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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #60 on: August 27, 2011, 04:23:48 am »
Yeah we , BashiBazouks,Risen,Legio,Union,LLJK  are all schizophrenic patients who make up stories and you guys are right i am sorry for being delusional.
Edit:I forgot the fact that LLJK used old school CIA methods to brainwash and provoke us against you .
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 04:26:34 am by koyama »

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #61 on: August 27, 2011, 04:36:38 am »
Great tactic there, start mentioning everyone as to show rally for your cause;

"Oh yeah so me and searaiders and John Doe and Jane Doe and faction 1/2/3 and and are one big conspiracy"

See what I did there? As if EVERYONE actually knows what is going on - most sign for the signs and say hi on teamspeak once in a while.

Wake up...

The only thing ever I've heard about is eradicating LLJK, which I wholeheartedly support because of their both out-game and in-game behavior that is IMO game-breaking. If anything it is disgusting to see you guys supporting them this fiercely, their rep transfers to everyone supporting them...

Then (fact) everyone jumped the wagon to try and secure land due to NA being able to contentiously attack at obscene hours, not enough cared to show up, I personally have stopped caring as well due to obscene hours, just signing up whenever and taking it as it goes. After that everyone stopped caring and split out into different directions, Pecores cared so little that they let people signup for their village defends, get accepted, then not even show up themselves letting everyone who signed up spawn naked. Yeah there's one big scary conspiracy going on here L O L.
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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #62 on: August 27, 2011, 04:45:36 am »
baw i got caught conspiring against lljk and lost my land, lets get mad at videogames

Offline HarunYahya

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #63 on: August 27, 2011, 04:46:30 am »
Great tactic there, start mentioning everyone as to show rally for your cause;

"Oh yeah so me and searaiders and John Doe and Jane Doe and faction 1/2/3 and and are one big conspiracy"

See what I did there? As if EVERYONE actually knows what is going on - most sign for the signs and say hi on teamspeak once in a while.

Wake up...

The only thing ever I've heard about is eradicating LLJK, which I wholeheartedly support because of their both out-game and in-game behavior that is IMO game-breaking. If anything it is disgusting to see you guys supporting them this fiercely, their rep transfers to everyone supporting them...

Then (fact) everyone jumped the wagon to try and secure land due to NA being able to contentiously attack at obscene hours, not enough cared to show up, I personally have stopped caring as well due to obscene hours, just signing up whenever and taking it as it goes. After that everyone stopped caring and split out into different directions, Pecores cared so little that they let people signup for their village defends, get accepted, then not even show up themselves letting everyone who signed up spawn naked. Yeah there's one big scary conspiracy going on here L O L.
This is getting more retardic every minute....,12125.msg171211.html#msg171211
I think you should read our declaration of war.
Our casus belli is written and signed by faction 1 , faction 2, faction 3 , John Doe,Jane Doe ...
I am saying the things we speak and things we heard doesn't match with posts i read .Keep denying and blaming me for being delusional and believe in your own alternate reality i don't give a fuck from now on.

Who are you to speak about facts of this war btw ? Are you in it actively ?Do you decide on political matters ? Were you in TS when we were speaking with Shogunates before this battle? Did anyone contacted with you for diplomacy ?
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 04:51:19 am by koyama »

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #64 on: August 27, 2011, 04:53:23 am »
Cool. Stuff is most likely getting wiped anyway so lets agree not to give a fuck together. I only promise to do if you do though, so no more posting. It's an honor thing now.


To answer your question: I know our orders in Strategus and the original intent with the desert, therefore I know that a big master-plan to attack you guys up-northwest is a joke :) Maybe some people talked about it but I am sure that random groups of people talk all sorts of shit on TS without it being a real plan, like "Hey lets wipe out the INSERT X FACTION because I hate them now that someone from them killed me on battle/siege" - I see this is a bunch of factions seeing a quick way to grab lands that is all. What I can't stand is that some factions with players I would consider proper gamers support this kind of laming and exploiting. I really only replied in the beginning due to you being in Cicero's faction.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 04:58:08 am by Nessaj »
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Offline Dede

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #65 on: August 27, 2011, 05:42:33 am »
lol dont be sarcastic ujin i did it because i pity on kapılulus which are turkish
Everyone that fights with you is perfect and your enemy is shit right ?

