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Messages - Don_Montega

Pages: [1] 2
Suggestions Corner / Re: Please suggest a weapon you want made for cRPG.
« on: February 14, 2013, 07:21:00 am »
Make a repeating crossbow with poisoned bolts plz^^

General Discussion / Re: What should I name my Axe?
« on: February 11, 2013, 09:32:43 am »
Congratulations o the new axe-name^^

allthough i am pretty shocked you clung to that naming so fast^^

i was giong to suggest you name it "Party Pooper", but well^^

General Discussion / Re: What should I name my Axe?
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:30:12 pm »
"Björn" simply means the beary  :D

He allready is hairy... uhm beary.

Oooh got a new idea after recovering:
Name it Sympathy!
You cannot block or dodge sympathy,
its a magnet!
Love kills ya!

"Fear my Sympathy!" "Here comes the Sympathy!" "There can be no agony, without sympathy!"

XD have a nice weekend.

General Discussion / Re: What should I name my Axe?
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:17:00 pm »

Srsly you made my day,
sorry i have to retire from
overstressing face musculature.

General Discussion / Re: What should I name my Axe?
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:07:28 pm »
Name it even manlier:
there is nothing manlier then beating opponents with bare hands!

Or you could name it after you wife,
supposing you have one.

Like in DSA where there was an axe named Skraja(throwing axe :P).

Suggestions Corner / Re: 1.5 slot items
« on: February 08, 2013, 06:27:01 pm »
Change your fractions to full numbers,
and increase the available slots.
That would reduce calculating errors.

Also, correct the *damned* crpg equipment site to show the real
amount of slots used for an equipped item
e.g. shields dont have a SLOT statistic there,
made me spend money without sense.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shortswords
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:46:59 pm »
*sigh* No i do not await that you have to like this suggestion.
But not all ranged or hybrid players kite,
or would kite if given a proper equipment option.

also it would add historical builds as said multiple times before.

The pure option of, in your opinion i think, exploiting this gift,
did never prevent other players from exploiting other "gifts"
or mechanical Problematics.

If a player decides to play a solemnly specialized playstyle,
like an agility based charcter who relies on speed,
that build HAS to have BIG weaknesses in order to balance it.

A hybrid tries to compensate these weaknesses with versatility.

Atmo i use xbow shield shortsword n steelbolts,
i do not expect to be effective in melee against a
specced char, or in range against a specced archer.
But i expect a fair balance and some chance of fighting
them in their territory.

It still is rewarding getting a kill,
or shielding an ally.

Overall i am an assister
that does not understand,
why this mod does not let you play an assisting
role with a little specialization
(like having a 2 slot xbow with a shortsword, or an xbow and a 2slot shield).

Without having to rely on exploiting hugging and stabbing
with quick rondels, by becoming an "agiwhore" myself.
Since i am weaker in this role,
by having to spend my points
in several "areas".

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shortswords
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:31:14 pm »
You sir,
are neither giving any argument,
nor any input,
so please

bring out arguments,
or constructive criticism.

Every playstyle has his negative players,
never forget that.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Jump throwing
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:14:09 pm »
A poor doctor will treat symptoms,
but will never find the right medicine.

Jump throwing is ok.
Most siege maps have some
bad wall parts for ranged, where you have to jump
to be able to target anything.

Stop treating symptoms.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shortswords
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:00:36 pm »
Hybridising helps aye,
but lets focus on the topic plz.

It is merely a proposition of a more viable and realistic slot system for shortswords,
a classic sidearm of medieval times.
Making it require a slot is really
making it an ugly compromise, as
there are by far better weapons.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shortswords
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:49:18 pm »
That suggestion isnt bad referring to the quivers.

1 Quiver per player is ok, but then we need ammo carts where can refill it for gold or multiplier.

Anyhow back to topic,
yes we want to melee,
we want to melee with a REALISTIC
Equipment loadout and equal chances.

Rangeds lack WPF
Hybrids lack WPF
COMPARED to specialized Melee characters.

and since 0 slot weapons are so super short you have a hard day having the slightest
chance meleeing.

as for realism:
A flamberge being twice as fast slashing around,
as an archer with a long dagger?
Srsly? That is a balancing Fail!

*back to ambush position*

Game Balance Discussion / Re: What would you nerf/buff in your class??
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:35:17 pm »
Buff? Nerf?

Ranged dmg with xbows to the body(espc. arbalest)

Lower rep cost for onehanded weaps
lower slot usage of onehanded short weapons

Suggestions Corner / Re: Fix archer-weight
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:26:45 pm »
This is how I feel each time I play without my clanmates. I support others and they never support me.

I, the hybrid Crossbow Shortswordsman, agrees heartily.
But if we would all team up and assist each other it would be like this:

Infantry team Spawns, charges in for the enemy team.
Hybrid + Archer team sends hybrids to block the infantry,
Archers let loose...
Infantry cries.

:) It is wrong to not support friends.

Did some of you purebreed infantry guys even wonder, why the guy with the banhammer in front of you staggers, your
brainsauce still stays in your armored skull and you get the kill?

Because WE care.

But for now farewell,
i don't want to interrupt this "epic" post duel
of Xynox and TZAR.

*sneaks into ambush position*

Suggestions Corner / Re: Shortswords
« on: February 08, 2013, 04:18:04 pm »
That is an option fella.

Allthough, by shortswords, i meant every weapon with shortsword in its name
like broad shortsword, which has 5 more length und 2 more cut damage along with extra speed.

Sorry for the fuzzy description.
We need more Builds that orientate after real fighting styles, like the above mentioned hoplite.

Just seeing twohanders in have armor on the field is boring.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: 1h Stab still a viable attack?
« on: February 08, 2013, 07:32:10 am »
^  I agree.

But swing and overhead just need to hit with the hilt to deal fully dmg, stab mostly will fail.

Viability depends on the enemy if they try to hug you... forget it.

It needs a patch. Now!

I use a shortsword atmo, stab is useful, but not working correctly,
neither are swings n overheads. they need to be fixed.

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