Kesh, the problem is that we HAD a game where PURE devoted types could be devastating in their arena. But YOU had to go and ruin it by being SO effective as a PURE Archer, that archers in general got nerfed so hard that a PURE Archer build is no longer a viable option. You used to be able to kite and not HAVE to have a melee weapon. Run, spin jump, shoot, run, spin jump, shoot. Can't do that anymore because of the longer delays and reticule going Full Screen Mode if you move.
Congrats Kesh, you made this a game of hybrids.
What should happen is this: Increase overall WPF points it takes to go up 1 skill point, and Increase the amount of WPF gained from Weapon Mastery.
What is NOT being discussed here is that Balanced Hybrids ARE making a sacrifice. We can't 1 hit anyone. Why? We can only put a minimum into strength. A Pure build can have both the Str (DAMAGE) and the WPF speed/accuracy. Hybrids can't. So yes, hybrids have a ranged weapon to plink you with. You have superior strength and health! All it means is that by time you reach that hybrid, they might have taken enough health off you to make it a fair fight, because if not, it goes like this:
Hybrid hits you, You hit Hybrid, Hybrid dies