Author Topic: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth  (Read 15016 times)

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #165 on: March 09, 2012, 09:02:48 am »
I think this testing was done with targets with way too much health. A 15 STR char with 0 IF has 50 hp. a 21 STR char with 5 IF has 66 hp and 70 hp if 7 IF. I consider that to be extremely much IF really. If going 24 STR with 8 IF one has 75 hp. and I would say this is like going crazy on getting as much hp as possible. About 95 % of the people playing in the server has between 35 and 60 hp. Most people also have between 0 and 50 armor. That makes this target the typical target:
Most hits to kill:  3  (Target:  55 hp, 46 body armor.  Long distance shots)

So one can say 95% of the players can be killed with maximum 3 shots, even on long range.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #166 on: March 09, 2012, 02:06:29 pm »
I think this testing was done with targets with way too much health. A 15 STR char with 0 IF has 50 hp. a 21 STR char with 5 IF has 66 hp and 70 hp if 7 IF. I consider that to be extremely much IF really. If going 24 STR with 8 IF one has 75 hp. and I would say this is like going crazy on getting as much hp as possible. About 95 % of the people playing in the server has between 35 and 60 hp. Most people also have between 0 and 50 armor.

I assume you are EU?

Considering that HP is the most important factor in absorbing archer blows, and EU seems to be the biggest contributors to the "nerf archery" lobby, perhaps this is more of a meta game problem and not really one about ranged balance.
Holy crap I have a youtube gaming channel!

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #167 on: March 09, 2012, 02:55:48 pm »
+1, People just lobby with nerf archery. I agree some instances its bs, but meh its crpg. I'm in the lobby for the longbow.That shit got wrecked by chadz. Longbow can be out drawn, by horn bow etc naturaly but, the longbow should be able to out shoot them, But, it can't. the stats on the horn bow closely related to the longbow when it comes to ranged combat. This is also comming from being an archer back in the day, and being one in the crappy excuse  for a bow it is now, and I was easly getting out shot by horn bow etc.

Archery is suppose to do a bit of dammage, on the account it is all we have for our offence, and defence. shooting shielders is insane now, the forcefield they have is messed up. How are archers suppose to defend them selfs against shielders? where is the balance in that when its inpossible to shoot them from the front, and if they know your shooting at them, they always aim towards you, and go your way, naturaly. People complain about archers running away when thats our last defence, and happens what we are good at, Shielders are one of those reasons why archers run the fuck away, when they come waltsing around with shields that take half of your arrows to distroy.

PS. another little topic to bring up.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2012, 02:57:10 pm by Sellka »
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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #168 on: March 09, 2012, 10:57:08 pm »
Archery is fine if you disagree learn how to play and...

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #169 on: March 10, 2012, 12:06:06 am »
Archery is fine if you disagree learn how to play and...

Should listen to your own advice as it needs to be tweeked :V
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 12:22:44 am by Sellka »
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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #170 on: March 10, 2012, 12:41:59 am »
      Archery is suppose to do a bit of dammage, on the account it is all we have for our offence, and defence. shooting shielders is insane now, the forcefield they have is messed up. How are archers suppose to defend them selfs against shielders? where is the balance in that when its inpossible to shoot them from the front, and if they know your shooting at them, they always aim towards you, and go your way, naturaly. People complain about archers running away when thats our last defence, and happens what we are good at, Shielders are one of those reasons why archers run the fuck away, when they come waltsing around with shields that take half of your arrows to distroy.

Not true. I shoot shielders many times in the face even with their shields up or on the legs. they don't have forcefields as you put it and archers shouldn't be able to defend themselves against shielders....stop being a lone archer and try playing with your team maybe? If you follow your infantry you won't have to run very far because he will get attacked in the back....

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #171 on: March 10, 2012, 09:41:43 am »
Agree on the last one....forcefield has been gone for ages now. Ask the shielders, some are still complaining about it cause they loved to be ultra protected^^

You can still defend yourself against shielders. Either try to run around them and shoot or just take your melee weapon (which you should have) and defend yourself until your team is close. And as Adalwulf said: Stick to your team. No need for lonesome archers who try to kill everyone out there alone. Archers need protection so they should always be close to teammates who defend them.

We can do high damage and we can do that over distance. But we can't really defend ourselves, we survive mostly only one hit and we get killed by cav easily the moment we start aiming (even when you checked your back before, they might come around a corner suddenly when you start aiming^^)   Live with it :)

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #172 on: March 10, 2012, 12:45:10 pm »
I have lately been playing my archer alt a lot. My "findings" is that archery isn't as "gay" as some people often say. In the levels before lvl 20 you can't really do much, and after hitting lvl 25 you are a killing machine. (if you have the skill, where the strategy and positioning skills are the most important I'd say. any noob can have good aim) And as I have mentioned earlier archery don't need a nerf.

However, I think archery needs a tweak. There should be done something to stop or reduce the effectivity of kiting archers, and bodkins should rather have +8 damage than piercing.

@MrShine: Yep I'm EU. Do really a lot of people stack STR that much over there in NA? I would consider a 24/15 build to be very STR focused and then one only has 75hp. At least compared to EU assuming that the average of players have between 64 and 76 HP and 52 to 68 armor is a bit wrong. (at least considering 76 hp would require 25 STR) And just so you know, don't get me wrong. I mentioned earlier in this post but I can repeat it: archery does not need a nerf. However, they could use some tweaks.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #173 on: March 10, 2012, 05:12:01 pm »
after hitting lvl 25 you are a killing machine. (if you have the skill, where the strategy and positioning skills are the most important I'd say. any noob can have good aim) And as I have mentioned earlier archery don't need a nerf.

The same point applies in some way to most classes but the level at which a class becomes useful varies.

However the end factor is always skill for every class, the average "noob" can in fact not be a killing machine even with a lvl 30 Archer or HA. :wink:
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