Thought I'd drop in a major tip, saves a lot of time and is similar to the hotkeying on pc like in morrowind/oblivion.
numbers 1-8
Open favourite menu (Q)
Scroll/Click the spell you want to bind to a certain number
Select that number
If it's a single hand weapon or a spell, then it first is "equipped" to left arm - double tap to get it in both arms.
Another I'd suggest is to set FOV at at least 90+, I personally use 100 for skyrim. Default is very low, something 60s-80s.
You can do this by opening console " ` " then typing in "fov x" where x is desired FOV.
Oh and ANOTHER thing is that skyrim has v-sync on by default and mouse acceleration integrated, a quick google search can solve that. Though it's worth mentioning that there is still some "delay" in mouse movements because of character turning or something, only in chairs is mouse movement un-obstructed.