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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #120 on: October 19, 2011, 10:47:35 am »
it takes me 5-6 hits to kill a tincan
it takes me 3-4 hits to kill a medium troop
it takes me 2-3 hits to kill a lightyl armored guy
it takes me 1 hit to kill an unarmored guy.

This is with a MW danish great with 5 PS which I know isn't massive, but its still a decent amount.
Considering you are standing in the back lobbing arrows over a distance, this seems a tad unfair.
This is a low risk, medium-high reward class.

Dude my ARCHER has 5 PS. I don't know what you are calling your class, but it isn't a melee character.
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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #121 on: October 19, 2011, 11:10:42 am »
I really don't see what is so inconvenient about this "truth", that smug topic name just makes it look like you already were predisposed to one side of the discussion and never even thought the other side had many valid arguments. I especially like how you raise a couple of the more common insults and claims about the archers and never adress them afterwards for the most part.

Let's state the obvious: Your build is no standard, mw rus bow + mw bodkins is what you will see on most people with 6pd as lowest, often going higher. Archers are a much lower risk class than any melee or cav ones are, your biggest threat is cav which is countered by roofs and generally not being alone (not to mention that you can still gravely injure or kill a horse making you a not-so-likeable target for cav), archers can run away from infantry in all situations but extremes and that is a huge advantage over infantry who can't usually pick their fights or disengage at will unless they are using light armour which is somewhat unlikely or an agi heavy build which is just as unlikely.

Let me state something as a 2hander with a MW danish, 154wpf and 7PS:
I need anywhere between 4-6 hits to kill a tincan
I need 3-4 hits to kill a medium armoured guy
I need 1 or 2, where the former is much less likely, hits to kill a a lightly armoured person
I need 1 hit to kill an unarmoured person, naked or dresses level.

Oh and not to mention that my opponents CAN block my attacks and that I have to block their attacks as well. Much higher risk than archers are.

Everytime I get hit by an archer with rus/bodkins I loose from 20% up to 40% of my health (59) from speed bonus + pierce in a lordly transitional and no other armour heirlooms + mail gauntlets. Headshots are well over 50%, usually something like making me suspectible to being killed by a peasant with a staff. As an archer you will benefit a lot more from speed bonus because the enemy is probably moving relatively to your position, because your team is somewhere over there too.
Even with a 21/18 build, if I get into a 2v1 situation by best bet is to mingle between enemies looking for openings and otherwise I'm fucked if those 2 guys aren't complete retards. I can't run away like an archer can even in my medium-light armour.
Not to mention if archers are camping roofs there is completely nothing I can do about it, it doesn't even have to be a roof - just a defensible spot. No other class can completely shut down all options like that.
Archers stun, this really makes little sense when compared to how a hit from a 1.2m blade doesn't stop you from moving a second but an arrow does. In a 2v2 situation where one team is made up of 2melee guys and the other is an archer + any melee - all it takes for the archers side is to win is for his teammate to backpedal. Not to mention that 2 archers can easily benefit much more from teamwork than most classes.
Oh and archers are the only class which benefits from slowing terrain - hills, water, ladders etc. Noone else does.
Archers also easily benefit from flags appearing since they can kite to the end of the world without being in actual danger themselves.

I think I remember that at some point I read a post that in the future archery damage will be defined by bow damage and then arrows, which won't make you have more than 30 fucking pierce damage from a low risk weapon all over the map.
And let me mention roof campers one more time - they shut down most options on some maps - completely keeping you from fighting in a certain spot all the while being completely immune to any danger and being a huge danger themselves.

Also your post isn't fucking long and nor do I mean to imply mine is, that just seemed unnecessarily smug of you again.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 11:17:14 am by Fraemi »

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #122 on: October 19, 2011, 11:35:43 am »
Archery is horribly OP and still has the worst k/d right after dedicated throwers. That means archers suck skillwise. I hate them.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #123 on: October 19, 2011, 11:38:15 am »
k/d doesn't speak on efficency and the utility they provide.
Lots of new archers are also kids who have watched lotr or something and play shitty builds with heavy armour, the archers who know how to build them can't really fail.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #124 on: October 19, 2011, 01:00:48 pm »
it takes me 5-6 hits to kill a tincan
it takes me 3-4 hits to kill a medium troop
it takes me 2-3 hits to kill a lightyl armored guy
it takes me 1 hit to kill an unarmored guy.

This is with a MW danish great with 5 PS which I know isn't massive, but its still a decent amount.
Considering you are standing in the back lobbing arrows over a distance, this seems a tad unfair.
This is a low risk, medium-high reward class.

