Alright in all honesty, Smoothrich says some pretty hilarious but hurtful things at times. Even then, the most damning things ive seen him say are what was in that TS chat. Im not even going to fault him for that since as a former admin seeing and talking with many other admins in the past, I know much worse things have been said when speaking candidly or freely outside of these forums. He's highly opinionated and people's opinions can really suck at times, but hey, we are all entitled to them right? And I know people want to bring in that whole "Oh hes an admin and hes expected to adhere to a higher standard of conduct while setting a good example for everyone on these forums." I say bullshit to that. This isn't the blizzard administrative staff we are talking about here. This isn't even a paying job. Whats more, the admin position as a whole is already plagued with inactivity and indecisiveness and in some cases blatant favoritism. On top of that, while ive met plenty of cool people, this is still one of the shittiest communities ive been a part of in a long time. I dont think the turkish trolls are going to be any less unbearable if they have the shining beacon of immaculate admin conduct constantly showering down upon them. I don't think other shit posters are going to stop from posting gems like "shitty NA's being shitty, get owned, amerifats" or "heh daily NA drama thread
" just because the in game moderators are always minding their P's and Q's. Maybe an admin's cool-headed response to the daily flood of idiotic complaints and tantrums from the average crpg player will cause said player to reflect upon their actions and straighten up and fly right? Maybe people on NA will stop saying shik is the reason for inconvenient server crashes during strat battles, thus making him the worst dev on the mod while shouting out "RETARD, THE SERVER" in IRC multiple times if he simply explains to them enough that it had nothing to do with him? Now, has smoothrich made some bad calls before? He certainly has, but I wouldn't say hes been any worse than some other, "good" admins. Just the other day Spookisland, a pretty infamous player was poll abused constantly in siege simply for being annoying in chat only to have an admin say "eh, if enough of the community agrees on it then it must be a valid reason for you to deserve it." This discussion went on in threads only to have the majority of the community telling spook to fuck off while supporting the admin. Meanwhile, a guy had has admin removed before he even knew what was happening simply because he capitalized on a noob's mistake in the marketplace, despite him actually being a pretty vigilant admin all because one guy who happened to be a clan mate of the victim bitched and moaned enough to cause the devs to agree to remove this players admin. The inconsistency on this forum is pretty disgusting. I know I certainly wouldn't ever list the crpg dev team as a reference if I ever wanted to apply as administrative staff in any other online game/community. Im not even trying to defend Smoothrich here, but come on; at least give valid reasons pertaining to in game/actual administrative conduct to back your campaign for trying to deadmin someone(trust me, they are out there.) Don't do it simply because they said something that hurt your feelings in a sub forum that has nothing to with being an admin what so ever. That's incredibly thin-skinned and part of the problem with this community. This is all opinion ofcourse!