You made a story out of my two sentences, perhaps i was a bit vauge.
Ho... you want user-friendliness ?
I have other games that might suit you better, like : "push this button as many times as you can", you know...
I didnt mean easy gameplay i meant an easier start, less peasent time and more time when you fell like you can make a difference etc.
If you can get everything now now now, it's failed. If you want everything now now now, you failed, or you are still a kid. There is no game where there is no frustration, the bad creates the good... It's just human.
I have what i need after a fair ammount of gameplay ( mw danish and lordly gloves) and i probably wont retire next get, ill try to hit 32. And when i do that ill just try to improve my skills in duel servers, play tournaments, play with my buddies and have fun. Maybe roll a few alts, play strat if it ever comes out.
There is plenty of stuff to do in this game besides grind. I dont know why people think the game is over when you hit high gens and get your mw items.
About the frustration part, tbh this game is one of the most if not the most frustrating game i have ever played. (especialy at the beggining) And i was realy frustrated at my start because i started a week or so before the big patch and i couldnt do anything but die. Thats what i meant by more user friendly - you get the feeling that you matter faster