After a long time, I respeced, picked up MW arbalest and MW steel bolts from clan's armory and started once again playing as crossbowman.
The first thing I noticed was that I can't kill shit anymore. In average, it takes 4-5 bolts (shot at different players, not one person) that actually hit something to make a kill. MW Arbalest + MW steel bolts don't one shot anything anymore, except some archers, that is if they are not too far away. I am not counting head shots, because you can kill with headshots while using ordinary crossbow which reloads almost twice as fast.
I thought the whole point of having a weapon that takes ages to reload like arbalest was that it can actually one shot most players? User gets punished by reloading forever, being completely exposed while doing so, having to make his shots count and being unable to carry anything good as a side weapon. But, if it can't one shot even an archer IMO it's not worth it anymore. It seems much more reasonable to pick up crossbow, pack up greatsword or 1h+ shield with it. Because you WILL kill most of archers if you shot them twice with crossbow. Not to mention that they can fire 5-6 shots while you are reloading your precious arbalest. Multiply that by two, since you have to shot them twice and you get the picture.
Not to mention all those situations when a guy in light kuyak or heraldic mail sees you and charges you. You shot him poin blank, maybe take away half his health and then better grab that side arm. Because shooting a guy point blank with the most powerful crossbow in game just isn't enough.
So, I am asking, is this working as intended? Did arbalest get a little overnerfed?
Or am I completely off, or just having a bad luck streak the whole day yesterday?