There is no "turkish alliance" nor any sympathy between the TR-clans. I rather think that you were worried about your tickets. From the beginning of Strategus, BashiBazouks were hostile to our clan. For each of our battles, your whole Clan have participated in the opposing side against us.
Why do you now have pity on us?

After our failed attack on Bardaq-Castle we learned that we can not trust other "turkish" clans, neither BashiBazouks nor Camels.  Sticking with Byzantium which we trust and like was the right move, and we dont regret it. Well right now we dont have any fiefs after those battles, but at least we have not betrayed any fraction. Apart from Bardaq-Castle, we would do the same again.

My personal opinion: Rather figthting  against the former "Bandits" Clan, it would have been better to alliance with them and fight Acre and the other traitors.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 06:08:04 am by Dede »

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #66 on: August 27, 2011, 06:32:01 am »
baw i got caught conspiring against lljk and lost my land, lets get mad at videogames
Honestly, can't anyone imagine how we feel in all this? We came to Strategus looking to have fun, and what happens? All of our enemies turn out to have the fighting ability of a damp rag.

First the gay little coalition against us crashed and burned within a week. Then ATS collapsed like poorly made Chinese patio furniture. Now the Shogunate are getting eaten up in a couple of days of sustained attack after a month of bragging about how they were going to mop the floor with us.

It's getting boring, guys. Start trying or stop becoming our rivals.  We don't want enemies that just half-ass it.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 06:34:44 am by Slantedfloors »

Offline HarunYahya

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #67 on: August 27, 2011, 06:50:08 am »
Cool. Stuff is most likely getting wiped anyway so lets agree not to give a fuck together. I only promise to do if you do though, so no more posting. It's an honor thing now.


To answer your question: I know our orders in Strategus and the original intent with the desert, therefore I know that a big master-plan to attack you guys up-northwest is a joke :)-1 Maybe some people talked about it but I am sure that random groups of people talk all sorts of shit on TS without it being a real plan-2, like "Hey lets wipe out the INSERT X FACTION because I hate them now that someone from them killed me on battle/siege" - I see this is a bunch of factions seeing a quick way to grab lands that is all. What I can't stand is that some factions with players I would consider proper gamers support this kind of laming and exploiting.-3 I really only replied in the beginning due to you being in Cicero's faction.
Cooties, we have a communication problem i think.
1-Did i say something like that ?
Can you trust a stranger who's powerful enough to kill you while you are sleeping and share your room with him ? After Shogunates leak of  LLJK plans,Shogunates "Friendly Offers" about lands they'll conquer from LLJK and the fact that we can't trust shogunates since they had really bad relations with Legio on last strategus.We couldn't trust on this.
2-Talks of clan leaders on TS about their future is called diplomacy it's not shittalk ;)
3-Strategus is made for fighting where is the laming and exploiting in it i really cannot understand ?
We proparly declared our war before we attack , we never signed NAP or something with Shogunates, we never used any exploits/bugs . What is the point of this game mode if you accuse clans who attack for exploiting and laming ? Shall we cuddle each other ?

There is no "turkish alliance" nor any sympathy between the TR-clans. I rather think that you were worried about your tickets. From the beginning of Strategus, BashiBazouks were hostile to our clan. For each of our battles, your whole Clan have participated in the opposing side against us.
Why do you now have pity on us?

After our failed attack on Bardaq-Castle we learned that we can not trust other "turkish" clans, neither BashiBazouks nor Camels.  Sticking with Byzantium which we trust and like was the right move, and we dont regret it. Well right now we dont have any fiefs after those battles, but at least we have not betrayed any fraction. Apart from Bardaq-Castle, we would do the same again.

My personal opinion: Rather figthting  against the former "Bandits" Clan, it would have been better to alliance with them and fight Acre and the other traitors.

