With archery, now you basically have to be a pure archer to be effective. It's not just archery, though. Hybrids are almost impossible to do with archery, unless you want to be stuck with a Khergit or Strong Bow. Now it's like there are a few set builds for everything - a few builds for two-handers, a few builds for archers, a few builds for horse archers, etc. The ability to be a hybrid was kind demolished starting with the slots, and now with the basic requirement of archers to be pure archers to be effective. Before, when everything took one slot, archers could be less accurate in archery in exchange for polearm proficiency, two-hander, etc. Now you're stuck with one pack of arrows, or if you're using a War Bow or Long Bow, zero packs of arrows. The only viable hybrids I can think of are mixed melee weapon proficiencies, throwing + melee, or crossbow + melee (crossbow, light crossbow, and hunting crossbow).
Miley, I am full archer and I have all these probs^^ (6pd and 172 wpf with lvl 30 atm)
There was one guy ca 20 meters infront of me and my arrow hit the ground infront of him, when I aimed for his head o.O It should at least have hit his belly....
Also accuracy is fucked now. If you try shooting over a longer range now, you shoot as if you had 120 wpf instead of 170. Why did I loom my longbow 3x if it is accurat and shoots like a nomad bow now?^^
I don't know who has mentioned this "archers are supporters"-shit again, but STOP THAT!
Why do so many people think archers should be supporters? This is no WoW or anything similar where the maintarget is to kill the big boss for epic drops.....This is a game where you not only want to win a round, but where you want to have fun and where you want to kill people. Everyone is raging when someone else steals his kill, so do archers. We also want to kill people.
And please tell me, why crossbows and throwing weapons shouldn't be a support, but bows should o.O
If there is an archer class in this game then give it a chance to be top of the list like every other 2h, 1h, polearm, cav, crossbow or whatever!