Wooki get your numbers correctly. Even I kill people with less hits on my melee char and I have 6ps and a 2x loomed heavy bastard sword^^

Most guys with light armour, let's say about 30, are maximum 2 hits from someone with your stats

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #125 on: October 19, 2011, 01:08:36 pm »
the archers who know how to build them can't really fail.

Apparently you have never played battle then...
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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #126 on: October 19, 2011, 01:11:33 pm »
it takes me 5-6 hits to kill a tincan
it takes me 3-4 hits to kill a medium troop
it takes me 2-3 hits to kill a lightyl armored guy
it takes me 1 hit to kill an unarmored guy.

This is with a MW danish great with 5 PS which I know isn't massive, but its still a decent amount.
Considering you are standing in the back lobbing arrows over a distance, this seems a tad unfair.
This is a low risk, medium-high reward class.

meh Wooki

it takes me 1-3 hits to kill a tincan
it takes me 1-2 hits to kill a medium troop
it takes me 1 hits to kill a lightly armored guy
it takes me 1 hit to kill an unarmored guy.

This is with 6 ps and mighty GLB.

Wanna 1hit somethig - take suitable weapon
Wanna be sworddancer - do not whine about your pity ps and cookie sword.
Wanna do more kills - whine a little to devs about crazy armor bonus of loomed armor (+14). On the other way this armor often save your life, so think twice before whining.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #127 on: October 19, 2011, 01:23:51 pm »

Oh and not to mention that my opponents CAN block my attacks and that I have to block their attacks as well. Much higher risk than archers are.

With the new way of missile speed people with more than 3 athletics can easily dodge arrows. Most people are just not good at that because they start moving before the archer even really aimed :/  That's not our fault.
Even I can dodge arrows with my 2 athletics as an archer, just because I check out where he is aiming at and I start moving a very short time before he releases his arrow. And if you are close then it is very hard to block attacks from a melee guy if you have no wpf in any other weapon than bows.

That argument doesn't really count I'd say.

Everytime I get hit by an archer with rus/bodkins I loose from 20% up to 40% of my health (59) from speed bonus + pierce in a lordly transitional and no other armour heirlooms + mail gauntlets. Headshots are well over 50%, usually something like making me suspectible to being killed by a peasant with a staff. As an archer you will benefit a lot more from speed bonus because the enemy is probably moving relatively to your position, because your team is somewhere over there too.
Even with a 21/18 build, if I get into a 2v1 situation by best bet is to mingle between enemies looking for openings and otherwise I'm fucked if those 2 guys aren't complete retards. I can't run away like an archer can even in my medium-light armour.
Not to mention if archers are camping roofs there is completely nothing I can do about it, it doesn't even have to be a roof - just a defensible spot. No other class can completely shut down all options like that.

Easy solution, hope dev team finally wakes up:

1. Remove the "arrow defines damage thing" again.
1.1 Hornbow is a bow for short range and fast shooting against light targets --> no pierce needed, let other guys handle the tincans or if not, well then shoot your 10 cut arrows into the can before it dies^^
1.2 Rusbow has as well no need for pierce as it is a very fast bow, good for shooting over longer range and it has a very high damage output and a very good accuracy (Whether you want to here it or not guys, but rusbow is still the most overpowered bow in this game and I guess it will sadly always be :/ ). You can still damage the tincans, but better would be shooting all the other guys, because you can do good damage and you can shoot fast.
1.3. Longbow however is meant to shoot maybe over the same distance as rusbow, but it is also meant to shoot people in heavy armour and maybe the heavy horses. That's why it needs and should have pierce as the only bow. Bad about the longbow is that you draw it very slow compared to other bows, that's why one should concentrate on heavier armoured targets, because the little runners will reach you before you even shot 2 times. Let people with fast bows handle them.

But it seems people would have to start thinking and playing in a team for that, so I guess it will never be like 1.1 to 1.3 :/

About the roofcamping: I think I proposed a very good suggestion in the thread about siegeequipment ingame: Remove ladders from battleservers, but put some more permanently attached ladders in. Means put maybe two fixed ladders into every villagemap, that are already attached to let's say two houses. That way ranged can still go up on roofs, but everyone else can always walk up the ladders to kill them. Roofcamping and such stuff will never happen again.
Of course a shielder should go up the roof then to kill the ranged, but if not then please dear twohanders or polearmers don't complain about getting shot afterwards, if you insist on running up a roof full of archers^^

Archers stun, this really makes little sense when compared to how a hit from a 1.2m blade doesn't stop you from moving a second but an arrow does. In a 2v2 situation where one team is made up of 2melee guys and the other is an archer + any melee - all it takes for the archers side is to win is for his teammate to backpedal. Not to mention that 2 archers can easily benefit much more from teamwork than most classes.

