Author Topic: Limit 2 hand swing speed  (Read 13984 times)

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #75 on: January 20, 2011, 06:51:53 pm »
You sir, just made my list of "people who couldn't balance a game if their life depended on it."

10 damage nerf on two hands? And then you have the balls to say it won't make any difference? Tell you what, why don't we do a special patch, just for you, where your weapon loses 10 points of damage and see how much of a difference it makes.

BTW: I play all the classes: sword and shield, polearm, archer, throwing. Don't go crying bias to me.

Do you really have such a list or was it a rhetorical device? (I'll be quite impressed if you really have that list, I want a screenshot :))

I don't get how 10 damage would make a difference. You'd need maybe one more hit to kill someone, right? So just hit them one more time...

Part of my point is that too many people play this game not for customisation but to have the best weapons. The trends really irritate me - for example this throwing weapon trend has happened before - last time the database was reset, afterwards everyone went throwing. And stuff like the calculator for determining the best character (no offence to the creator), and the constant threads asking how best to spec a character. Like when archers figured out the PD exploit and all went plated (and it had to be nerfed).
Which is why groups like the ninjas and staffmen are the best clans/guilds or whatever - they play so their characters look cool and are fun to play, even if their gear is crap in terms of stats. When the tear/cookie swords were just introduced, everyone used them because they had the best stats.

Maybe I was being a little ridiculous, but sometimes I think a really big nerf in 2handers (focusing on them because it's the weapon I have most fun using) would be really good because it'd stop people using them (and according to almost every statistic thats been released on weapon use, they are the most used weapon) just for their stats, and because people think its easy.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #76 on: January 20, 2011, 06:58:55 pm »
Back when everyone had plate and ridiculous amounts of wpf/agi it was the other way around, with a 2h being far more usefull than 1h+shield. These days with the upkeep, the lighter armours and the sheer amount of crap flying through the air 1H+shield is a far beter option for battle. Just like native  :|

Yeah, amount of flying shit is unbelievable. I launched native few weeks ago, and it was like WTF!!! In native it's even more of it flying around.

I would like to see it decreased somehow, or make more skill dependent. There are many shooter games around and nearly no melee games. IF shooting would be fixed, 2h and Polearms could be balanced against 1h (only IF shield will be fixed, with current shields it would be not really fair).

Aha, seems I misunderstood you, but yeah, any class is capable of topping boards, just depends on who's playing. I too would like to see some changes to shield mechanics, but I doubt the cRPG team will be able to pull that off.

Well, they managed to fix forcefields, they added friendly bumps, they added spawned items like siege shields or ladders or healing tents and catapults and towers ... changing the way how shields work might be possible - some of those fixed things were also considered hardcoded.
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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #77 on: January 20, 2011, 11:18:27 pm »
When will people understand that as a 2-handed user, you sacrifice the ability to use a shield........

Shields maked you almost immune to ranged, and let you block as many people as you want at one time.  So why should you have this advantage AND be able to swing faster then someone unencumbered by the shield and completely vulnerable to ranged fire.

Just one problem with this:
Ranged have been nerfed in several ways lately, hence suriveability for 2h have increased a lot since there are fewer ranged and the ones still around is less accurate. My guess is that someone neglected/underestimated the secondary effects of nerfing ranged classes.
My observation is: Less archers and a shitload of 2h with mauls and poleaxes that hardly where used before... 

Before 2h had a hard time with ranged, these days they don't. In my opinion 2h should have a hard time with ranged just as archers have a hard time with infantry in general and infantry have a hard time with cavalry and so on...

I don't like ranged with laser sights but I feel that they were hit a bit too hard this time around and tell you what I don't play as an archer.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #78 on: January 20, 2011, 11:32:08 pm »
Just one problem with this:
Ranged have been nerfed in several ways lately, hence suriveability for 2h have increased a lot since there are fewer ranged and the ones still around is less accurate. My guess is that someone neglected/underestimated the secondary effects of nerfing ranged classes.
My observation is: Less archers and a shitload of 2h with mauls and poleaxes that hardly where used before... 

Before 2h had a hard time with ranged, these days they don't. In my opinion 2h should have a hard time with ranged just as archers have a hard time with infantry in general and infantry have a hard time with cavalry and so on...

I don't like ranged with laser sights but I feel that they were hit a bit too hard this time around and tell you what I don't play as an archer.

Do you even play this game? Ranged spam is just as bad as always, it just swiched from archers to throwing.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #79 on: January 21, 2011, 11:08:20 am »
The biggest advantage of Shield is that Throwing Weapons can be used with shield => 2handers are dead / half dead until they reach you.

The biggest problem of shield users is not that they are underpowered it is that they do play like they are underpowered.
One example:

I am wearing a Maul 70cm long 86 Speed. I will crush through your shield every time i hit you from above. After the first time i killed a shield
user this way they really should know this and dont try to block me. Instead they should try to attack before i can forcing me to be more careful
when im going to attack... but 75% of shieldusers do turtle every time i met them.
25% learn and then have a good chance in killing me. Those are 1h/Shield players who will have good stats.

If your question is why 2h/Pole get more kills? Because they always start attacks. They always get the momentum of the fight.
The first thing a shield user is doing is he sees a 2hander is blocking.

If you 1h/Shield-Guys would be more aggressive you would get more kills but that is what the majority of you is lacking.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #80 on: January 21, 2011, 11:36:01 am »
a good shield user will own , only prob is that poles seem to swing faster then 2handers for the rest its pretty nicely ballanced atm imo
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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #81 on: January 21, 2011, 12:39:39 pm »
There is so many examples of good 1H + Board players...

I made one a while ago(after patch), mostly playing without a shield even.
Why? Simply bcoz its as playable as 2h if u know how to do it.