Dede,it's true we don't like you but Kapikulu was the clan who declared us enemies on 1st week of strategus because of our 6 members fought against you on a battle which you waged on bandits at 7am weekday to win easily.You knew most of the bandits are working guys so you tried to take advantage of it. This is the lamest thing in this game i think and most of the community and devs thought the same so now we have "Night Time" to prevent this lame tactic.
I remember your "diplomat" ozan wrote "You are traitors you are fighting for foreigners !" after we participated Bandit side and now watching you fighting for Byzantium is a huge source of laugh for us.Watching you getting wiped out for the second time is more fun to be honest.You guys were too snob and you did a huge mistake by declaring war on us on 1st week of strategus now you'll suffer .You were snob because you thought you had the support of Fallens. I still remember Sultan Eren's threatening post to Gnjus as "You are too silly to attack a Fallen friendly clan." After you lost lots of troops on Bardaq and watching Fallens take Bardaq for themselves (Then GKs) and while you were getting ganked watching them doing nothing for you was another enjoyable thing to watch.You failed hard on diplomacy and you threatened lots of people now it's time for you to regret your fails and keep migrating.I feel no pity for Kapikulu they get what they deserved.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 07:06:13 am by koyama »

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #68 on: August 27, 2011, 07:10:15 am »
yes... our plan worked perfectly... MUAHAHAHA
His comments about Risen Hack situation
our plan worked pefrectly purple tank. > This is for the drama of our first attack that some of your allies tried to laugh.

There is no "turkish alliance" nor any sympathy between the TR-clans. I rather think that you were worried about your tickets. From the beginning of Strategus, BashiBazouks were hostile to our clan. For each of our battles, your whole Clan have participated in the opposing side against us.
Why do you now have pity on us?

After our failed attack on Bardaq-Castle we learned that we can not trust other "turkish" clans, neither BashiBazouks nor Camels.  Sticking with Byzantium which we trust and like was the right move, and we dont regret it. Well right now we dont have any fiefs after those battles, but at least we have not betrayed any fraction. Apart from Bardaq-Castle, we would do the same again.

Kapıkulu's hate us beucase we split from them as all veteran players to not play with bunch of teamkillers and -3 k:d ratio players as officers.
I pity on kapıkulu because they wiped out 2nd time from map and they moving with 20 to guards area.
I pity on kapıkulu because they are making RP and their real life chracter is ultra nationalist and making an alliance with a faction called " Byzantium " seem unlogical mistake ( actually not mistake its just for fighting against us and get wiped. )
I pity on kapıkulu because even i can beat kapıkulu in clan battle.

I really only replied in the beginning due to you being in Cicero's faction.
Which he is also replying you kindly because of you are a good person that i know.But cooties why are you raged about our battle against byzantium+pillagers ? I cant even see 1 searider in the area ?
Its not your war so i cant see the point that u are flaming this thread mate.

They must obviously be deluded or brainwashed to support people with so little dignity and care for the game. I don't get why you bother to debate it out Ujin, just state the facts once and don't re-check the thread ever, doesn't matter what people comment obviously they've made up their minds and in someone ignorant that's extremely hard to change... (Incognito)
Another unlogical post of you.Every faction on map got their own reasons to fight or not.Like Koyama said you guys made a world and living in it.

Have you ever seen some first posts of your clan members as soon as the war has been declared ? Let's not point fingers here .

As for Legio, we've offered them a temprorary solution , they wanted Grunwalder (1 castle) , we suggested that if we take Hawaha village and the nearby Weyyah castle (1 village, 1 castle) , we could pass it to them. Again - 1 village , 1 castle instead of 1 castle, yes, about 40 minutes/1 hour of walking on the map from where they were, but it's still a reasonable proposition that they've declined, don't you think ? We also stated multiple times that in the event of the Union attacking us , should we have started to win and conquer their lands, we would've given them to Legio. They didn't take the offer and it's fine by me, but i would just really like some of you guys to stop saying that " Shogunate offered LEgio/BB/Risen  to join against the LLJK in exchange for fiefs" because all of us know that it wasn't the case.
For first part : We are a faction without leader as i told you so every member of us can think whatever they can about any factions but the decision will be voted in faction and people will act as my command.

