Lets see:
- Very low latency - check
- Heavy armor - check
- One of the greatswords - check
Why do i see patterns everywhere?
Yeah because there NEVER were scores like these with 1handers, bows, lances
ONLY two handers!!111 HUGE PATTERN!!!!1111
Do we really need to dig up a bunch of screenshots to prove that?
I made way better scores as a Lancer back then - with Bec/LHB - than ever was possible with a Great Sword, unless being defender on Siege mode (which also would be harder).
Weapon of choice doesn't matter for those who are well enough "trained" (anyone can become good with a little dedication).
C-RPG gameplay would be much better off if it had some of its old speed returned. Slower speed =
dumbed down = for the masses.
(Latency does help tremendously in MNB though, can feel a huge different playing with ping 10 or just my regular ping 50/60) - but I am against any sort of latency compensation.