Author Topic: fair cav behavior on battle servers  (Read 26620 times)

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Interesting points. Most I agree with. Except the afk at spawn one. There is no real excuse for being afk at spawn. If you clicked spawn then realised you needed the loo or got a phone call or something, then chances are they will just end up delaying the round at the end anyway. And even if they do come back half way through, if it helps the team, I'll do it. There's no real excuse in my opinion for being afk at spawn.

Bumping inf at round start, I have taken to trying to go the opposite direction recently. But the problem I find is that you often get inf who just stand stationary for a while and you have no choice but to bump them out the way. Yet I've had them rage at me for it. Also you often get cav/inf spawning right on top of each other. So whilst you don't see much inf around you (I play in 1st person), you can still end up bumping loads of your team. Half the time I just don't care. Weather that give me a bad reputation, I'm not bothered. Either I'm to tired to weave in and out of every damn inf, or I'm so fed up with inf raging about GK and stuff in chat that I just don't give a crap if they get a slight bump on round start. If it's a peasant I usually apologise. But I'm not going to apologise to someone who I know it doesn't hurt. Fact is I see it that the faster I get out there and shooting the enemy cav down, the better it is for my teams inf. If they get a slight knock at round hardly matters. It doesn't hurt the majority. But it means I'll engage their cav a fair amount faster than having to turn around of slowly weave through them all.

Rushing into melee fights I think I've gotten better with. I hold my shots a lot longer now until I'm fairly certain I have a clear one. If there's more than 2 friendly inf vs 1 enemy then I won't bother. But problem is when you get 1 vs 1 and your team mate knows you are there, but keeps spinning all over the damn place. It's counter intuitive to do that when all I have to do is swoop in, bump him and you get a free kill that helps the team. I think that it makes it harder for everyone when inf doesn't pay attention to this. Again if I shoot a team mate though I usually apologise, unless I get caught in a fight straight after.

The point about the crazy horse spamming out of control is a good one. That's been happening a lot to me recently and gotten me killed a good number of times. But it does mean it sometimes happens in the middle of friendlies. Though if that's the case I usually apologise and make it known on the spot that that's what happened.

The 3-4 cav charging one guy is something that has really been getting on my nerves recently. I'll often shoot down a guys horse, put a couple of arrows in him (whilst circling) and then have 3 melee cav launch themselves for the kill when I've done a lot of the work...and quite often I've been killed because my horse rears and I get stuck.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 12:43:30 am by Overdriven »

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I fully agree with Overdriven when it comes to spawn killing and team bumping at the start of round.

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Re: how to not ruin cavs reputation.
« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2011, 12:43:20 am »

masasa youre such a massiv retard its painfull to read your posts.

@Torben really nice thing youre trying to accomplish here and if you educate atleast one cav player you have suceeded in my eyes.

And now he can't play because of "common sense" and he doesn't understand how this common sense works
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No, this is flawed thinking.

Loosing a fight because you messed up - nps.

Loosing a fight because some dumb archer hit you in the back and got you stunned = sux balls.

That 2h fighting in front of you is actually a human being, not some robot calculating win percentage.

Show some respect man.

Losing the round because an archer is too scared to do anything about the enemy - sux balls.
Show some respect for your team, man.

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Offline DKriza

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Interesting points. Most I agree with. Except the afk at spawn one. There is no real excuse for being afk at spawn. If you clicked spawn then realised you needed the loo or got a phone call or something, then chances are they will just end up delaying the round at the end anyway. And even if they do come back half way through, if it helps the team, I'll do it. There's no real excuse in my opinion for being afk at spawn.

For some of us it does, i am spawning 10-15 sec latter then my teammates, its closer to 20 without low texture mod.
This is problem with my pc, or connection, or something else, but im still spawning very close to the couched lance.  :shock:
And after that first lag i don't have any problems with game performance, so it can ruin my game.
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In fact, they should remove scoreboards completely.
that or give us option to disable it. So many time i wanted a screen from that last kill, because it looked awesome, but no, the f... scoreboard is in the way.
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that or give us option to disable it. So many time i wanted a screen from that last kill, because it looked awesome, but no, the f... scoreboard is in the way.

lol same here : D
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I agree it is very funny that I load map faster than most people and get free spawn kill  :mrgreen:
"Dam those peasants bite hard"

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-stop killing people that havent moved on their spawn.  dont matter if afk or what ever,  if they havent moved yet,  just let them be.

From now on, I'll stop doing this. I'ma' edit this to say that I will kill enemy AFK's if they could pose a threat to my team's overall state of being. Such as an armored knight, a horseman, a longbowman.

-stop rushing into melee fights where u are not needed.

