HA is a viable build.
Armored horse trampler sniper is not.
Actually...Given real trained HA can accuratly shoot at speed, our new reticule with a "accurate/balanced build" is really bad with this patch...
Level 30 HA. With 155 WPP, PD4 and HA4
Pick here
That it's me, zoomed of course, when the reticule is at its "closest" point at full speed...
Compared that before patch I had a perfect reticule at full speed on courser and also had PD6, its a huge nerf. Either damage should be made back to pierce...Or as ive asked before, make HA5 every 5 agility points (this would need a new stat reset for HAs).
P.S since we dont know that the WPP cap is for archery and damage is so low now, I dont think its worth spending all points in archery unless you have sharp bodkin arrows (pierce +6) and possible a heriloomed bow.