Do 2handers get autoblock and arrow stopper? You want to have all that AND deal damage close to 2h? Okay.jpg
As i have written before, i am fine withe the higher damage for 2hand/pole, but not with the amount of it.
And they still have the better range (and more animattion exploits).
And yes, i can block arrows, but it is no 360° protection. Even shots from the front can hit you (i use bigger shields as well).
The same applies to fight multiple enemies at once. Yes it it easier, but again the shields offer no 360° protection (nor 180°) and you have to keep your enemeies in front of you.
Here are some statistics from a month ago, would be interesting to see new ones since I think there was a growth in 1h+shield population past few weeks
The fact that 1h, 2h and polearms have roughly the same kill percentage just proves melee is now more balanced then ever.
What i see is
One handed: (25.96%) vs Two handed: (28.30%) + Polearms: (28.20%)