I always try to weigh the risks/benefits before helping allies. If it's a 1v1, I generally hope my ally will step aside. If not, I don't double back and try to help again and I just ride on to where I'm actually needed. Sometimes though, infantry can be pompous jackasses and try to 1v1 a guy they know will beat them and try to get the horseman to go away. But again, I try to avoid this.

-be foreseeing also to the actions of youre fellow cavmen.

Sometimes difficult, I attempt not to run into allied cav. Sometimes we're riding in opposite directions and we both turn the same way to avoid each other. Shit happens, but usually not a fault of mine


I NEVER EVER do this on purpose. I sometimes bump one or two guys trying to get out, but never on the ground, and usually when they take unexpected turns.

Overall, I'm just posting to say that I consider myself a good-hearted cavalryman who wants to help his team overall and that you are not alone in your morals of horsemanship.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 05:48:51 am by Reinhardt »
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Number 1 rule of cav - Always take the shot.
Number 2 - Teamkills count.

Offline Wookimonsta

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-stop killing people that havent moved on their spawn.  dont matter if afk or what ever,  if they havent moved yet,  just let them be.

to be honest, the reason i do this, is not because i want to kill the peasants at spawn, but some of the enemy cav gets it in their head to defend their spawn. so i ride in and stab one, and suddenly i got 3-4 cav on my tail. So i ride around hitting their spawn to ensure they follow me. This means i keep 3-4 cav from raping our inf.

-stop rushing into melee fights where u are not needed.
definitely, i try to avoid it

-be foreseeing also to the actions of youre fellow cavmen.   
i also hate it when i collide with a friendly cav which rears my horse and gets me killed.
Here is a protip, ALWAYS GO RIGHT. if we can all agree to this, such unsightly collisions will be a thing of the past.


on some maps it seems unavoidable since you get shot at spawn. I just try to bump as little as possible there, (except for clanmates).

there is some weird given thing,  from time to time cav looses control overr there horses
spelling errors aside, this is a real annoying problem, it seems to happen when your horse should rear up but doesn't. This results in losing control of horse, so forgive us inf if we bump you during this.
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
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<@Fasader> dexxtaa is clearly gay

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I think going for the AFK'ers and late spawners is totally OK, but it's a bit pussylike..

Careless trampling of teammates at spawn however.. We'll prepare for a small or severe ban from me if I see it. The more excessive the harder the ban. Could be 30 mins or 2 days depending on severity. This kind of jackass behaviour can ruin the day for many players. We come to play here to escape from the rotten RL out there, trying to have some fun, and some careless troll may ruin it all.

There is also certain "Loose horse within the first 40-50 seconds and respawn with fresh horse", "Horse Sharing" abuses that will lead to Essay bans. (GK you are warned)

It's been said before. Respect goes a long way, and leads to a better game for all of us. Cav has potential for lots of careless use, abuse and trolling of other players, please be aware of that.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

Offline Lorenzo_of_Iberia

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Some good tips Torben but we gotta realise that cav is often a reflex based style of play. Sometimes we are making split second decisions that are key to the rounds outcome, and yes sometimes those decisions involve variables that are unpredictable. For example you charge down a combat that is occuring and the friendly player does not give room but instead uses his high athletics to jump right in the way of the cavs charge. He then dies and moans when it was the cav just trying to help out, he could have left that combat alone for the one man to fight.

As for leaving the spawn and bumping teammates, I have to say I am a notorious teambumper at that point. However I dont think anyone has ever really complained as an arabian horse does next to no damage leaving the starting grid, so even the lightest armour stops damage. But I agree in the sense that heavier horses should be wary, it would be nice to see maybe a separate spawn for cavalry.

Finally AFK people at spawn is really cruel but fair game, these people have clicked in and then left the computer for whatever reason, that is not our fault :P as for others and their comments, I'd like to make a point that attacking stragglers that are at the back of the spawning column due to late spawn, AFK, ramboing, this is a good way to limit enemy numbers and its just reacting to their slowness. Should we honestly wait until they regroup and then ask them when they are ready? :P If Infantry had the option of an afk person, I imagine they would take it all the time...

So overall Torben has given some great ideas to make us look more honourable and to upset people less :)

but we are backstabbing arseholes afterall are we not?

Edit :
There is also certain "Loose horse within the first 40-50 seconds and respawn with fresh horse", "Horse Sharing" abuses that will lead to Essay bans. (GK you are warned)

Thomek I dont know what you are on about, no doubt some rage based ninja conspiracy :P

Edit Edit : to all those complaining about GK, would you rather have us on the other team? :P
« Last Edit: September 19, 2011, 10:32:38 am by Lorenzo_of_Iberia »
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to all those complaining about GK, would you rather have us on the other team? :P

Yes, I'd very much like to have your oversized ego's on the other team.
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Edit Edit : to all those complaining about GK, would you rather have us on the other team? :P
