Before I put up with racist hate mongering nobody seems to want to do anything about. I won't put up with it in my life, nor my gaming, regardless of what you claim the rules are. There will be NO apology EVER for tk'ing BlindPew / Braun, I will tk that motherfucker every chance I get.
This is not a threat, it is a promise.
This was beyond the off color joke, this was pure and simple hate mongering.
I don't know what is it always about trying to ban all racism. It will never be achieved, neither in real life nor in a game, not just because the line between a racist and a do-gooder is flowing.
Of course, if things happen like Frank described them, it's a bad thing and shouldn't happen. But I think people should be allowed to think what they want, and if they have to make a choice it's totally THEIR decision how they decide and on which criteria. The things that happened to Frank are not bad because they happened out of racism, they are bad because they involved violence. If they just thought thank Frank was an asshole or something like that, which children often do, would it have been better? Not a single bit.
Part of politeness is, that it happens on a voluntary base. If you are forced to be kind, it's no real kindness. So if you decide you don't want to be kind to someone, it is totally okay, because it HAS TO BE OKAY in a free country. So it is totally your decision if you are unpolite to a manager who just closed a fabric and reopened it in the third world, a sentenced child molester, a member of another party, to Jehova's Witnesses or to someone who is black/muslim/both/whatever.
So unless racism leads to harm of someone else it's totally irrelevant. And if it DOES lead to harm, it's still irrelevant, because the harm is the bad thing, not the motivation.
If someone is writing crap via the internet, no harm can be done to you, unless you allow it by taking it serious. This is just what those people want to achieve. I guess if racism was neither forbidden nor outlawed like now, those verbal attacks would most likely vanish, because they would have no effect. And some racistic jokes will always persist, not because of the racism itself, it's just that most often they are the most funny ones.

So don't make a drama. If you Teamkill one of those retards I think you are making yourself to something even worse than him, because he just tries to annoy and troll and can be muted, but you teamkill someone, which is much worse and a kind of "ingame violence". And the fact that you think it's "justice" and it's about you to decide what is right or wrong, who needs to get punished and how the punishment has to look like puts you on the same level of immaturity like Braun and his fellows.
In Germany, after 1968 where the generation following the "postwar"-generation, which more or less did like there never was a holocaust and the participation of their parents, started to ask questions like "How was einstein possible?" and so on, which grew to a grotesque extend where you are not allowed to dislike anybody who is a foreigner or something like that. It's like: "I don't like him, he's an arrogant asshole!" "Oh my god, you can't say that, he's a Jew!". Seriously.
The leftwinger in this country, mostly in the organisation "AntiFa", are exactly the same like the skindheads here, just with black hoodie shirts. They are equally willing to use violence and even seek the conflict, exactly like skinheads (okay, minus attacking foreign looking civilians). They made the slogan "No tolerance towards intolerance", and to me this is one of the most retarded sayings ever. If you are intolerant against intolerant people, you make yourself one of them.
I think the only way to differ yourself from racists is to say "I don't like what you say, but if it's about me to decide, you are free to say it.", because everyone in a free democracy should not only be allowed to say everything he wants, he should also be allowed to like or hate whatever he wants, for whatever reason he thinks is viable.
So stop your goddamn starry-eyed idealism, for god's sake, I have enough of it in the country I live, otherwise I'm gonna start to puke. No one likes saints.
This is not a threat, it is a promise.
This is another one of those stupid sayings. It even exists in German. Usually the definition of threatening someone is promising harm. Which makes such things very well a threat. This is not directed at you, Zisa, it's just meant in general, that not everything which is established is neccessarily valid.

Well our heads were used as a stair case.
Explains quite a lot

On a more serious note: I feel sorry for you. Such behaviour is truly inacceptable, but what can you do? Children are cruel.