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Messages - HassassinJOE

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BTW i play as Vanguard_Wolffish on NA_1 Battle server. Come watch.

3horsearchery(on average i would say i hit people from either 0-30yards away)

150 throwing

I've been playing for a while and I found mounted throwing was the most fun for me..

Though it is fun, and my aim is dead on, I'm often bested. I use throwing lancesx2 and throwing spearsx2.

Damige from thrown weapons seem reduced tremendously... if my crpg math serves me right. Power throw is a 10%boost/per point. I have 7 power throw and 150 throwing skill. I throw, throwing lances(60p) and spears(36p). So for a rough estimate; it would be(102p;throwing lances),(61.2p;throwing spears) with the boost. I never get this amount of damige from my throwing weapons. Where as for example i've been 1 shot killed of my horse many times by mounted xbowmen? using masterwork light xbow and bolts, whats that like 60p?

I often get direct chest hits with both throwing lances and 1 or 2 throwing spears into Rounceys, Destiers, and Coursiers before they drop. Armoured horses often require both throwing lances and sometimes all 8 throwing spears to down them in... Often times naked(un-armoured) opponents dont die from direct chest hits with a throwing lances?? armour opponents take what seems to be olmost equal amounts of damige to be killed?

How do i do the most damige i can with mounted throwing.. Also why do bows and xbows trump damige from throwing weapons vs horses?

Should I just give in to what seems to be an obvious bias and do mounted xbowing and archery? Because if i have to hit some mounted xbowmens horse with 250p damige (tabbed out with boost) which is like 2 throwing lances and 1 throwing spear.. or 1 lance and 2 or 3 spears...
to drop it.. and all he needs to do is hit me once or hit my horse twice to kill me.. it just not fun anymore.. its to easy for them given 3rd person viewing and the rate at which projectiles move in-game..

Also why is it that when i choose to use a throwing weapon, I have to take weight into account (weight =movement). But when i throw all my weapons into a heavily armoured opponent(who is already weighed down) who can take what seems to be all i got. They do not move any slower, they dont need to deal with the weight?

General Discussion / Re: Is this fair at all
« on: April 19, 2012, 02:19:06 am »
I wish i could figure out how to tag a picture... i have several ive been meaning to post.. ALL are taken from NA 1 battle server. in battle not people kicking back. I was btw a hybrid thrower/polearms/shielder for the throwing element to be safe vs random lance attacks while weilding the darts

i used a military fork. 2 darts. and light cav round shield 115throwing 108polearms

i used jirads first.. but the damige vs ammo output was not enough, war darts are the most effective considering how often i missed.

my main concern on NA 1 was the mounted xbowmen.. primary task for me was to drop 2 or 3 before i got dropped. anti xbow cav aka operation distraction (because with good mounted xbowmen, ild be dead quick most times, just enough to hold them of the team for a while; SEMENSstorm and SS_Mr.DI@$) often i get my well bread rouncey 1 shotted, if not myself from 50yards away... xbow cav are way overpowered)

The problem was it takes like 2-6 jiards to drop most horses.. i didnt even try with armoured horses... with darts it takes like 5-8, but did the job with ammo left

throwing weapons should honestly do much more damige considering they are being paid for with skill points (and weight x speed). especially to horses. like axes to shields..

General Discussion / Is this fair at all
« on: April 13, 2012, 03:39:06 am »
the guy has 18 str 6 iron skin.. leather jerkin armour (normal)..

i have 16 str, 5 power throw, normal war darts at 25p...

i hit him 7 times to kill him.. 6 on the front 1 on the back...

throwing weapons simply dont do enough damige...

im on a mount throwing them at people... where is the bonus from speed added while mounted.

I tried to attach the image but i cannot seem to do it.

General Discussion / Long Spiked Club (Knockdown never happens?)
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:38:03 am »
I've been useing the "Long Spiked Club" for about a week now and I have not had one knockdown occur...

