I've started playing this mod in early December, seven days or so after I've bought the game on steam sale (if I'm not mistaken. Don't worry, this isn't another of those "I'm leaving" threads. This is just a retrospective.
At first, I'll talk about teamwork. Right now, teamwork isn't any better than it was when I started playing cRPG. Devs tried to change that and, since they cannot buff players minds and force them to use tactics, they decided to reduce impact single (smart and skilled) player have on battle outcome. That way, they "buffed" teamwork. This change reduced differences in player skill, which is the main point of this game.
Devs are still working on Operation Buff Teamwork, and final outcome is to make good and bad equally effective (by putting limitations on better players). That way, a group of bad players will always win against a single enemy, no matter how skilled he may be. That will be proof that teamwork has been buffed and it's finally giving results.
What that has to do with me? Well, I don't want to play game like that, which resembles crappy consoles ports. Question is, am I the only one who feels that way?
Therefore my suggestion is to stop with stupid nerfs and specialization and go back to the roots. I respect all the work you've done but that doesn't mean those changes were good. All your efforts to buff teamwork were futile, it's still where it was 20 months ago. You just made this game less interesting for those who look for a challenge and are willing to improve over time.
Remove some limitations you put on us. And make this mod more historically accurate while doing that. Think about some things you've done, dear devs. Think about results of those changes.
I'll give you a clue. Buffing individual player doesn't mean that you're nerfing teamwork. Team consists of individual players and by buffing them you're buffing the group as well. There are worse and better players, leave it that way. Worse players have two options: to cry for nerfs or to try to improve and become better. Don't fall for their trap, don't nerf the good ones because the bad ones feel insecure about themselves.