This is horrible... truly freaking horrible... I say this as a thrower/polearm user and not an archer, my throwing lance/melee tactics are extremely fun, as I continously change from melee to ranged to melee, sure 90% of my damage comes from the throws, but their horrible aim, ammo amount, and the fact that I'm not capable of blocking with them in this mode sorta balances that out...
With your patch: I'm gonna have to hit with all three lances (I'd need the last one for the remaining melee), I'd only be able to fight one player per battle using ranged weapons, the already shitty armor I have to wear in order not to have my weapon nerfed into nonexistence will however still leave me one-hit by every other ranged.
Admit this is all a secret plan which is purely made to harm me. (JK, but PLEASE find a way to make this build stay playable as it's the most fun I've yet to have in C-rpg.)
- Serpent Zlisch The Slippery, that guy everyone hates from EU_3.