stuck together more i dunno.. but we got where we are by winning a lot of hard fought victories against extremely skilled enemy teams. It is unfortunate that a lot of people lose interest in strat when things are going poorly for them but that has always been the case with strat... its just more fun when you are accomplishing what you want to accomplish.

Will FCC end up "winning" strat 4... maybe... but if that ends up happening I think FCC could easily splinter into a enough unique groups to make things lively again :P. The initial FCC groups (BRD, Cavalieres, Unicorns and Narwhal) actually have less fiefs now than earlier this strat.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #92 on: June 14, 2013, 10:43:02 pm »

Will FCC end up "winning" strat 4... maybe... but if that ends up happening I think FCC could easily splinter into a enough unique groups to make things lively again :P. The initial FCC groups (BRD, Cavalieres, Unicorns and Narwhal) actually have less fiefs now than earlier this strat.

Gmnotutuo has been promised we will break up and form theme factions against each other at some point for mad xp and fun (think pikes on horseback v 3x as many tickets of plate armored guys with rondels) (either that or we will invade and conquer DRZ - one or the other).  Also, a lot of new factions  (6 and counting) are coming into strategus on na side now and increasing the activity of the community - helping them get started by making room for them by wiping out the 2 most stagnant factions on NA - yeah that actually adds to the strategus game.  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #93 on: June 14, 2013, 10:49:35 pm »
Assuming we believe we're underdogs would be...well, an assumption. If it helps, I'm pretty sure we're the first to acknowledge somewhere on the forums that we'd become the 'NA UIF'.

Quite honestly, there's a part of FCC that doesn't find this fun. It's not fun unless we have our backs against a wall, and at the same time there's this driving need to constantly become bros with other clans. It's just a question of who wants what more.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #94 on: June 14, 2013, 10:54:17 pm »
Assuming we believe we're underdogs would be...well, an assumption. If it helps, I'm pretty sure we're the first to acknowledge somewhere on the forums that we'd become the 'NA UIF'.

Quite honestly, there's a part of FCC that doesn't find this fun. It's not fun unless we have our backs against a wall, and at the same time there's this driving need to constantly become bros with other clans. It's just a question of who wants what more.

I think the most important thing is that the vast majority of us enjoy lots of fights for lots of xp. i dont forsee us ever sitting around doing nothing.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #95 on: June 14, 2013, 11:23:00 pm »
that nails it on the head. FCC falls to pieces when there is nothing to do. Look at strat 3. We imploded and were off the map completely because we decided to sit around and wait till we got the best gear with the most tickets etc... All the fief owners fell asleep and let everything be taken away. Then used that as an excellent excuse to play other games for a while.

This strat we wanted it to be more like 1 and 2. Get involved and fight. Live or die that did not really matter but we wanted to get intrigue and battles. I have said it before... people may hate us but you have to appreciate that we keep strat interesting. A lot of the people we absorbed wanted to be part of strat but did not want the headache of trying to organize a faction. Most of the strat leaders with more than 1 fief can understand that I am sure.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #96 on: June 14, 2013, 11:30:48 pm »
Tahlberl, Burglen, Ibiran, Yalibe. These are names of fiefs that FCC has absorbed into their all consuming overlord red blob of doom.

Wait, no.

These are the names of fiefs FCC has conquered and given/sold to small or completely new Strat factions that wanted to get started on the map in the last days.

FCC may be many things, but besides smart diplomats and strategists, they are not here to win Strat by wiping everyone out and owning the whole map - they try to keep things going and interesting.
For while the fire in the heart of a single Remnant still burns... can Stratia truly have fallen?

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #97 on: June 15, 2013, 12:01:25 am »
Everything Dynamike said is very true.

While they hold a very strange forum front, and sometimes contradict themselves, they are really the only faction willing to give up land for smaller factions to become involved.  3rdRL and these new Berserk guys are the latest example, they honestly probably wouldn't have had much of a chance without a clan giving them land.  Considering that they aren't expected to work as vassals (unlike just about any other faction) and can stay sovereign as their own color, I'd say it's a pretty good way to get them started on their own path.
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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #98 on: June 15, 2013, 12:25:57 am »
Don't tell it to us, Artyem! Sparvico can attest to the same about us. Funnily enough, FCC wanted to destroy TKoD after we gave them a fief and they aligned with Occitan/Hospitaller, because they weren't serving FCC's interest. We told them they couldn't.