I don't know what game you play, but usually I get stunned by twohanded swords, polearms, bolts, arrows and incoming throwing stuff.  o.O  Tell me your hack that this only happens for arrows. You must be using one as it is well known that polearms stun almost every time^^

And about the backpedaling: Most melee guys are too stubborn and killhorny to do that while fighting someone, because they want to shot how epic and brave and good at dueling they are.  herpderp!  Well and most archers are too stupid to shoot the right person when shooting into melee and due to that so many people want a ban or friendly fire or whatever for that^^

I think I remember that at some point I read a post that in the future archery damage will be defined by bow damage and then arrows, which won't make you have more than 30 fucking pierce damage from a low risk weapon all over the map.
And let me mention roof campers one more time - they shut down most options on some maps - completely keeping you from fighting in a certain spot all the while being completely immune to any danger and being a huge danger themselves.

I don't understand what you mean here. That they want to remove "arrow defines damage" ? That would actually be good, because the way it is now it is worse as it gives hornbow and rusbow too much of an advantage.
Or do you mean that damage will be higher than now, because it will be both, cut and pierce? Hopefully not!  :shock:

the archers who know how to build them can't really fail.

Please what? There are so many archers out there doing the right stuff: walking around with little weight, using a good build, because they asked all the successful archers about theirs and they shoot at easy to hit targets and STILL so many of them are failing around. If I put some effort in it I might come up with about 10 names of in my opinion very good archers (and yes I know what a good archer is and what not so please do not talk about that^^) whereas the number of very good melee players is much higher.  :rolleyes:

I forgot something: Again I read something about archers are less threatened that other classes. Seriously guys, go play archer for a while and you know it's not true. Cavalry always tries to kill max amount of archers.
Lots of people try to sneak in from the sides of the map to kill as many archers as they can.
Many archers/ crossbowers try to concentrate on archers, because they usually stop moving the moment they shoot and are due to that a more or less easy hit and because they are a threat for their teammates.

And as a melee guy you can easily avoid much threat if you are smart enough. Just don't rush forward against everyone and learn to play with your team. That way you are less threatened, because most people just try to hit whatever is in reach instead of trying to hit that one special person (except it is Chase or Cooties or someone :D )

And some archers (me included) are in even more danger due to all these bad guys out there who always want to kill certain archers ^^
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 01:34:52 pm by Gisbert_of_Thuringia »

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #128 on: October 19, 2011, 01:48:38 pm »
Gisbert, do you remember how good was all bows before last patch? Don't you remember mw hornbows and bodkins for 600k at market? With this patch low tier bows has a chance at last. Not all archers wanna use only longbow.

Why I can see succesfull 2handers with low tier weapons like maul or even practice sword? Because it possible to play with it.
Why I do not see succesfull archers with short bow? Because it's impossible to play, while you need at least 4-6 arrows to kill naked peasant.

Cut damage for bows was just most epic fail decision of devs. You can find my early threads, when I record how you cant damage with mw hornbow and mw bodkins (as you remember they have +7 to damage in january) armored horse, even with 5 headshots in a row.

Show me succesfully archery with short bow or bow AND cut arrows, or stop this Longbow lobbying.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #129 on: October 19, 2011, 01:53:46 pm »
Well then maybe keep the piercething but reduce the damage for hornbow or something.

Or let's just ignore it (which I think devs will never do) ^^

I'm just trying to find a solution for all that whine whine by melee guys just because they don't like a certain class, before we get another big archernerf again  :rolleyes:

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #130 on: October 19, 2011, 02:17:10 pm »
My short bow finally has pierce damage, thank god.
You think you're pretty smart with your dago mustache and your greasy hair.

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #131 on: October 19, 2011, 02:27:52 pm »
I won't bother quoting everything in parts, but anyway:

I usually manage to dodge arrows while chasing one guy, archer support and mass suppressing is essentially undodgeable. If the archer even decides to hold his shot for a 0,25s more then he can still hit from a close enough distance. Hitting arrows is a lot easier than hitting melee strike against anyone who has any experience at this game, archery is like clicking moving icons while melee actually requires you to adapt to your enemy and use actual finesee which isn't comparable to that of every fps ever.
oh and wpf doesn't affect BLOCKING speed. Blocking speed is static, only thing you may be feeling is the weight-stun. Not to mention you are doing something very wrong if you can't run away from melee. Risk/Reward is something that should always be considered and right now archers have great ratio of both currently.

