Dear Devs,
I know this has been brought up quite some times, although unanswered so far as far as I know. I want to ask something about "ghost projectiles".
I noticed that the average dev-activity is somewhat higher than usual on the forums in last few weeks. Questions concerning game mechanics are actually getting answered every now and then. No matter why this is, I want to take the opportunity to ask:
Why is the hitdetection regarding missiles so bad and why has every single one of the countless threads adressing this issue so far been ignored ?
It is a widely known fact that there exists a bug that causes missiles to travel through playermodels without getting registered as a hit. It happens on every server, at any time, any serverpopulation, any ping, any rangedweapon, any distance and any other value you can think of to alter. The only difference is that a year ago, "ghost proectiles" probably appeared at a rate of 10% per shot where as of now we seem to be at 30% - 50%. Any archer, thrower or xbower should have had the pleasure of experiencing this by now.
So why is this bug still there ? Is it unfixable ? Is it hardcoded ? Is it intended ? Is it due to a contract with the CIA ?