Ooooh, breaking down my post and saying "wrong" after each of my sentences... I see what you did there... Do you really want to have a conversation like this? Alright... if you insist.
Dozens of guys. Myself, i've retired 12 times and i have several level 28+ alts.
What you fail to realize, i think, is that some of us have been playing c-rpg for over a year. ![Smile :)](
So obviously you're out of touch with what's it's like to be new in this game.
Some of us can level our characters from 1 to 31 in two or three weeks.
Do "some of us" also maintain a healthy social life and work 50-60 hours per week?
That tin can has to pay upkeep also!
Lol, you sound like a republican trying to defend tax breaks for the wealthy.
Wrong: heirloomed items are not more expensive to upkeep.
I wasn't talking about upkeep, I was talking about
buying the items second hand on the marketplace.Anyway, you'll have some perspective when you've played the game a bit longer.
Ah, the stupid-nubs-don't-know-anything argument. Nice to see such lazy thinking from the admins.
The upkeep system is a very important innovation that does help the balance between old and new players.
You're joking right? The inequality between old and new players is painfully obvious. Just go on any server and you'll see the same tin cans doing the same thing all day.
I agree that old players have an advantage, but that advantage isn't just because of gear or a gold stockpile. It's mostly experience and skill that make the difference.
Lol, you're lying to yourself if you think "skill" is mostly responsible for your KD ratio. Sad to see an admin who's so naive about an online game.
The advantage heirlooms give you is small. Also, some players kick ass with a scythe at level 15, because they are just that damned good. It's not just their gear.
Please, by all means, name these players who are crushing tin cans on plated chargers with their scythes, I'm all ears.
There are a few mechanisms that 'help' new players. For example: you don't pay upkeep on gen 1 up to level 25 and you can make a new skip the fun character every week to try out builds.
A new player isn't someone below 25, a new player is someone who's still on their second generation and doesn't have 5+ heirloomed items. Earlier in this thread people were talking about what a big difference heirlooms make. I guess they're wrong though, eh? You know why so many players are continually respeccing to stay below 26? It's because upkeep costs are fucking excessive, ruin the fun and turn the game into a boring ass grind.
Myself, i love retiring.
You must love doing anything when you have retired as many times as I'm guessing you have and you have accumulated such excesses in heirloomed gear and gold.
Ages ago, crpg did not have retirement. Everybody just kept grinding and the differences between old and new players just got bigger and bigger...You had to be 'peasant' for months, dying to plate-armored, flamberge-wielding, armored-horse-riding level 40+ characters.
I played for a couple weeks when this mod was first released (been playing warband since day 1). It's still like that, it's just they have a ton of heirloomed items now instead of a couple extra levels. In order to make any gold you still have to be a peasent for months wearing shit gear and getting 1-shotted by 2h spamming heirloomed tin cans who then go on the forums and chalk it up to skill and are general dicks to newer players telling them they just need to grind more and it will all be better.
Trust me, retirement is a great way to level the playing field a bit.
Based on my experience here the past couple weeks, you're wrong. It's a horrible leveling function.
I'm not saying heirlooms, a few hundred thousand gold and a good selection of gear doesn't give any advantage.
Are you sure, because from what I've read in the rest of your post, it sort of sounds like you're saying it doesn't and that performance differences and enjoyment levels are 90% based on skill.
I'm just saying it could be much worse.
This is a retarded statement. Anything can be worse. Name a situation and I can tell you how it could be worse. A starving kid in africa could complain to me about not having food and I could say to him, "well there sonny boy, it could be worse, at least you don't have aids, why are you complaining?".
And about 'the gind'. Son, just stop grinding. You will get there eventually.
Focus on enjoying the game, focus on winning,
I think you should reroll a level one account with no heirlooms and no friends helping you out, start as a peasent and just "ignore the grind," just "focus on winning," (even though you have no influence over the outcome of the game as a peasant unless you count throwing ladders or distracting the enemy for a glorious 2-3 seconds it takes them to catch and one shot you.
focus on trying to organize your team into a good fighting group instead
who the hell is going to listen to the new scrub who tries to boss everyone around, I know i'm not...
If you're worried about money, consider selling your first heirloom point. It brings in 400 000 gold or more, if you're lucky. Or if you don't prefer using the more expensive items, instead heirloom something you use a lot. Or don't retire at all. Consider making alts. You can kick ass without heirlooms. Instead, focus on getting the right build, the right equipment and most importantly, the right play style.
Could you be more condescending please, I don't think you're being condescending enough here. You honestly believe new players aren't thinking about this as they grind round after round having very little influence on the game? And you out of touch mods and admins get mad at all the leechers. Maybe make the game a bit more insteresting during the "fun" part (aka boring ass fucking grind), and maybe the amount of leeching my decline a bit. Ever consider that?
I guess what i'm trying to say is, look at the game with a more long term perspective. It's a game you play many months. Don't grind, instead, try to enjoy the challenges the game gives you. Know it's not fair... know some of your opponents have an advantage... the victory should be even sweeter. ![Smile :)](
I have no incentive to win, as I have no influence over the outcome of battle matches as a new player. The only incentive is that eventually I'll be able to make a character that will stand an equal chance against these older players, because right now it's a boring, unrewarding grind where you stand little chance in battle and have to deal with stupid dick old players who chalk up their repeated victories to "skill". Give me a ton of gold / xp for killing a heirloomed tin can 2h spammer and I might actually consider trying. Until then there's no point. I'm just forced to sit there like a sponge and collect the xp like welfare checks, saving them so hopefully one day I can afford to compete.
Your current upkeep system turns this game into a boring grind and it's made worse by a bunch of forum chocolate chip cookie old players attacking anyone who complains about it.