cRPG has hardened.. that's the problem. Also it's slowly dripping in fewer and fewer noobs to prey on, and there are mostly old-timers left.
Back in the day, skill levels were much more varied than now, where good players could play like they wanted with any strange or gimped build, and still do well.
Now, to do well, mediocre players are playing more and more cynical builds, like lame-playing cav and high level+high loom archery. Also, everyone seems to have looms. These are builds and playstyles players used to shun away from, but now it's becoming a way to survive and get some kills. Same with STR builds and long ass weapons with tons of armor.
The skill levels are so equalized that gear and build matters much more than before.
For c-rpg to be fun again, I'd say we need a vision of what kind of game we want. Personally I'd love to see cav and ranged nerfed hard, since getting kills are too easy with these classes and it's boring to die to them.