@Punisher +1 Ranged fire is as disgusting as it was prepatch
@Camaris +1 Shielders are mostly way to passive.

Offensive 1h play is the way to go.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #82 on: January 21, 2011, 02:20:45 pm »
Shield user doesn't even need more kills to be effective.
You can save a lot of teammates by catching ranged fire or taking pressure of your allies. If I'm fighting with a good 2h vs 2 enemies I can just try to get the attention of the most dangerous enemy, shield means I can focus on staying alive really easily, he can kill the easier one and then we backstab the other. Yeah, isn't visible on my score sheets, but it helps win rounds. Often the dangerous enemy for the 2h is also a ranged player, so it can get a few cheap kills. So as tactical tool shield beat 2h by a long way imo.

For individual fights vs 2h swing speed is entirely not a problem. I can swing just as fast, unless he has a much higher level than me. What is problematic is running tricks like running to the side which adds to his speed or running a backwards circle so he is out of my range on my turn and can swing without blocking again. Or feint faster. Yeah, shield slows you down. Simply means you have to change your fighting style. Be cautious with attacks, as long as you have your shield, it is simply your mistake if you make an attack and he hits you first. If you attack on the right opportunity with the right attack you will hit first, and many 2h can't block it. If they do, well they will focus on defense more and you have more leeway to focus on attack make feints etc. Always try to keep the pressure up, though. Even best 2h will be in trouble if they don't carry anti shield weapon. Yep, this fighting style means your shield breaks faster, but it's just like ammo for archers, if it allows you to kill 2 enemies (or stall a very dangerous foe for the round) before you are only 1h fighter it was money well spent.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #83 on: January 21, 2011, 04:14:18 pm »
How are the twohanders and polearms supposed to counter attack if they are 15 percent slower than now?

Than onehanders could outspam everyone once they close in and it would be unplayable.

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #84 on: January 21, 2011, 05:23:22 pm »
If your question is why 2h/Pole get more kills? Because they always start attacks. They always get the momentum of the fight.
The first thing a shield user is doing is he sees a 2hander is blocking.

If you 1h/Shield-Guys would be more aggressive you would get more kills but that is what the majority of you is lacking.

Heh, the shielders that try to start attacks are the ones that my war cleaver cut in half before they get in range of me.  Shielders for the most part have to approach ready to block as 2hers (with animation range bonuses) can cleave them in twain before that 1h'd weapon is even remotely close enough to connect.

Shield user doesn't even need more kills to be effective.
You can save a lot of teammates by catching ranged fire or taking pressure of your allies.... Yeah, isn't visible on my score sheets, but it helps win rounds.... if it allows you to kill 2 enemies (or stall a very dangerous foe for the round) before you are only 1h fighter it was money well spent.

Well the game has a scoreboard so sadly that's the only thing that matters.  No I'm not being sarcastic, the score really is the only thing that matters.  So that's why noone wants to be the "support" guy while the 2hers/polearm guys run around with really high scores stroking e-peens in a large e-circle jerk proclaiming themselves skilled whilst everyone else is a nub/scrub.  Yeah 1h/shielders can do quite well, but the players behind them would do better as a 2her/thrower (or polearm/thrower) than a 1h/shielder.  I barely play mine anymore because I can't stand the slow response time anymore.  I get far better scores on my 2her/thrower and I use the war cleaver, which is slow and unbalanced, yet it still reacts and moves faster and more fluidly than a 1h does when used with a shield (and it fucking 1-hits most people which is nice).
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #85 on: January 21, 2011, 05:27:57 pm »
which is slow and unbalanced, yet it still reacts and moves faster and more fluidly than a 1h does when used with a shield

dont you see that as a problem.
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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #86 on: January 21, 2011, 05:46:18 pm »
dont you see that as a problem.

That's irrelevant.  The majority of players are 2h/polearm users and they don't see it as a problem. 
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #87 on: January 21, 2011, 06:24:42 pm »

again again and again,
I'm getting pissed of you bloody whiners,

2h advantage is good speed, weakness they are vulnerable for any kind of ranged
1h advantage no manual block and not vulnerable for any ranged, weakness they are whiners cause they dont have skills for manual block
polearm advantage very fast side slash, weakness they are vulnerable for any kind of ranged (except when using a shield with it)

you shielders are just a band of whining jerks who cant manual block for a shite,
and if you can manual block dont whine youve the choice to become 2h or polearm,
when you think 1h is shit why become a 1h???@#@#

and limit the 2h swing speed???
come on
the polearm swing is even faster

greetz, Berend

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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #88 on: January 21, 2011, 06:40:35 pm »
The only wish for shields is that there was more variety I mean I like the huscarl heavy board steel for the high coverage vs ranged attacks plus some speed as.long as u have a hyper quick side sword etc

But it would be nice if the bucklers were.given love in the speed department so if u wanted u could make a real sword and buckler duelist that could contend in the high speed duels but have the same disadvantage vs ranged basically that a 2h has(well a little less but u have to use.skill points to wear shield)

Mebbe.take one buckler call it elite buckler raise the stats and requirements
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Re: Limit 2 hand swing speed
« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2011, 07:01:52 pm »
Dear two-hand weapon whiner-abouters.

I am Dexxtaa_RS. I've bought and played this game for just over 3 months now.

All I have to say about two-handers is that in the times I find one of you silly one-hander limp-wrist guys, I spend my time beating down your shield with my sword and relish in watching you panic when your shield breaks and you either

a) go nuts and try to spam the peasant or
b) go nuts and run away to find another shield.

So complain all you want, as you must realize your shield is your crutch.

Keep whinging and whining, because I love it when people call two handers overpowered. It makes my straw hat happy.
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