It seems that pew pew and long spears keep getting more and more common.
Back in the "good old days" Kesh could one shot my charger and one shot me in Full Gothic Plate as I got up, and I spent many an early morning
fighting dying in strat battles to an endless rain of DRZ arrows. There was no short supply of archers in those days. With each successive archery nerf more and more players have pealed away form the class, leaving only those committed to the class. You haven't been seeing an increase in the numbers of archers on the field, but a combination of increase in player skill, evolution of archer tactics and the obsolescence of retirement(after the patch leveling an archer is like pulling teeth, once an archer hits lvl 31 the game changes + Strat). All of this leads to a perception of an increased archer population because the average archer is now hitting more and doing more damage, due to the previously mentioned reasons.
For example, say the average lvl 27, archer hits 1 in every 4 shots they make. But the average lvl 31 archer is more accurate and hits 1 in every 3 shots. If your on the receiving end of the arrows all you see is that your getting hit 25% more then you use to. As more and more archers quite retirering you see the increase in accuracy and correlate that to more archers.
Also, before upkeep everyone who wasn't an archer carried a crossbow side arm. So the overall number of crossbows on the field has gone down. But what we have seen evolve since the last patch is the dedicated crossbow men. These builds are deadly accurate at range and can 1-hit almost all players on the field. So the general perception of the cross bow has changed from a shot gun to a sniper rifle. So more accurate xbow hits may explain the perception of greater pew pew on the field.
Overall, does this help your burn out problem? No, sorry. I just wanted dispel the vision that the game has turned into counter strike and half the players are archer/dedicated xbows.