Again the addon does not give you directly access,
The information shared is very limited(troop count, faction color, player name plus the last point of appearance after leaving spotting range which fades out over time)
The plan is to make this usable also through a diplomatic system as a carrot to get factions openly and wantingly to use the diplomatic system. By that then, the strat devs have a way to see who is working with whom and therefor could balance large alliances. The shared information would then but be even more deminshed, like no exact numbers on troop count only the size of the dot, no player name only the faction name and its color)
The balancing i mentioned in the paragraph befor, but can't be done by us, as those things are very much server side things which cant be influenced through a client side script as ours.
Yes i see that making it public from the getgo would have earned me less hustle and conspiracy accusations, still
from my work philosophy, believe it or not i don't quite give a shit, form my philosophy i want to deliver something what is mostly bug free. Atm 3/4 of the guys in my faction who use this tool have outdated versions which because of that don't share the information which this addon provides, if i would have been sooooo keen on getting everything possible and abusing the hell out of it, these guys woul certainly all have the latest version or i would have set a policy in my faction to regularly check and update it, didn't happen. The same problem do have most of the other factions who use it, so again this is still under heavy development and is not always working as it is supposed to work.
There are other known bugs, which render this tool, challenging, parties are shown twice on the map, not always the data is added at all, you would need to refresh or scroll in and out, ....
The reasons for not giving out all information at once and only to a selctive group of people, have nothing to do with not wanting others to have it but out of pragmatism and wanting to have a stable version first and then in the end perhaps get some claps on the shoulder for something we achieved for the community.