Author Topic: Gold/Experience on Kills  (Read 3254 times)

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Offline Rasputin

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Gold/Experience on Kills
« on: March 04, 2011, 05:47:32 pm »
Since the grind at 30 can get slightly boring, what if once you hit 30 you would get gold/exp on personal kills, or even just experience, as encouragement to do well and to decrease the grind a tiny bit as reward for doing well.

If it gave extra gold, could lead to tincans affording heavier gear, if that turns out to be a bad thing could just be a experience boost in the 100-500 range with a possible decrease on siege servers.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 05:48:34 pm by Rasputin »

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2011, 06:56:00 pm »
chadz already answered this.

He said he tried it and it caused horrible levels of kill stealing.
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Offline Daergar

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2011, 07:06:15 pm »
chadz already answered this.

He said he tried it and it caused horrible levels of kill stealing.

Indeed, plus archers and other support classes/builds would get shafted.

Now, if there was a way to give a small bonus based on damage dealt, damage absorbed/blocked, number of enemies hit and the likes, I'd be all for it. Though I highly doubt that it'd be feasible.

And while archers would be even more shafted by this; bonus for being near the (siege mode) flag when an enemy is near, be it attacker or defender. Something to entice people to help the team instead of rampaging the backlines and killing idle peasants. Which, granted, can be amusing but was never helpful for the team to begin with.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 07:08:16 pm by Daergar »

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2011, 07:10:53 pm »
Again this thread...

Did you play before the patch?

Offline Khalim

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 07:58:32 pm »
I cant imagine that it was worse before the patch with kill stealing(I started after).
It simple makes no sense that standing around, waiting, provides more motivation then getting kills.

When I started, I was VERY EXCITED beeing close to the battleline because I thought, that I get only xp when I was near fights. Now I know better. I could also do kamikaze leeching.

Even chadz encourages this:

OK: Being a bad player and getting no kills

And it is really not difficult to hide kamikaze leeching and do more important things along the way then active grinding, which takes too long for beginner.

My Fazit.:

chadz has a point with abolishing the kill steal issue, but the way it is now is DEFINITLY NOT BETTER! It is mandatory that SKILL has to be rewarded for a successful game on long terms.

I bet, that the game/Xp system will be changed significantly, when all people know better. I can predict this.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 08:05:08 pm by Khalim »

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2011, 08:26:46 pm »
Don't get me wrong, I disagree with chadz here. Just saying he probably wont support it.

I think kill stealing will be non issue or small issue.

In RL, your income was a combination of pay for service (our pay by the minute already implemented)
and standing over dead bodies.  (collecting lootz)

Although, if we just gave a gold bonus to whomever was closest to the dead person at time of death ranged units would get pissed. ( But hey archers didnt get to collect loot in RL either right?  (-:   )

UPDATE:   On a related note I think exp/gold multiplier should go up each time you get a kill without dying
« Last Edit: March 04, 2011, 08:28:36 pm by Kharn »
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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2011, 09:17:40 pm »
You should gain EXP/gold for the damage you deal, not for your kills. Maybe that would work

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2011, 09:29:58 pm »
Autoclicker, automatic hold down W, go afk for a day, be level 27?

Offline Khalim

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2011, 12:31:17 pm »
You should gain EXP/gold for the damage you deal, not for your kills. Maybe that would work

Short sentance which much wisdome +1 ;)

Autoclicker, automatic hold down W, go afk for a day, be level 27?

This wont work. I have not tried this yet, but First of all you have to accept your gear every round(just klicking "W" would not bypass this, so you have to use a script or something.

The only functional leeching method is to "play bad" and use Alt-Tab.

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2011, 05:14:13 pm »
every online/offline videogame with team deathmatch has "killsteals" or what us grownups call teamwork. staying alive for a tick per minute is dumb as shit. def needs some work.

theres no reward for killing besides winning a round. we might as well take the kills and death Tab menu off.
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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2011, 08:17:03 pm »
I really hate how people take chadz word as if he is an omnipotent being; "It didn't work"... "Durr Okay God."

Gold should be based on winning rounds like now and also kills (very small amount for kills), experience based on proximity to the fighting like in the good ole days (i dont remember if kills counted then, but they should).

Looting skill: increases gold for kills

Trade: increases gold per minute OR decreases cost of items

Maybe tactics and training for a similar XP gain.

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2011, 08:22:55 pm »
I really hate how people take chadz word as if he is an omnipotent being; "It didn't work"... "Durr Okay God."

cRPG is chadz' mod. He is the one that makes the final decision on anything. If we should take anyone's word like that, it SHOULD be him. Go make your own mod and quiet. He took away my Loony Toons Axe (the weapon that kept me on this mod), and I still don't bitch about much.
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Anders you have a fucking ban thread every day it seems, you lead a sad life my friend. Ban threads are the cancer that kill this mod.

Offline Khalim

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2011, 08:32:59 pm »
I really hate how people take chadz word as if he is an omnipotent being; "It didn't work"... "Durr Okay God."

