Author Topic: Throwing Nerf  (Read 19225 times)

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #60 on: March 09, 2011, 06:16:21 pm »
The way I see it, throwing is fine.
It is the THROWERS who are causing this rage.
My current throwing character has an amazing 10 PT and PS. People rage when I one-shot them with my throwing but rarely when I one-hit them in the face.
If we were to cap PT at 5 and remove lances. And make throwing spears top weaponry I think throwing would become more balanced and we'd get less rage
Of course, many of us throwers will be furious if you lower our capability. But we're OP'd, so we're just being brought down to game standards
OR keep it as it is BUT lower stack size by one across the board but give a permament +2 when heirloomed to stack size (one time only) to sort out dedicated throwers who really want it from the spammy infantry. This way, after 1 heirloom, the throwing weapons would be about the same as now, only less frequent

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #61 on: March 09, 2011, 06:24:40 pm »
how can so many ppl be against throwing nerf? :?

Offline Vanular

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #62 on: March 09, 2011, 06:42:11 pm »
how can so many ppl be against throwing nerf? :?

Either they're throwers themselves, or archers.

People fail to look further than their own problems.

This 1hit pointblank and back-pedalling while spamming needs to stop.

People seem to think throwing should be as powerful a solution as other weapon combos, but fact remains that throwing is being used as a secondary weapon by people still fully capable of doing melee combat. Therefore, throwing should NOT be as powerful as other weapons by itself.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 06:46:21 pm by Vanular »
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #63 on: March 09, 2011, 07:28:30 pm »
Either they're throwers themselves, or archers.

You have not been blessed in the logic department. Archers demand that throwers recieve the same nerf that they got.  :rolleyes:
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #64 on: March 09, 2011, 07:44:16 pm »
I like that every class can OS and thus every class is called OP, oh and that every class requires no skill. At least this is the impression I get when I read these boards.

I understand that imbalances happen, but most of the time it seems to be a person raging because a weakness of their build was exploited by the enemy. I am interested in reading problems, but far too often I read "examples" that are basically a person exagerating and gambling that no one else plays the game (or at least the same build they have) and hopes no one catches them in the lie.

I would love to see more people actually level and properly play the class they think is OP before they actually start making suggestions on future nerfs.

Sad but true, if these boards are complaining about every class being OP then it seems like the game is mostly balanced at this point besides small tweaks to a select few game mechanics and weapons and armor (Like the Huscarl shield or Longbow, broken for different reasons).

But what do I know? I am overly biased. I play an Archer (which requires no skill and OSes everyone), a cavalry (which requires no skill and OSes everyone), a turtle thrower/1Her hybrid (which requires no skill and OSes everyone), a 2Her (which requires no skill and OSes everyone), and a few lulzy accounts (Like a poker, which I am certain is also OP and requires no skill).

 I just need to figure out, if everything requires no skill, then why are the leader boards in games dominated by a select few people? I guess they are power munchkins or something...

BRB, making a thread complaining about fists since a guy chambered and killed me several times with them, so I guess they are OP. Oh, and I need to remember to add a suggestion to nerf all ranged since every game there is a hailstorm of them in my face. I shoudl also remember to ask for a nerf against Melee too since I am tired of always dying to a 2Her or a 1Her, I mean come on, I am so sick and tired of all these Melee ... what is the proper term? Oh yes, Melee my old friendgs. Did I say that right? I mean, it seems every map at least half the team has a sword! Waaaaaaay too accessable, those should be more rare.

And what is up with all the horses?! Why is it that every time I play a game with 80 or 90 players, there is at least half a dozen horses on the map?! How dare they use a build that costs over 40 or 70K and defeat players using 30-40K gold builds?! OP! Oh-Freaking-Pee!

Am I missing anyone? Oh yeah, range throwers, those dang spammers, I hate them too. And those pokers to boot.


In all seriousness this thread does bring up good points, but would people so kindly stop exagerating reports of everything? You should realize that other people play this game too, and can and will call you on sky-high claims.

As usual, please take care, and I look forward to brutally murdering you on the battlefield, and experiencing the same inflicted on me. Have fun, and keep up the suggestion threads!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 07:47:06 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #65 on: March 09, 2011, 07:49:08 pm »
nice rant!

One thing.. a thrower, as far as I know, can not do the shitty xbow trick of waiting until the front of the weapon is beyond a shield then fire.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #66 on: March 09, 2011, 08:22:44 pm »
The way I see it, throwing is fine.
It is the THROWERS who are causing this rage.
My current throwing character has an amazing 10 PT and PS. People rage when I one-shot them with my throwing but rarely when I one-hit them in the face.
If we were to cap PT at 5 and remove lances. And make throwing spears top weaponry I think throwing would become more balanced and we'd get less rage
Of course, many of us throwers will be furious if you lower our capability. But we're OP'd, so we're just being brought down to game standards
OR keep it as it is BUT lower stack size by one across the board but give a permament +2 when heirloomed to stack size (one time only) to sort out dedicated throwers who really want it from the spammy infantry. This way, after 1 heirloom, the throwing weapons would be about the same as now, only less frequent
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #67 on: March 09, 2011, 09:46:13 pm »
You have not been blessed in the logic department. Archers demand that throwers recieve the same nerf that they got.  :rolleyes:

I've been away for 4 month. So I suppose I missed that nerf.