Honestly giving away a fief is often the best tactical decision along with the best decision for the sake of the community to encourage more players. It's not really an abnormal thing to do.

EDIT: Also Smoothbitch is gay.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #99 on: June 15, 2013, 12:27:32 am »
All I know is Chaos was the clan that took a stand against DRZ last strat before they took over NA. Who were the NA factions mercing for DRZ during that time? Hospitaller, Occitan, and ATS. Hospitaller already met their deserved fate but there are 2 factions thriving that never got their comeuppance for kissing the feet of the Russians.
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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #100 on: June 15, 2013, 12:43:15 am »
Several people have been given or offered fiefs from FCC with no strings attached, myself included. You can also add Arowaine/Occitan making that kind of offer as well so at least some of the larger clans do understand that getting upstart clans a spot helps overall.

Also, agreeing with Smoothrich. For better or worse, play the game and have fun. As a former member of both LLJK and BIRD clan, you know clans that actually had wars, it's more fun to go down fighting than sitting in fiefs doing nothing except muttering "That mean ole Kesh, I will show him!" :lol:
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No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.



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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #101 on: June 15, 2013, 01:00:52 am »
Just something partially unrelated that I feel like saying here is that people really, really need to stop treating my faction like we're just sitting in two fiefs hiding because we aren't "brave enough" or "organized enough" to attack. The true matter of fact is that we're just not stupid enough... If you look at things on the Strategus map, we are doing the sensible thing. My math here just showed me that in fief garrisons alone FCC has 40,000 troops. That is multiple times what my faction has in its entirety. Lets see, my faction has what? 10,000 troops? At best 13,000?

Clearly I should listen and be goaded into attacking FCC! The responsibility clearly lies with us, since we are at very best 1/4 their size in troops, right?

inb4 "but all are troops are out attacking lol y wont u help chopas and fudlbggg? xDDD"
inb4 "k"
inb4 "kesh is a my old friend"
inb4 "thats not even what we're talking about"
inb4 "so maaddd xDD D trold u"
inb4 "everyone is druzhina it dusnt matter neway"
inb4 "thank you based fcc"
inb4 "homo-erotic table porn"

bretty good 10/10

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #102 on: June 15, 2013, 01:19:41 am »
Tahlberl, Burglen, Ibiran, Yalibe. These are names of fiefs that FCC has absorbed into their all consuming overlord red blob of doom.

Wait, no.

These are the names of fiefs FCC has conquered and given/sold to small or completely new Strat factions that wanted to get started on the map in the last days.

FCC may be many things, but besides smart diplomats and strategists, they are not here to win Strat by wiping everyone out and owning the whole map - they try to keep things going and interesting.

Everything Dynamike said is very true.

While they hold a very strange forum front, and sometimes contradict themselves, they are really the only faction willing to give up land for smaller factions to become involved.  3rdRL and these new Berserk guys are the latest example, they honestly probably wouldn't have had much of a chance without a clan giving them land.  Considering that they aren't expected to work as vassals (unlike just about any other faction) and can stay sovereign as their own color, I'd say it's a pretty good way to get them started on their own path.

Several people have been given or offered fiefs from FCC with no strings attached, myself included. You can also add Arowaine/Occitan making that kind of offer as well so at least some of the larger clans do understand that getting upstart clans a spot helps overall.

Also, agreeing with Smoothrich. For better or worse, play the game and have fun. As a former member of both LLJK and BIRD clan, you know clans that actually had wars, it's more fun to go down fighting than sitting in fiefs doing nothing except muttering "That mean ole Kesh, I will show him!" :lol:

Honestly giving away a fief is often the best tactical decision along with the best decision for the sake of the community to encourage more players. It's not really an abnormal thing to do.

For all you people preaching the altruism of the FCC, you're forgetting the key to this strategy:

Giving a fief to a faction uninvolved in a war immediately after its conquest restricts the faction who previously owned it from being able to safely retake it. It furthers the war effort against them if they try. It's a shady tactic, one that has been the M.O. of the FCC in almost every strat, as near as I can tell. This time, at least, several groups were just straight up absorbed into the faction.