Gold should be based on winning rounds like now and also kills (very small amount for kills), experience based on proximity to the fighting like in the good ole days (i dont remember if kills counted then, but they should).

Looting skill: increases gold for kills

Trade: increases gold per minute OR decreases cost of items

Maybe tactics and training for a similar XP gain.

First I was over enthusiastic about your suggestion, because I liked the idea that skilled players could convert their skill points to skills which are useless for combat but useful for income. (Less Powerstrike, more Looting)

But the downside of this is, that characterbuilds might get nerved. I guess nobody wants to play a "castrated" character who gets more money. Most players want to max out their combatcapability.

I think that maybe the possibility to convert gold to XP can be interessing(but only if heavy armour is cheaper and more useful)
So skilled player would have "worse" gear, but get more xp.

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #13 on: March 09, 2011, 01:23:41 pm »
No I don't like to get teamkilled even more, they've changed it the way it is for half a year by now and it's fine.

Offline Joker86

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Re: Gold/Experience on Kills
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2011, 04:52:28 pm »
cRPG is a TEAM BASED game. It is not a stage where you are supposed to show off your 1337 skillz and your duelling power or your superior bow aim which needs literally years of training to learn to lead your target and calculate bullet drop (  :rolleyes: ), it's there to win with your team. The killing is not the goal, it's the way. Players are rewarded for achieving the goal (= winning the fucking round).

What I like about cRPG is, that basically not the team with more/better skilled players wins, but the team with more brainpower and tactics. If you want a game where only your reflexes count, then piss off and play counterstrike, there you are rewarded for kills and can jerk off onto your k/d ratio. In cRPG you need brain, which is much more interesting and challenging than having the better reflexes or whatever. In fact having the better reflexes (e.g. for winning those super hard duels with chamberblocking and shit) is like being a body builder, who tries to raise more weight than others. But sooner or later you will reach the maximum performance your body is capable of, and there will always be someone who has a better body than you, with better reflexes or more strength.

Your brain is another story, as every human on the world can catch anything, intelligence only determines the time he needs for this. So I think a game where success is based on thinking and not on being the fastest/strongest is much more interesting.

You make the fatal mistake of assuming that a player with a good k/d ratio is a good player! That's wrong, he is only a good fighter.

Take me for example: I never manage to block more than three hits in a row, and more than often I have negative k/d-ratios. And some time ago I even used to lose most rounds, usually being balanced into the weaker team. Then I started to think about tactics, and also about making my team follow them. So I do things which don't influence my k/d ratio positively, but my (unvisible  :cry: ) win/loss ratio.

- I equip three ladders for my team to be able to climb the walls of the castle the other team is spawning in (Maps created by total retards). The last slot is for my weapon. Usually I get shot to death with this setup.

- I charge through bottlenecks as first man, with my shield up all the time. Once I crossed it I don't stop but run away further, in the hope of pulling some defenders with me, relieving the bottleneck for my teammates to charge through. Usually I end up gangbanged or stopped by some penisless gaylord using the blockcrush-"feature".

- I ride around the back of the enemy team, drawing attention of enemy archers and pikeman, perhaps even splitting the enemy team up. Usually I end up with my horse being shot away under my ass and then either being shot by 20 arrows before even getting up or being gangbanged by some easy-kill-vultures.

If you want rewards for kills, I would get nothing all the time. Must be I am a bad player, huh? And those guys shooting me without having a shield, or who blockcrush me must be real pros, they deserve the bonus they got for killing me, as they have real skills.

Are you serious?

The shit I am doing usually (next to writing into teamchat while I am STILL ALIVE, to coordinate the team a bit and suggest some tactics or pointing to a mistake the other team makes or shit. Yes, really, it's not "everyone for himself" on the field  :shock: ) often makes my team win. Which I think makes me a better player than most others. Making kills doesn't change anything. I saw Finn being in the losing team for 10 rounds in a row before the patch. Instead of lolstomping everything he could have written some short commands into teamchat, I bet the team would have followed them (mostly). Of course this would have costed time he could have used for killing people, so his stats would look worse. But he would have won more rounds, I bet.

If chadz would follow your suggestions, Finn would be rewarded for first behaviour (egoistic killing spree, losing the round), and punished for latter (setting up tactics, playing as a team). I think it should be the other way round. And that's the case, at the moment. I hope this will never change, and I am confident it won't.

If you want being rewarded for being the better fighter, go and ask for a special duel server where rewards are distributed by an alternative way. Then you don't have to take care about teammates and tac... oh? You already don't? Well, then it would be the perfect solution for you.

Thread can be closed. Thanks.

Btw: kill stealing WOULD become a problem. Since I am playing cRPG people always complained about teammates shooting into meele. Do your really think this wouldn't get worse if kills would be rewarded? Are you serious? And did you ever try to play as pikeman, and kill the enemy rider you just dismounted, who is lying on the ground? Before you can stab him another time with the pike 5 vultures came by, gangraped him and teamattacked you, leaving you with 10 HP.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2011, 04:54:03 pm by Joker86 »
Joker makes a very good point.
î saved for eternety (without context  :mrgreen:)