And the logic department also tells me than throwers throw at melees rather than at an archer standing 50 yards away, meaning that archers doesn't get point-blank 1shot by some guy that casually backed up and whipped out his throwing-axe because he got nervous about the whole blocking deal.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #68 on: March 10, 2011, 12:21:34 am »

In all seriousness this thread does bring up good points, but would people so kindly stop exagerating reports of everything? You should realize that other people play this game too, and can and will call you on sky-high claims.

As usual, please take care, and I look forward to brutally murdering you on the battlefield, and experiencing the same inflicted on me. Have fun, and keep up the suggestion threads!

First off, your rant was awesome, +1. However, you forgot to complain about the OP OS xbows.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #69 on: March 10, 2011, 12:30:01 am »
Its definately the high end throwing that needs to be nerfed.  Throwing should be encouraged as a hybrid and not as a pure class.

It feels cheesy when I get 1 shot killed from full health by a throwing lance to my body or legs by a guy with an all strength build.  There's no other way to describe it but cheese. 

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #70 on: March 10, 2011, 12:42:46 am »
I could one-shot most with medium STR for one with lances.
Yes I think leg shots or arm shots shouldn't be insta-kill. Perhaps take most of your health but not kill entirely.

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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #71 on: March 10, 2011, 01:23:05 am »
Its definately the high end throwing that needs to be nerfed.  Throwing should be encouraged as a hybrid and not as a pure class.

It feels cheesy when I get 1 shot killed from full health by a throwing lance to my body or legs by a guy with an all strength build.  There's no other way to describe it but cheese.

I disagree. And since throwing lances have about the same effective range as the flamberge, I'm going to request that if throwing lances get nerfed to the point where it is impossible to one-shot with them, two-handers get a similar nerf. Thanks.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #72 on: March 10, 2011, 02:27:45 am »
Throwing lances imo are not a problem sure they one hit alot but their hella expensive and only provide two per stack. Axes and jarids that are still fully capable of 1-2 shotting most people are what I hate. buut this all from the receiving end perspective I plan on making a full thrower and seeing whats up before I commit fully to the OPness. Currently I just want the spam to go away, and what I mean by spam since it is a very over used term is 1. errebody is a thrower for one reason or another and 2. How fast the reload rate and firing is, currently throwing is the only ranged wep with no kind of reload nvolved.
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #73 on: March 10, 2011, 02:28:44 am »
I've been away for 4 month. So I suppose I missed that nerf.

And the logic department also tells me than throwers throw at melees rather than at an archer standing 50 yards away, meaning that archers doesn't get point-blank 1shot by some guy that casually backed up and whipped out his throwing-axe because he got nervous about the whole blocking deal.

It just is an amazing thing how people who haven't played the game in 4 months, find their way RIGHT AWAY into a game balance/Nerf thread!!. :!:
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Re: Throwing Nerf
« Reply #74 on: March 10, 2011, 03:46:12 am »
Having just retired a "Hybrid" Thrower (21/18 5PS, 5Ath, 6WM, 7PT) (113 Wpp Pole/ 120 wpp Throwing), I've concluded that the only REAL problems with throwing are 1. Throwing lances and 2. Rate of fire.

While a lot of people gripe about the Damage that throwing does, they fail to acknowledge the fact that Most melee fighters (of level, that being lvl 20-30), will kill you in anywhere from 1-3 hits as well. Those who make the accuracy argument... Are you kidding me? Until you make it to a decent power throw, we'll say 6, throwing is a Joke, or an act of God. Literally, hit or miss, and more often then not, unless you've taken the time to get used to the throwing mechanics of leading and drop and all that jazz, you will Miss, and it will lead to your horrible death.

Going back to my points of what's I feel is wrong with throwing, Throwing lances are ridiculously powerful, but as the Top tier throwing weapon... They should be! Now, I agree that the throwing damage should be lowered a bit, because as people have pointed out, unless it's a head shot, it probably shouldn't 1 shot kill you. However, if Throwing lances are changed in any way, you might as well use the Jarids. More ammo, good damage, more accurate (assuming you have the PT to throw lances in the first place).

Second point is the rate of fire. It's ridiculous that you barely have time to recover from the first thrown object before the second one is in transit. While throwing projectiles may be slow, and for some "skilled" players, easily dodged, if you're going against anyone who has had some practice with throwing, there's a good chance they'll be able to make you a damn porcupine before you can recover unless they miss, or you have a shield.
All that being said, I honestly think that lowering the Rate of fire of all thrown weapons and lowering the damage of JUST THROWING LANCES would balance throwing with the rest of the Over powered crap in this game. As for those people who complain that the Purists are "OP"... well.. THEY SHOULD BE. They SPECIALIZE in that crap. A PT10-13 Should smash your damn face in with a rock from 15 feet away.

TL:DR - Throwing lances and Rate of fire are the problems (Excluding the amount of people throwing, which seems to have gone down). Lower Lance damage and Change animation/slow throwing speed.

Ultimately, quit your god damn whining, and adapt to the situation.