True but you lack to see what counters what :
Yeah most people whine about their counter.
Yeah, you're right back on target about what i'm talking about and have given a great example. People will take one aspect they don't like and doggedly pursue its destruction despite the case. Kafein above me just listed
ranged as the counter to shielders, yet still could go on to be taken seriously in another balance topic somewhere else on the forum. This kind of one-tracked mindedness is not only rarely called out, but actually given credence and seemingly used in design decisions.
I'll just point that out again, this guy is claiming that
ranged is a counter to shielders. Sadly enough, if there's ever a poll on how ranged should progress his "ranged is the only killer, arrows and bolts cause cancer"-style mentality will still have the same vote as someone who, say, understands mechanics and how to block an arrow with a shield.
It's a sad state, really.