Author Topic: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.  (Read 13657 times)

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #90 on: June 23, 2012, 10:15:49 pm »
Guys. I challenge all of you to use a long dagger. Go on! Do it!
Daggers got nerfed more than any other weapon in the patch.  1h got hit harder than other weapons? True. Faster 1handers got hit harder? true. Shorter 1handers got hit harder? true.
Try using a dagger.

You'll thrust and you can't turn it more than 10 degrees MAX. People dodge out of the way of it effortlessly, and if you try to do a straight-ahead stab... you can't! it'll almost always glance! Now try chambering for your method of defense, Sure I can block myself with them, but my chamber overheads and thrusts WON'T hit the enemy. The attacks complete far before I can turn the 15 degrees into the enemy. I don't do that dumb turny bullshit everyone liked to do wqith long weapons, I always keep enemies in the center of my screen, and it got nerfed HARD. So hard I die to every random in battle because hitting the enemy is so hard so they just step to the side and keep side swinging.

I guess since nobody uses them nobody noticed and was vocal about it. I challenge you to go stab enemies with daggers.
This turn nerf shouldn't even apply to daggers, or 1h for that matter really.
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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #91 on: June 23, 2012, 10:17:43 pm »

Shield vs shield combat right now is boring.

Well, thats an opinion, and its probably more popular than mine.

I prefer a longer fight though, where people's lives are on the line, and theyre trying not to die.  not a video game KD style, 300/movie style mountain of quick kills for instant gratification, so many other games do that kinda thing already. -just my preference.

And taking MINUTES to kill Matey?   What the hay?  Shouldnt killing an armored man ready to face you with a shield take more than a few seconds?  :shock:

I'm happy to hear if people like the manual blocking as it is, but, to say that using a shield properly is 'easy mode' is crap. (not that you were saying that)  Its easier than manual block because manual blocking regardless of how much better it is than other games, is STILL clunky, and over simplified, that it hampers the manual blocker to an extent

A shield should be easier to block with,  Hell, most weapons shouldnt be able to block hardly anything but something within their own size range, and even then they should fail more. 

Personally, alot may not like it because of what theyve gotten used too here, but I feel that it would be a better game, if people that wanted consistent blocking, HAD to pretty much bring a shield, or become a two handed specialist. Blocking with one handers against large weapons, and the quick blocking with polearms in this game is kinda silly.

I dunno, maybe thats balance, and what makes it fun for people, but what I proposed (Not for this version of M&B but possibly in the future) would force everyone besides an archer and a two handed duelist, to either have a shield or expect to die quicker,  would create a battle field with more shields as it should be, and better medieval battlefield sim mechanics.

Meh, just dreaming outloud...

« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 10:32:30 pm by Vingnir the Wanderer »

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #92 on: June 23, 2012, 10:19:08 pm »
Guys. I challenge all of you to use a long dagger. Go on! Do it!
Daggers got nerfed more than any other weapon in the patch.  1h got hit harder than other weapons? True. Faster 1handers got hit harder? true. Shorter 1handers got hit harder? true.
Try using a dagger.

You'll thrust and you can't turn it more than 10 degrees MAX. People dodge out of the way of it effortlessly, and if you try to do a straight-ahead stab... you can't! it'll almost always glance! Now try chambering for your method of defense, Sure I can block myself with them, but my chamber overheads and thrusts WON'T hit the enemy. The attacks complete far before I can turn the 15 degrees into the enemy. I don't do that dumb turny bullshit everyone liked to do wqith long weapons, I always keep enemies in the center of my screen, and it got nerfed HARD. So hard I die to every random in battle because hitting the enemy is so hard so they just step to the side and keep side swinging.

I guess since nobody uses them nobody noticed and was vocal about it. I challenge you to go stab enemies with daggers.
This turn nerf shouldn't even apply to daggers, or 1h for that matter really.

It should apply to 1hs... lol. Or that would be completely unbalanced to limit all others weapons like that. But regarding the dagger(and a few other rly short 1hs), that is probably right. I will try it sometime on duel :P.
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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #93 on: June 23, 2012, 10:21:35 pm »
If I'm gonna add a mechanic that differentiates between quick parries and blocks might as well do something like that for shields.
Turtle fights bore me to death.

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #94 on: June 23, 2012, 10:28:47 pm »
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I guess I'm the one who would enjoy more influence of arcade mechanics.

About the GunZ experience, I saw it through from beginning to end (up till they started a cash shop and now it's pay to win). I think the glitches were what made the game into what it was, an insanely fast-paced game with a steep learning curve. That appealed to me as a gamer, more than the other passive grinding and aim and shoot MMOs. The downside was it threw every sense of realism out the window, and people only started using shotguns and katanas from the high variety of weapons.

I hope these future patches are aimed towards an equal mix of realism, balance, and difficult mechanics. I play this game because I get better and learn new things every day. The less difficult this game becomes, the smaller the skill gap between new and experienced players. That's when I will start to lose interest in the game.

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #95 on: June 23, 2012, 10:35:01 pm »
If I'm gonna add a mechanic that differentiates between quick parries and blocks might as well do something like that for shields.
Turtle fights bore me to death.

CMP I love you but you gotta buff turn stabbing for shorter weapons especially 1handers and short daggers and stuff

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #96 on: June 23, 2012, 10:46:47 pm »
If I'm gonna add a mechanic that differentiates between quick parries and blocks might as well do something like that for shields.
Turtle fights bore me to death.