Even if we dont have any interest about getting your help over there can you really believe that giving Hawaha and Weyyah Castle is  a favour.No , Its a joke.I still dont want to argue with you Ujin but you need to understand that we got our reasons as same as your reasons.Both side tried their best to make politics to assemble a big alliance ( which we didnt need to take RuConquista(tried , DenBitre , Kapıkulu ,Searider,VRN , Pecores , ).

I m not getting happy even after i kill a shogunate in any battles because i was old member of it even if they didnt even remember my name i left .But facts , tactics , politics got us to this situation.I hope you guys can find some place inside guards =).

For pillagers : Did you understand who is moron Sir_Bertran ? ( He insulted us in public game as "morons" when we tried to kill him with 4 bashi and made a tk. )
You were really kind when you tried to get BashiBazouks out of war lol but after that you brainwashed by Japanese bukakke or something like that or u got your bukakke in your month at the moment maybe...

        Marcus Tilius Cicero                 Vi Victa Vis = Force taken by Force
« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 07:21:48 am by Cicero »

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #69 on: August 27, 2011, 07:47:26 am »
Yeah and you lost all your villages soon against all odds, only reason why is because you tried to push some stuff trough their territory.  8-)

If that is your reason now, then I'd call your Declaration of War a fail.
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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #70 on: August 27, 2011, 09:19:48 am »
Dede,it's true we don't like you but Kapikulu was the clan who declared us enemies on 1st week of strategus because of our 6 members fought against you on a battle...
Your Clan acted like enemies, and we have declared you as enemies after you guys participated in many Battles against us. So there is a reason for that. waged on bandits at 7am weekday to win easily.You knew most of the bandits are working guys so you tried to take advantage of it. This is the lamest thing in this game i think and most of the community and devs thought the same so now we have "Night Time" to prevent this lame tactic.

Actually we were not going to fight against the Bandits. Our diplomats have also tried to convince Gnjus not to attack our claim Fishara. But he apparently was not ready for diplomatic solutions. The Battle in the morning was not my decision but it was a fair fight (523 vs 443). Thanks to you Bandits even had more people than Kapikulu online. So nothing lame about it.

I remember your "diplomat" ozan wrote "You are traitors you are fighting for foreigners !" after we participated Bandit side and now watching you fighting for Byzantium is a huge source of laugh for us.
Maybe he has overreacted a bit when he saw former Kapikulu members fight against us. But we are honored to fight for Shogunate/Byzantium. There is nothing to laugh about. And we are very pleased that GK has Bardaq-Castle.

But I have something to laugh for you:,1103.msg171869.html#msg171869  :rolleyes:

I really liked you when you were at Shogunate, and the times we have talked in TS. I dont understand how you've changed so much.
Calling us "ultra nationalist" is nonsense, because you behave like one in forums and chats.
Pecores guys know better...
And of course I didnt forget how you overreacted when you saw the greek-flag avatar of Guard_Kataphraktos in turkish forums.
You should look in the mirror before accusing us with something we are not.
I think no one has questioning your skills as an infantry. But you should come down a bit with your arrogance.

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #71 on: August 27, 2011, 01:08:22 pm »
baw i got caught conspiring against lljk and lost my land, lets get mad at videogames

You were...



f8uasdlöadk blablablababa lbalba
^ Analogy of discussions on forums.

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #72 on: August 27, 2011, 02:20:30 pm »
If that is your reason now, then I'd call your Declaration of War a fail.

It's an act of war to support our enemies, so no not really, you could be gone in peace but you didn't.
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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #73 on: August 27, 2011, 02:22:40 pm »
oh gawd


edit: and lljk think they're funny

« Last Edit: August 27, 2011, 02:43:14 pm by Captain_Georges »
cRPG needs guns

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Re: GG and GZ
« Reply #74 on: August 27, 2011, 02:24:21 pm »
Lock it george for the love of god.