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Messages - Kriegson

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Here have my - just for saying "lbs". Learn the metric system.
I measure everything in stones.
Fight the power!

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Wholy crap, why are bows so innacurate?
« on: October 01, 2013, 03:20:55 pm »
Im acctually suprised there was a movie....and even a book. Considering how fucking godlike they made Legolas look, im sorta asking myself why didnt he just win the entire war all by himself.
Because everyone knows elves are the most intelligent, beautiful, skilled, athletic, naturally and magically attuned race  :rolleyes:
Bloody elves.

@   Gurnisson
Ty for the solid info! 170 WPF it is then, I wonder if there will be enough to make my backup shortspear/quarter staff useful :P

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Wholy crap, why are bows so innacurate?
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:39:59 pm »
When we talk about archery accuracy, are we literally discussing the centre-point of the reticule and how small it is?

Because I briefly tried a STF STR build archer with ~150WPF and ~8PD with light armour, and the reticule was comparible enough to my 170WPF, 6PD AGI build that I'm considering trying out a strength build.

Or are we also discussing the length one can hold the small reticule before it starts expanding; Higher WPF / smaller bow difficultly definitely helps with that IMHO.

On that note: ATH only affects running speed right, it's not going to increase my draw speed. So what increases draw speed (other than the weapon stat), just WPF?

Yeah pretty sure ATH is only runspeed, WPF and maybe power draw for draw speed. Not sure.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Wholy crap, why are bows so innacurate?
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:39:10 pm »
Patience is a skill, and a virtue!
 You pretty much do this every time you fire an arrow, sometimes you do it without thinking about doing it either; it becomes intinct.

Also have you seen the new mod they've been developing for GoT, for Warband? The graphics are amazing.
Yeah, I'm fairly good at calculating trajectories. Easy enough when it's actually accurate in native, but in CRPG especially starting a new character the degree of inaccuracy makes me useless in most team fights considering I can easily hit a teammate if the arrow deviates a foot or two in a direction I don't want it to go in -_-

ooh, I have not. Got a link?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Wholy crap, why are bows so innacurate?
« on: September 29, 2013, 04:17:12 pm »
Archery here actually takes some sort of skill. Also high wpf, around 150+, does help.
Respectfully, dealing with completely random shots flying off in whichever direction until you have the WPF to actually have shots land somewhere relative to where you aim them doesn't require skill, it requires patience. The patience of a bloody saint.

Or a deathwish by getting extremely close so your arrows don't have as much of a chance to deviate as they might otherwise, but yeah. Skill would be calculating speed, distance, range, relative movement, prioritizing targets, opportunities and positioning relative to opponents to keep a clear line of sight, support your team well and stay alive.

Most of which I can do. Landing hits with arrows that fly off target after 10 feet and continue further from that point I cannot rectify with skill :P

Yeah! They just released their 1.0 version (and a hotfix) it's not only remade the map and factions, but added quite a few items and events to boot. Uses the functionality of some other mods, and overall is pretty damn nice.

Beginner's Help and Guides / What are the mechanics of archer accuracy?
« on: September 29, 2013, 03:53:02 pm »
Wow, what's with all the hate? I wasn't complaining as to them being inaccurate, just asking for an understanding. Wasn't demanding they be more accurate, and yet everyone seems to have been molested by an archer at some point in their life, based on the downvotes =/

My understanding:
(click to show/hide)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Noob trying not to give up hope =/
« on: September 12, 2013, 06:29:24 pm »
This is a hard game to get used too.  Thankfully, I got into it a few years back when everyone was "New"

Honestly.  You may be better playing a shielder in some way.  The first thing that you need to get down is timing.  Once timing is done, you work on Blocking.  (Manually and shield)

After you think you feel comfortable with those two, then you work on Footwork.

I think shields are the best things for new players because it gives them time to recollect their thoughts if they make a mistake rather than panicking and dying from it.

Eventually, this will become second nature and you not need time to think.  The biggest thing about this game is that it takes time to master.  That is why not many new players have stayed with Crpg.  People want the instant gratification.  Crpg instead gives you an asswhoopin that you shouldn't take very seriously at first.

PS: When you get reasonably good at the game, your frustration will get worse.  Although, it will get more fun at the same time.