Has this weapon been nerfed as far as knockdowns are concerned and the info on the equipment option-concerning the weapon-has not been changed yet?

Or does my 150 weapon skill and 6 powerstrike not meet the req. to get knockdowns with this weapon?

Suggestions Corner / Re: Dual punishment
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:36:28 am »
Please if you feel that I was wronged.. vote smoothrich down,17457.0.html

Suggestions Corner / Dual punishment
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:23:19 am »
I've been banned three times now...

Only once did I actually deserve to be banned, and even then, all the admin had to do was warn me.

Recently i was banned when i attacked a teammate who was harassing me.. I reported it to the admin on at the time, and both Bushido Brown and i where told to stop causing trouble..

I stopped and continued playing.. Bushido_Brown went to the forums and got me banned... Smoothrich banned me... He didint bother to see that bushido brown was harrasing me for about 30 minutes..

He used the only tool in his bag. a hammer and dealt with me.. Not the guy instigating the poblems to begin with..


start banning both parties when it comes to team wounding.. in most cases its returned FF that gets people in trouble. not the guy who started the problem..

BAN both the accuser and the accused.. especially when its obvious that one guy is following the other guy around harrasing the shit out of them, until they get pist and over react, like I did..

Check out all the pictures.. Bushido Brown was following me around harrasing me..,25235.0.html

notice how the enemy is at my back... that bushido brown is just following me... Also notice how he manipulated SMOOTHRICH into banning me.. How easy it is to take advantage of moderators if you got the right screen shots that where pulled out of context... because the moderators dont bother looking into problems... smoothrich said he on IRC that he thought Bushido was harrasing me, even though he still just banned me... reduced from 72 hours to 24 hours becuase he thought i was being harrassed...

like a cop who gives you a ticket for speeding... forget the fact that the guy behind you was tailing you for the last 30 miles.... you go 1 mpg over and you get a ticket..

WORTHLESS MODERATORS.... if this is not true. prove it!

Game Admin Feedback / Re: [Global] Meow
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:11:40 am »
You suck meow... Thanks for being a jerk on IRC.. good thing there are like 30 nubs following you in a line blowing smoke up you're ass when you make bad desicions..

if you where a GREAT LEADER you would not need that...

Closed Requests / Re: Ban Request for Aldogalus_MB
« on: January 31, 2012, 12:02:14 am »

Closed Requests / Ban Request Bushido_Brown
« on: January 30, 2012, 11:05:12 pm »
I was recently banned due to the report from Bushido_Brown that I was team wounding him...

He also says that it was unprovoked...

But as you can clearly see in the photos, the enemy is beyond me, at my back..

The whole time i was being followed around by Bushido_Brown. He was standing at my back negating my movements. Griefing me.
After several minutes of this, I stopped trying to fight and started attacking Bushido in response... whenever he would try to grief me..

We both complained to the admin on NA_1 at the time.. she told us both to stop... which happen..  Bushido Immediately left and reported me on the forums...

I am not asking to be un banned, all I am asking is, simply that Bushido_Brown also reieve a 24 hour ban for instigating what happened in game...

I did not take screen shots at the time of this. But I am using Bushido_Brown's screen shots. It clearly shows him following me around during several matches...

Make the punishment fit the incident..
24 hour ban for BOTH OF US, not just me

page with the screen shots;,25235.0.html

screenshots ; all of them show what im saying to be true... its not fair that I was the only one to get banned... Ban Bushido aswell for instigating this...

Closed Requests / Unban Request--NA1
« on: January 04, 2012, 09:48:27 am »
I was fighting as normal, I was assisting 2 players that where fighting 1 guy, I was mounted.. I got stuck in a corner for about 6 seconds... being that i was mounted 1 xbowman was stuck also.. the footsoilder who was blockign the both of us moved, I moved, then the xbowman shot me... friendly fire. i stood in front of him waiting for a sorry or anything.. I say "WTF".. nothing. I hit him with an upswing with my pichfork thinking it was a random player... bearly any damige.... turns out it was an admin who shot me then when i hit him back for not apoligizing much less saying anything after his intentional damige on me,

I get banned?

can I get a hand. I understand the rules no return FF.. but it was obvious and intentional... we where both stuck for like 6-8 seconds. I didnt shoot the guy down, i mearly slapped him with my up swing 15c..

