Hafted Blade
weight 2.25
requirement 8
spd rtng 95
weapon length 132
swing damage 36, cut
thrust damage 20 pierce
Penalty with Shield
2,450 gold
Long Hafted Knobbed Mace
weight 2.8
requirement 12
spd rtng 95
weapon length 133
swing damage 31, blunt
thrust damage 21 blunt
3,328 gold
Why should you go cut when you can go blunt, knockdown and same speed range for a little extra gold?
By the shape hafted blade (Not the longer version) wouldn't be bad as a bonus to shields weapon since the only 2 axes polearm has available cheap are very slow... say something like this would be better imo:
Hafted Blade
weight 3
requirement 10
spd rtng 94
weapon length 132
swing damage 36, cut
thrust damage 20 pierce
Penalty with Shield
Bonus against shield
(Don't forget polearms get -22 range from grip so it won't be that long)