While on the subject of PvP....pursuers are ridiculous. I don't think I've ever failed to kill someone with a single cast (that wasn't dodged); regardless of whether they had their shield up or not. Sorcery builds needed something for PvP but these new dark spells, well, pursuers and beads, are a bit over the top.
Has anyone tried deflecting pursuers with wrath of the gods? Does it work? I've been playing a faith build lately but the invasions tend to be lightning +5 spamming cheaters with invincibility and infinite stamina. Typical GFWL shit. I have not run into a sorcerer to test my suspicion yet.
so who do you think is the hardest boss? its kind of hard to tell when you are different levels, 'cause they don't scale right?
All the bosses are easy to defeat in my opinion. I've been playing this franchise since the release of Demon's Souls** though. I may not be the best measuring stick.
The hardest thing for me to do, however, was to cut the tail off of Kalameet for the first time. I was playing a straight INT build that had around 10 vitality at the time. I remember it took more than a few hits to take off the tail while any hit coming my way was sure to be a one-shot if it connected. I had to make a number of runs at that prick before I could get that crap sword.
**If you include Demon's Souls then I'm going with the Maneaters. They're assholes. Flamelurker would be a close second.