Author Topic: How do i do the maximum amount of damige with throwing weapons, WHILE MOUNTED?  (Read 1217 times)

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Offline HassassinJOE

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I've been playing for a while and I found mounted throwing was the most fun for me..

Though it is fun, and my aim is dead on, I'm often bested. I use throwing lancesx2 and throwing spearsx2.

Damige from thrown weapons seem reduced tremendously... if my crpg math serves me right. Power throw is a 10%boost/per point. I have 7 power throw and 150 throwing skill. I throw, throwing lances(60p) and spears(36p). So for a rough estimate; it would be(102p;throwing lances),(61.2p;throwing spears) with the boost. I never get this amount of damige from my throwing weapons. Where as for example i've been 1 shot killed of my horse many times by mounted xbowmen? using masterwork light xbow and bolts, whats that like 60p?

I often get direct chest hits with both throwing lances and 1 or 2 throwing spears into Rounceys, Destiers, and Coursiers before they drop. Armoured horses often require both throwing lances and sometimes all 8 throwing spears to down them in... Often times naked(un-armoured) opponents dont die from direct chest hits with a throwing lances?? armour opponents take what seems to be olmost equal amounts of damige to be killed?

How do i do the most damige i can with mounted throwing.. Also why do bows and xbows trump damige from throwing weapons vs horses?

Should I just give in to what seems to be an obvious bias and do mounted xbowing and archery? Because if i have to hit some mounted xbowmens horse with 250p damige (tabbed out with boost) which is like 2 throwing lances and 1 throwing spear.. or 1 lance and 2 or 3 spears...
to drop it.. and all he needs to do is hit me once or hit my horse twice to kill me.. it just not fun anymore.. its to easy for them given 3rd person viewing and the rate at which projectiles move in-game..

Also why is it that when i choose to use a throwing weapon, I have to take weight into account (weight =movement). But when i throw all my weapons into a heavily armoured opponent(who is already weighed down) who can take what seems to be all i got. They do not move any slower, they dont need to deal with the weight?

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BTW i play as Vanguard_Wolffish on NA_1 Battle server. Come watch.

3horsearchery(on average i would say i hit people from either 0-30yards away)

150 throwing

Offline Digglez

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if you are using accurate weapons, pull back and release right before running enemy over.  hopefully if you hit you will stagger them and set them up for horse charge.  If you miss, you're pretty fucked.

btw, your speed has no contribution to damage, only when the enemy moves TOWARD or INTO your throws will you do more damage.

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Bait people into running at you, then hit them. The slower the projectile speed of your throwing weapon, the more speed bonus you will gain (this works both ways - if you hit somebody running away from you with a slow throwing weapon, your damage will be considerably reduced).

Your own speed doesn't matter for projectile speed bonus, so don't try to gain speed bonus that way.

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Your own speed doesn't matter for projectile speed bonus, so don't try to gain speed bonus that way.
Isn't that just when you are mounted?

Running as a infantry thrower/archer/xbower should add your speed to the speed bonus.
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Offline Digglez

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Isn't that just when you are mounted?

Running as a infantry thrower/archer/xbower should add your speed to the speed bonus.

WRONG. your speed doesnt matter EVER for ranged

Offline Harrys Oil Can

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Use less PT unless your really keen on using lances. It can commonly take as many throws to kill someone with either 5 or 7 PT. Use either heavy axes, javs, or jarids. I personally like axes but they take some getting used on hb. If you do a 15/24, you can use an arabian and avoid other cav much easier. Focus on killing infantry and avoiding other cav. Drive by shootings all day.

Also, what canner said. You do way more damage if someone rides into vs away from your projectile.

Offline Cyclopsided

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If I did a Jav Cav I'd be doing what harrys oil can said
Use less PT unless your really keen on using lances. It can commonly take as many throws to kill someone with either 5 or 7 PT. Use either heavy axes, javs, or jarids. I personally like axes but they take some getting used on hb. If you do a 15/24, you can use an arabian and avoid other cav much easier. Focus on killing infantry and avoiding other cav. Drive by shootings all day.

Also, what canner said. You do way more damage if someone rides into vs away from your projectile.
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At 31 you get 8 WM and 1 point to put into whatever you like, finishing the horse throwing part of the build. :D
If you took the build to level 33...
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« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 08:46:34 pm by Marathon »
Also, I have declared myself #1 NA hybrid thrower
Formerly known as Marathon.
As an NA admin, I am the most laid back and concerned with the ~fun of the game~ above all other factors. I've also been super inactive since Summer 2012. University takes most of my time, but I still find some time to play when i can.

Offline To Kill A Dead Horse

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So horsearchey actually helps throwing on horseback?
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Offline Cyclopsided

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you NEED it.
Also, I have declared myself #1 NA hybrid thrower
Formerly known as Marathon.
As an NA admin, I am the most laid back and concerned with the ~fun of the game~ above all other factors. I've also been super inactive since Summer 2012. University takes most of my time, but I still find some time to play when i can.

Offline OpenPalm

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WRONG. your speed doesnt matter EVER for ranged

Unless you're playing Native, I believe.
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