Dude, Oblivion isn't native PC game. Morrowind was and it was ported to original Xbox, but Oblivion is multiplatform game.
by native i mean programmed for a core platform. if gets ported to zillion toy consoles, don't mean it is not done mainly for the PC.
but that's not the point. the point is that oblivion/skyrim have the second best fighting gameplay while M&B fighting system is imo the milestone to consider.
the other classic click RPGs can't even fit in cos is just a dice roll. the only RPG i liked for the combat system (way before M&B 1.0) was dark age of camelot. still a roll dice but there was hit chains, riposte attacks, on evade, on block, on parry, positional moves (flanks, front, rear) and stealth moves (front, rear).