First i was generally against Stamina when it was suggested because i think Melee is fine how it is.
But if u add breathing akay Stamina for Ranged Guys and Horses it would stop Archers from kitting and Cav from run arround like a Train 24/7.
Breahting for Ranged could simply make their Aim wiggel.The less Stamina they got the worster they are abel too aim or the less stamina the less hard they hit.Also that would decrease the kiting automaticlly...
Also optional In return for a Buff, every Shot could drain some Stamina, with a Skill for Stamina they can decide between slow Firerate and hard hitting or high Firerate.
The Horses should be abel too just sprint a relativ short Amount of Time that would fix the hole Cav Balance issue....The sprint time can be adjusted easily till its fit in the Gameplay.
So the only Problem is Melee in my Eyes since its fine.Could be generally have higher combat Speed.....but thats it.Just new Melee mechanics would justify Stamina for this classes in my opinion.Like Shieldbash or some new Stuff similar too kicking.
Maybe the Solution ,too left Melee mostly untouched but still use the Advantage of an Stamina System regards too Ranged and Cav, is how Stamina is gained by the Skillsystem.
I think also pure Range and Cav Players agree that the Melee System shouldnt be touched in the current Form.So i would give Ranged an obvisously but reasonabel Disadvantage.
For Exampel for all Melee spended WPF: 1h,2h and Pole are doubeld or tripeld Staminapoints gained in comparison too Ranged WPF:Archery,Xbow and Throwing.
Also Attributes that naturally used by INF Classes should give a huge Bonus at Stamina: Athl ,PS,IF,Shield in comparison too Ranged and Cav Attributes:PD,PT and Riding.
It would ofcourse kick crpg back into hard balancing Times but its the best way too improve the Depth in crpg me thinks.
If Stamina would be added while keep Melee untouched at first its not ment that it must stay like that.It would open up Possibilities too bring mor Depth in Melee aswell throug adding new Mechanics like Shieldbash,overworked Kicking,jumping,ducking,sprinting etc.. which use Stamina so Things alike not getting OP and staying reasonabel.
It just would mean doing it step by step
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greetz OD