Get the small factions on your side, as many as you can muster, then give them things for "free". When someone whose land was stolen wants it back, what do they have to do? They have to fight through this small and, in many cases, new faction to get it back. This faction will, of course, turn to their FCC philanthropists with their big hearts and shiny armies, and will get going against a clan who was previously only fighting FCC.

The flip side of encouraging new people on the map in that fashion is that it's a cheap way to get unofficial allies and prevent dynamic map play for people at war.

FIDLGB and CHAOS had the past year to do something about it (or do anything at all lol) lord knows LCO/SS were busy duking it with FCC/BIRD/TKoV the majority of strat and never got any help. We didn't ask for it or need it but instead just invited people to get in on the fun war. Quite impressively Fimbulfuckers (who at least skirmished with SS/LCO) and CHAOS/FIDLGB managed to accomplish nothing when Strat interest was at its peak and are now sitting around wondering why they don't have any allies or help when everyone's already burnt out.  Enjoy The Game

We were supporting LCO with trades during their war before the HoC blockade was announced. It's unfortunate not to have wars, but just because we weren't at war constantly doesn't mean we were doing nothing.

Remember when we went to war with The Coalition back in November? Well, that little effort we put forth against them wiped clean a large share of what we'd acquired up until that point. We simply have not had the manpower to be successfully aggressive against clans any larger than, say, Teutonic Knights were.

We also made the mistake, before, of approaching "who should we pit ourselves against?" in a diplomatic way. We didn't want to support KUTT, and we didn't want to support Hospitaller. Sorry to those guys, but we didn't necessarily favor you over your enemy at that point.

At a time when we did favor one side in a major war, it was against the largest faction on the map who shared a border with us. It was daunting. However, we learned from our mistake not doing anything at that time, and went on to become more reckless.

We've technically initiated four wars this strat; with a three month gap between the first two and a two month gap between the second. Long stretches without battles, but we were doing what we could. We struck the first blow in this current war on April 15th, with about a week of downtime from the last (admittedly small) conflict.

We've only been in wars that we have started and you people still say we do nothing.

If we're not on the offensive it has much to do with what Daruvian just said: it's just not practical to attack a faction with the resources and manpower to shut us down on every assault. Before we were ever at war, at the point when the FCC's losses were approximately in the 30,000 range I tallied up every ticket we'd ever spent, recruited onto a player (including the base 100) or put into a garrison: they'd lost more tickets than we'd ever recruited at that point, and they were still actively at war. For them it isn't a choice of "protect fiefs or spend tickets attacking?" because they have the resources to do both.


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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #103 on: June 15, 2013, 01:30:05 am »
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Fuck it I'll just take the mute for posting this.

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Re: bringing order to the Chaos
« Reply #104 on: June 15, 2013, 01:49:51 am »
If we're not on the offensive it has much to do with what Daruvian just said: it's just not practical to attack a faction with the resources and manpower to shut us down on every assault. Before we were ever at war, at the point when the FCC's losses were approximately in the 30,000 range I tallied up every ticket we'd ever spent, recruited onto a player (including the base 100) or put into a garrison: they'd lost more tickets than we'd ever recruited at that point, and they were still actively at war. For them it isn't a choice of "protect fiefs or spend tickets attacking?" because they have the resources to do both.

I feel like the objective of Strategus isn't to wipe a clan in a war of total annihilation, but to provide entertainment to the bored nerds of the community with primetime battle slots so we can pump more ironflesh into our powerleveled sperg 2handed hero characters. Kudos to actually getting in on some action, but I gotta scoff at people going "WHERE IS OUR HELP???" when SS/LCO (especially LCO) spent months fighting for survival against extremely stacked odds while getting frustrated/burnt out with the game (strat is a bitch after all) and other clans who coulda been chill bros didn't even lift a finger to get involved.

Tickets + Gold = XP + Fun. Don't worry too much about the Grand Strategy of it all, I think everyone who plays Strat just wants to keep a fun little sandbox to attack shit on interesting maps and get some XP and fun for all of their bored clanmates.

I spent most of this Strat giving FCC shit mostly for propaganda purposes, but at the very least give those guys some credit for having videogame ambition and organization. They are reliable allies and formidable enemies, but at least this strat (much like Strat 2) they have been super active.

I feel the same way about LCO and Veluca as well.  Cheers to the pro clans who've made this strat hilarious and interesting!
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 01:53:14 am by Smoothrich »
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