What exactly does that mean?

I wouldnt go changing things because you personally dont like a particular playstyle, if its somewhat balanced.  Its not like Sword and board guys are owning the field, at best theyre utility as it is.   :rolleyes:

But to be honest, i dont even know what exactly quick parries and blocks by weapon blockers has to do with shielders, or what one would do to improve anything on that front. 

Meh i dunno, i'm really tired of the sentiment against shielders.  So they survive longer - YEAH, thats why they have a shield, thats why they used em in rl, and thats why all this manual blocking perfection if I choose the right direction regardless of physics/concussion/size of weapon, etc is, well lame and arcade like, and from my perspective, the lamest part of M&B and subsequently, a limiter on CRPG.

I dunno, I've grown tired of every game focused on killing, with no regard for SURVIVING. Surviving should be rewarded, and not just as a result of killing the other guy as quickly as possible. But i guess everyone has their preferences.

So, what did you have in mind, if you dont mind me asking?

« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 10:50:03 pm by Vingnir the Wanderer »

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #97 on: June 23, 2012, 10:49:50 pm »
It means you get less stun/shield damage if you raise the shield right before the weapon hits instead of turtling and waiting for the hit sound.

Offline Cyclopsided

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #98 on: June 23, 2012, 10:53:07 pm »
It means you get less stun/shield damage if you raise the shield right before the weapon hits instead of turtling and waiting for the hit sound.
sounds cute
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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #99 on: June 23, 2012, 10:53:11 pm »
It means you get less stun/shield damage if you raise the shield right before the weapon hits instead of turtling and waiting for the hit sound.

maybe I'm a little daft or missing the point, but how is that an improvement?

Turtlers btw are shielders who are just more disciplined than your average shielder.  your not supposed to constantly drop your shield arm once your engaged, thats just asking for trouble and not realistic - a real soldier would turtle as much as possible, we're talking about ones life here, not a larp session...?

-I guess I could see how moving your shield into position might reduce damage/ stun, but, even a turtler has to do that unless theyre using a gigantic shield, or their opponent is within 45 degrees directly in front of them. -you constantly have to turn the shield into the blocks, and the height level too. But a bonus because your not holding up your shield in a proper comfortable and strategic position, and you fling it up at the last minute?  Sounds wrong to me,  sounds somewhat spiteful of a shielder doing his job properly tbh...  I think you have to remember, that a shielder is making a stategic choice between either holding it up, or faster foot speed already as well. So theyre already 'penalized' for turtling...

I dunno
« Last Edit: June 23, 2012, 11:17:10 pm by Vingnir the Wanderer »

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #100 on: June 23, 2012, 10:57:25 pm »
Not having too much difficulty with the steel pick, although I did cry a little bit on the inside after I kept missing all of my overhead chambers from stabs. I will be patient for the staff to fix this in a way they deem appropriate. I think the short 1h CUT weapons will find it much harder than their blunt/pierce counterparts.

Offline Cyclopsided

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #101 on: June 23, 2012, 11:02:23 pm »
Not having too much difficulty with the steel pick, although I did cry a little bit on the inside after I kept missing all of my overhead chambers from stabs. I will be patient for the staff to fix this in a way they deem appropriate. I think the short 1h CUT weapons will find it much harder than their blunt/pierce counterparts.
well yeah, steel pick is mostly side swings. It's the thrusting 1handers that got hit hard.
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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #102 on: June 23, 2012, 11:04:05 pm »
maybe I'm a little daft or missing the point, but how is that an improvement?

Sounds more like a nerf to turtlers out of spite rather than objectivity or realism or game improvement (Unless your idea of game improvement is getting battles over as quickly as possible at the expense of realism and a class in the game that already has a hard enough time as it is with the rail guns and guys swinging  a 6 foot blade/12 foot pike, that somehow never have any lactic acid build up  :rolleyes:),

Turtlers btw are shielders who are just more disciplined than your average shielder.  your not supposed to constantly drop your shield arm once your engaged, thats just asking for trouble and not realistic - a real soldier would turtle as much as possible, we're talking about ones life here, not a larp session...?

It's an improvement because it discourages an extremely boring style of fighting and rewards skill. Might not be super-realistic, but at least it wouldn't be silly-looking like spin stabs.

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #103 on: June 23, 2012, 11:05:34 pm »
Well, I can't use overhead so I only have 1 truly viable swing against a competent opponent... Right swing is usable as a stab but is not reliable enough as a frontal assault attack. I can still do overheads sometimes, but it's not as reliable as before.

EDIT: What I mean is that you have to be really close for overheads, so slight movements on your opponent's part means a miss if you already released it.

About parrying, it'll have to be really good since it'll make fighting multiple opponents much harder since you can't parry more than 1 person if non-parried blocks are nerfed in any way. If I can't fight multiple opponents at all with shield, I might as well go 0 shield and get an extra point in PS or something since manually blocking is fine 1v1.

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Re: Turning speed nerf effects 1h more than 2h/pole.
« Reply #104 on: June 23, 2012, 11:07:51 pm »
About parrying, it'll have to be really good unless it'll make fighting multiple opponents much harder since you can't parry more than 1 person.

Or just don't use them against multiple opponents, unless you're feeling confident. That would be one of the advantages of having a shield, being able to drop back into turtle mode at will.