I get the impression that this thread was created aftyer yesterday's games where we had nearly ALL our members playing.
Sometimes it happens we get together, play an rape, the amount of QQ related to this is quite out of proportion compared to the time we rape the server...
I like playing with my clan mates, that's the point of being in a clan for me, we get on teamspeak play and laugh together. I really dont want to be pushed into strat because clans are only allowed to play this if its members wants to play together, thats retarded.
and we are not the only ones, sometimes i see the bandits topping the scoreboards with pubbers saying ; bandit banner is the way to go!!
yesterday was a rare occasion, we managed to have 20 players on teamspeak and everyone was like : WTF???. It was pretty unusal!
I hear other clans have like 70+ members!!(bashis, greys, templols) where are they? raping siege? but hey we dont care about siege, i dont play there rofl. Kind of ironic because you'll find more noobs and newbes there then anywhere else (and i admit i like to go there to feel better about myself)
We dont have that much members, but 75% are active ( I sometimes wonder if they have a life)
About our banners, it's getting out of control, I'v counted at least 5 players,each from different clans, using our banner!
with the pubbers it's worse, I recall a round when we hid behind a wall, after 2 minuts we charged and died. we then noticed that within the 7 banners that were hiding behind the wall, only 3 out of 7 were actually real byzants, so only 3 of us charged on order...
banner balance isnt that soft with us, chase gets tossed around like a ball in a chinese ping pong match and other byzants get regurlarly tossed around. we dont actually play with that much teamwork sometimes, we'v actually got good players that rack up an insane amount of kills(like Chase, gravoth, warlord) and many others join our ranks .
stopping me playing with my bros would kill it for me and make me play less :/
i find no fun in strat, i wont to play with my buddies on the eu servers