@ Christo: Went to bed yesterday, so I couldn't answer^^
I have nothing against shieldwalls, you misunderstand me. What I don't like is, that shieldwall is the only tactic, that comes to people's minds on a random plains map. And usually they totally fail at their shieldwalls, that's what I was talking about. I've seen good shieldwalls and it's is nice to use them as cover (either for shooting or for walking forward), but they are a rare species in crpg.
So next time read again instead of putting all ranged players into one drawer.
Oh yeah, that is why we have about 50 top archers in crpg who always kill everyone and top the lists most of the time.
Check all these archers out there and you will see how many can survive if they don't go on a roof because someone placed a ladder. And check out how many of them can really hit someone on purpose instead of by luck
It never comes to the mind of people like you, that players might be archers, because it is fun to shoot with a bow and because crpg is the best game (I know) when it comes to archery? Nah can't be true. It is all because they are noobs and can't play melee etc etc
Someone here suggested to place fixed ladders or something so that roofs can't be unreachable anymore and thus would make roofcamping less attractive and delete deployable ladders from battle.
I really like that idea and suggested it a couple of times, but no dev ever made any comment about it. I suppose it wouldn't be that hard for someone who knows about mapmaking, just going through all the maps and maybe add 1-2 ladders to roofs (preferably from both sides or from the middle so that no team gets an advantage). Noone demands such a thing to be done in one day dear devs, but it is still the best idea to deal with roofcamping problem in my opinion.
Some people will now start saying the same old stuff again like "Yeah but when there are 10 archers on a roof they can still shoot you even when there is a fixed ladder".
True dat, but wayne? I can still get killed when I play on a server, does it mean I'll quit playing?
If people were clever, they would immediately send a couple of fast shielders onto the rooftops when they start to fill with archers or when they reach the house. Most archers usually miss too much or don't do enough dmg to stop all these shielders or they will just run as soon as someone approaches the roof (happens alot).
But for that people would have to stop throwing away their brain as soon as they take a shield.
I know some really good shielders, but most shielders in this game only protect themselves with their shield (they even dodge arrows because they could scratch their shield instead of protectin their team) and fight for themselves.
When people stop thinking, that the most important thing is, that they kill everyone on their own and that they have to stay alive until the round ends, then we might be able to get some good teamwork and we might be able to deal with roofcamping.
Why not sometimes sacrifise yourself for you team? It's a good thing, might help your team win and at least shows some kind of teamplay.
Have fun ripping my post