Having just retired a "Hybrid" Thrower (21/18 5PS, 5Ath, 6WM, 7PT) (113 Wpp Pole/ 120 wpp Throwing), I've concluded that the only REAL problems with throwing are 1. Throwing lances and 2. Rate of fire.
While a lot of people gripe about the Damage that throwing does, they fail to acknowledge the fact that Most melee fighters (of level, that being lvl 20-30), will kill you in anywhere from 1-3 hits as well. Those who make the accuracy argument... Are you kidding me? Until you make it to a decent power throw, we'll say 6, throwing is a Joke, or an act of God. Literally, hit or miss, and more often then not, unless you've taken the time to get used to the throwing mechanics of leading and drop and all that jazz, you will Miss, and it will lead to your horrible death.
Going back to my points of what's I feel is wrong with throwing, Throwing lances are ridiculously powerful, but as the Top tier throwing weapon... They should be! Now, I agree that the throwing damage should be lowered a bit, because as people have pointed out, unless it's a head shot, it probably shouldn't 1 shot kill you. However, if Throwing lances are changed in any way, you might as well use the Jarids. More ammo, good damage, more accurate (assuming you have the PT to throw lances in the first place).
Second point is the rate of fire. It's ridiculous that you barely have time to recover from the first thrown object before the second one is in transit. While throwing projectiles may be slow, and for some "skilled" players, easily dodged, if you're going against anyone who has had some practice with throwing, there's a good chance they'll be able to make you a damn porcupine before you can recover unless they miss, or you have a shield.
All that being said, I honestly think that lowering the Rate of fire of all thrown weapons and lowering the damage of JUST THROWING LANCES would balance throwing with the rest of the Over powered crap in this game. As for those people who complain that the Purists are "OP"... well.. THEY SHOULD BE. They SPECIALIZE in that crap. A PT10-13 Should smash your damn face in with a rock from 15 feet away.
TL:DR - Throwing lances and Rate of fire are the problems (Excluding the amount of people throwing, which seems to have gone down). Lower Lance damage and Change animation/slow throwing speed.
Ultimately, quit your god damn whining, and adapt to the situation.