About roofing archers: No other class can completely shut down the options of another class, only archers can do this all the while recieving incredible safety. Guess what - there aren't always shielders availible especially in the later stages of the game when the archers still can camp and the shieldless can only hug the walls.

I didn't mention anything else apart from that ARROWS STUN, read carefully. Stating one thing doesn't exclude others. And two handed swords don't stun in the same fashion arrows/bolts/polearms do, you can still move and there is only a short window of time where you can't block/attack.
You basically said: "People don't do that" while I have seen many times people use this efficently and done this myself, an archer is a huge asset as one of the last men or in general.

I read the following: A portion of damage is defined by type of bow and a portion is defined by type of arrows. For example: Rus+Bodk. would be mostly CUT with a little PIERCE, unlike how it is now - full pierce.

Archery isn't hard, I played it before this patch and I still had about a k/d of 3 at level 31 and I played a very my old friendgy runaway/skirmish rus+tatars archer. Archery requires very similar skills to those you use to click icons and play every other fps in which you use projectile weapons. If you really fail at archery as well built lvl 30 archer - you are bad at using a mouse.

And risk wise - roofs counter all your risks and I can count on one hand how often I see archers who prefer ground level instead of a comfy roof. Cav can't do shit to a roof and all it takes is 2 archers crossfiring to even make that shielder reconsider getting on that roof.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 02:29:44 pm by Fraemi »

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #132 on: October 19, 2011, 02:33:21 pm »
Remember this?,16652.60.html
The voting is very close to 50%, and I remember chadz promising that balancing team will in those cases reconsider and at least give an explanation.
Paul's provocation on the first page of the topic I do not consider to be answer. And it would be nice to hear other members of balancing team. Yes, even Fasader.
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #133 on: October 19, 2011, 04:35:08 pm »
Hitting arrows is a lot easier than hitting melee strike against anyone who has any experience at this game, archery is like clicking moving icons while melee actually requires you to adapt to your enemy and use actual finesee which isn't comparable to that of every fps ever.

It seems you haven't played much of an archer.
This thread only tells you the inconvenient truth about damage, but there are more in battle:
bows are slow to load, the reticule doesn't hold for more than 1 sec, and the arrows themselfs are slow to the point that you can easely dodge them at a moderate distance. These nerfs also make it easy for any archer to miss a lot of shots against any moving target, and then when you manage to hit the enemy it's rarely a kill, unless you try shooting a bloodied target fighting in melee which is dangerous for the team.
All these facts can have a negative effect for the archer's ability to hit the enemy from the moment the target is chosen, to the moment the arrow gets there.
Also, most 2handers will become aware of you when you shoot them and then they just dodge your slow arrows and spam-slash you, because even if you manage to hit them a second, or even a third time, they usualy survive.
I should also mention that when an archer goes through all the process of shooting a far away target he usualy becomes very unaware of his surroundings making him a prime target for backstabers.
It can be quite childish for people to demand even more nerfs for archery, when the reason the engine works this way it's so 2handers dont cry as much, but it seems the more you give them, the more they want.
As for realism, running through the field with nothing but maille armor and a 2handed weapon should be a good way to get shot-killed. As I've said before, melee warriors usually didn't risk going into battle without a shield, unless they could afford decent plate armor. But if this isn't convincing enought, I can mention yet again that archers are usualy in the bottom of the scoreboards, for the reasons mentioned above, while even skilless 2handers can do much better. This is proof enought that archers are still nerfed when compared to other classes(exept maybe throwers).
So shut up and STOP ranting if you dont know what you're talking about.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 04:40:13 pm by Adamar »

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Re: Bodkins and Archery: An Inconvenient Truth
« Reply #134 on: October 19, 2011, 05:11:40 pm »
I've played 2 low gens of an archer with:
MW Horn + MW Tatars + Mace
MW Rus + MW Tatars + Hammer
and that was actually BEFORE the full pierce damage "buff"

I finished both generations with a k/d of about 3, let's not even mention sieges. I never had problems with awareness from either cav or inf because I didn't tunnel vision on one target (it's like an argument of "I'm bad - that's why we need buffs") and knew how to use the "view outfit" button.
I stopped playing an archer because I found the gameplay boring and withdrawn from the real action which is melee.
Also fuck defining by realism and don't state opinions as facts. A good or even a decent archer is better to be had on your team than a good or a decent anything else.