EDIT: I would also like to add that the more you play the game, the less messed up the mechanics will seem to you.  At first it feels like EVERYTHING is bullshit.  Although, after a while you will learn what is truly bullshit and be more careful while encountering them.  It is mostly a Trial and Error experience.  It may also have a lot to do with your ping.

Thanks man, good advice and pretty much what I've been experiencing over time. As I've started to get more points on the board and AMAZINGLY somehow manage triumph over some, falling for the same noob mistakes of not keeping situational awareness or getting chambered, etc is all the more frustrating.
I'll perhaps try hoplite again. Spear and shield helps me support and observe with relatively good survivability.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Noob trying not to give up hope =/
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:55:38 pm »
I really love this mod, but it's starting to be infuriating.
People hit me when their weapons physically do not, or in strange parts of the animation that normally do not work for me. Most often this manifests itself as getting hit a fraction of a second before I actually do, or when I physically had a foot of space between us, they still hit me.

I can support fairly well, but as soon as someone directs their attention on me, I'm toast.

I've tried 2h (Kanabo, probably do best as this)

But I get outranged, chambered, outflanked or simply every attempt I make to break through a defense gets blocked, even with kicking and nudging and turning into strikes I can never follow up fast enough.

Archery (Nomad bow, sometimes using shield and dagger for versatility)
I'm fairly good at judging firing arcs, and get a few overconfident shielders in the feet, but other archers always seem more accurate, and I hardly seem to really have any presence on the field. And of course I'm almost constantly getting stabbed by agility whores with rondel daggers =/

Throwing weapons
Again, pretty good at judging arcs so I've done OK in this role, thinking about trying hoplite but I can never seem to get kills, only barely help out.

So I've tried easier paths. Agil/dagger/shield whoring, Cavalry, etc. But I never seem to do well when pressed into 1v1 melee.

I've ended up fairly high on the scoreboard and probably had some decent effect on a few battles as cav, bow or 2h. But always in a support role. It just feels like no matter what I do, I'm fighting the game mechanics as much as I am players that are more skilled, better equipped and more experienced than me.
Currently the game is ending up far more in frustration than fun. Every time I get targeted first because I'm not in full plate and thus an easy kill, and every time I find little I can do to defend myself.

If you could give any advice, what "class" is best to learn on?
My best so far seems to be 2h, archer and hoplite. But always too slow, too inaccurate, too little too late.

Ie, if I take the fighting pick and use the alt mode to two hand it. Are there any bonuses? Does benefit from 2 hand wpf or simply remain on one hand?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Make Nudge Bindable
« on: September 10, 2013, 03:01:29 pm »
Agreed, would love to be able to change it to one of my mouse buttons, but it might be a limitation of the script extender =/

If you swap the throwing hammer to melee mode, it becomes 2 weight, so no uber knockdown chance, sorry.
Dis ^
IIRC knockdown chance is based on weight, speed and direction. So it's certainly not high enough to rely on.
Though I recall someone suggesting heavy throwing hammers with knockdown on throw  :mrgreen: (yeah that would be OP as hell)

Most of the differences between them are pretty minor, currently using hammers so I'll list the pros and cons form that point of view.

Pros of axe:
17 more damage
Signifigantly higher value for accuracy
bonus against shields

1 less ammo
cutting damage

Currently low level so the true potential of either isn't quite clear to me just yet, but I can hit pretty consistently with hammers on moving targets, and fight relatively well with it (against bots in DTV lololol yeah I'm bad T_T)
Theoretically, I might hit more frequently with axes, but I have less of them so I damn well need to.

Ultimately, it comes down to "is 47 cutting and one less ammo > 30 blunt and 3 ammo?"

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Would this even be possible to do well?
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:51:13 am »
Started screwing about with javs/shield, but settled on hammer. Which begs another question...

Beginner's Help and Guides / At what point to cap WPF and power draw?
« on: September 07, 2013, 05:06:12 am »
In theory, I'm planning on sticking with nomad/tartar bow and keeping quick. Where should I cap WPF and power draw, if at all? Light armor.

Also, how badly does a helmet and gloves penalize me? I know gloves are 2x and helmet 3x, but when they're light, does it really matter?

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