Kind of out of hand with the banning after he shoots me.

Character name; Vanguard_MauiNoKaOi
appx 5 minutes ago

Closed Requests / Ban Request---NA servers
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:17:19 pm »
Player "Jesus Christ" (a dual wielding xbowman) was constantly following me around shooting my mount until i was dismounted... I pleeded with the admins to do something and nothing was done...

Since I've joined the NA servers, I've been dealing with this same player shooting my mount, He does this because I cannot report him for mearly damiging my horse... Or if I am able, I havnt had the oppertunity.

Later, because of all this I ended up getting into an arguement with another player who thought I was the agressor and I was polled into a ban. Even though I never start problems with other players.

Closed Requests / Unban request-- NA servers
« on: January 03, 2012, 09:11:33 pm »
I was getting team wounded by a certain player for an exstened amout of time, but I could not report it. An xbowman was shooting my horse twice at the onset of each round.

I asked the admin on to do something. Appx time was 2pm. Nothing was done.

So i begin to attack him back. Him shooting me and and me attacking with melee weapons chasing him around.. So i guess it could of appeared to other that i was the agressor.. Meanwhile, I was still asking the admin on to do something about this guy shooting my horse at the begining of each round.

Next thing i know I get an obvious intentional TK by USA BADPLAYER.. I then again ask an admin to step in and doing anything about it, after reporting "m"... nothing..

Next round I attack and kill USA BADPLAYERS horse.. he reports me using the "m" then votes me into ban from the server using the poll system.. 55 percent voted it threw..

The whole time i was asking an admin to do something... Could I get someone to remove this ban and warn player "Jesus Christ"

He started all this to begin with... He would shoot my horse and run and hide.. consistantly.. I could not get away.. he would just follow me around the corner to the next engagemnet and start shooting my horse again until i was downed of my mount.. then he would run away...


I dont post on forums very much btw, like my third time ever...

I'll really try to pay better attention to what people are saying, I just stubbled upon the macro that bring up my logs "L" i think it was.. it wont happen again..

I've been playing for a few days now... and I only play on cRPG1, most the admins have seen me (not exploiting anything) playing on the cRPG server. I honestly feel he didnt try to get my attention and i dont deserve to be banned for 36hours. Also Why is his last line a threat, instead of MAUI DID YOU HEAR ME... or better yet the garuntee people wont miss, VOTE ME INTO BAN OR KICK... those are not warnings meow.. mabie in China those are warnings... if someone isint paying attention to you while they are fighting or playing, not to mention i have trouble seeing the words being typed (words need to be easier to see.. or make it so people can change the color of the words so they can recognize who is talking, not the admins, other players speech), how is it even considered fair that i was banned for 3 days, I got blind sided and had to go to the EU server to figure it out, try kicking me(vote kick or ban).. anything else before banning... He must of thought i was disrespecting him or something, otherwise why would he ban me. But its obvious to those who look, I had not even seen his words, much less realized I was doing anything wrong (no one said anything when i asked to begin with, I ASKED because i wanted to know, because im not trying exploit, BLAME smoothrich for not answering when i asked, or whoever was on at the time) No reply when i asked, when i dont reply i get banned... thats unbalance... 4:42 I ASKED.... 16 minutes latere.... hey mauinokaoi.. pike on horseback, bro? sounds like attention grabbing words... no capital letters... nothing... Smooth wasnt following protocal on the matter. this is why i would like my ban lifted. and mabie some lines put in place to prevent this kind of F up from happening again FOR NO REASON........

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