i am a 1hander user
and tbh sidesword have too much dmg+speed. is the faster 1h sword, together with the same dmg of other slower swords.
the only downside is what 8 cm less than the top 1h longest sword? and only -5 from the majority ? have also pierce attack.
i think that a sword should not have more than 1 advantage respect others.
example? eslavona? top pierce dmg less cut dmg than others,
sarranid cavalry sworD? top reach. good cut dmg, slower
nordic champion? balanced between eslavona and sarranid , good cut dmg, slower
sidesworD? same dmg than sarranid and champion, but also faster, so need to chose 1, or remain faster than all other, at cost of some dmg, or lose speed at cost of more dmg., since is borned as a very fast sword, imho should lose 2-3 point dmg, and remain fast as it is or max -1/2 speed.
imho champion need some love.
fact is every sword have a sense.
sarranid = good for cavalry good cut dmg+ top reach slower
long eslavona = good for pierce dmg+ 2nd top reach fast
champion ? not top reach, not top dmg, not top speed, not not pierce dmg.
sidesword = good cut dmg+top speed , - reach
so sidesword need to lose some dmg, otherwise is pretty much a faster champion.
and champion need a role, maybe more cut dmg, so become top dmg 1h sword. at cost of speed/reach .
ps: just for a clue, i not use champion