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General Discussion / Re: Remove random-plains spam.
« on: May 20, 2011, 04:24:16 pm »
Random generated maps are great, particularly the ones with rivers.

Shield walls are awesome and this is really the only map you see them on since on other maps every one just hides behind the corner of buildings/roofs

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 18, 2011, 12:14:34 am »
oh yeah I forgot and fix the arrow pickup bug.

At least I am assuming its a bug, I really hope its a bug and not some awfully implemented feature.

Announcements / Re: Official Survey about item power
« on: May 17, 2011, 07:43:53 pm »
I hit buff bow (longbow)/ throwing

I don't think any of the stats on bows need altering really just the amount of arrows needs to be increased, 15 and 30 with no mele weapon is not good. You spend half of the match picking up arrows and its the reason I don't shoot at cav at medium range as I have too few arrows to waste them on hard shots.

Throwing is way over nerfed, and I had just started on a javalry build too :(

Not sure about other classes as I don't play them much, but I think a reduction in damage/speed for all weapons (where is nerf all ) would make the game more fun as longer battles/duels is more fun for me.

I wasnt refering to five people chasing one archer, i was talking about one guy who must run after another. 1 on 1, not 5 on 1. I run after you, you flee....i turn my back on you, you stop and shoot at me. I turn around and run after you again and you start fleeing. 100 people or so are spectating, most (or all) of your teammates are dead or in the process of dying. Capishi ?

Well gnjus that is not what you wrote in your original post, all you said was that people who run away when you go towards them should be kicked. However now that you have made yourself more clear I can tell you that what you are asking for is already done. When there is one or two players left on a team and most or all of their team are dead and they are running away like the  scenario in your post, then they do get kicked already. Also I have already said in this scenario I agree with you that they should be kicked.
Quote from: Gnjus

So according to you i should just turn my back to a fleeing scumcher and let him shoot me ? So should the rest of the ganking squad ? Very clever, just as i expected from a dedicated archer.

This tactic of attacking and running away is called skirmishing. The point being they can harrass you, but you cannot fight back. IMO its a very good tactic and judging from your rage they have been doing a good job in their roll. To answer your question - there is nothing you can do personally, so I recommend you put your shield up and lead the archer towards teamates who can do something about them (AKA not heavy infantry like yourself).

Quote from: gnjus

Next thing youll propose that i buy a crossbow or some throwing shit. And then you will votekick me for reloading it behind some obstacle.

People do not vote kick you for reloading behind cover they do it for forcing the winning team to run half-way across the map just to gank one player who is standing on a hill. A considerate player would once realising defeat would charge the enemy preferably before the last few players on there team are dead so no one has to wait pointlessly.

Quote from: Gnjus
Dickhead. Equip a melee weapon, stop running away and learn to play.

I do equip a mele weapon (heavybastard it is in my avatar ;) ) I almost never runaway from a 1-1 fight, I reckon I get at least a quarter of my kills from my sword and I enjoy manual blocking alot ( I am often to be found on the duel server).

I believe it is you who should "lern2play" my skill less shield turtle friend. After all any any dickhead noob  :lol: can

Hold RMB
wait for "clunk" noise

Maybe try archery post patch and manual blocking and get some "Skillz"

Quote from: gnjus
are you really that retarded or its just a role-play ?

I neither role-play in game or on the forums. However on the topic of being retarded and role-playing I have to ask are you role-playing an "honourable better than the peasant archer scum" knight on the forums or are you really so pathetic and nerdy to really believe people are scum/cunts/bundle of stickss based entirely on how they choose to play a video game. If its the latter then this is probably one of the saddest nerdiest things I have seen in awhile (not that the other is not also sad and nerdy :P)

Finished reading the rest of the thread.

well maybe if the ladders on battle were indestructible that might help this situation

This is a good idea but maybe instead make it so ladders can be knocked down (both by "f" key and with weapons but also be put back up again like the permanent map ladders) If they were indestructible it would lead to making glitch barricades in siege.


Quote from: Gnjus
First: I'm not biased

Quote from: Gnjus
roof-hugging monkeys...... brains out (what little of it they have)........incompetent morons..........less bundle of old a spineless piece of shit

lol - Yeah I cannot see either how Tai Feng thought you were biased, I mean its not like you hate them and take any opportunity to insult these players.

- remove ladders from battle servers

    Why ? Cause battles look retarded these days, a bunch of roof-hugging monkeys climbing their beloved rooftops and then destroying the ladders so infantry that would otherwise     flank them and pick their brains out (what little of it they have) simply cant reach them, also often the same shitheads stand on the air-ladders (against all gravity and physics rules) and shoot people from there, i mean seriously what the hell ?

Lol I like how you call them stupid for using a tactic that makes it very difficult for you to kill them. I think they would be stupid to not climb on the roofs and let the infantry flank them. In my opinion big infantry clusterfucks with archers standing 5 feet behind shooting through the gaps looks more retarded than having archers on rooftops.

- make all roofs unreachable (so you cant even jump on them without the ladders)

   Why ? Same shit as paragraph one, too many incompetent morons getting easy kills (on the infantry fighting below) from hardly reachable places, prolonging the rounds, making "battles" look retarded, etc.....

If they are the ones getting easy kills and you are the one going the hard way about getting kills then surely it is you who is the incompetent one? After all the point of the game is to kill the enemy team as fast and as efficiently as possible so using tactics that results in "easy kills" is surely the smart thing to do. Yet you call them morons again.

- remove unbalanced maps and rework the spawn points on mostly all of 'em

 Too many of 'em, castles, villages on hills that you shouldn't be able to walk on without some alpinistic equipment, some where one team is spawned out in the open so they serve as practice dummies for the archers inside the village, etc

I agree with this I prefer fighting out in the open. I wish one of the servers would start running random generated field maps again.

- make running away and making someone run after you for a couple of minutes across the whole map a banable offence, i mean i really dont mind archers sacrifying their melee weapon for additional stack of arrows but dont fucking run away when we come to kill you, if its your turn to die then stand still and die like a man....taking advantage of your high athletics and making us run around like retards makes no sense whatsoever, if you wanna play like that then youre in the wrong place....some say its "tactic" but its bullshit, its prolonging the round same as youre the last man standing, one competent man can kill dozen of such my old friends but not if they keep running waste our time that we could use to kill your teammates....backpedaling and taking cover to reload your xbow is one thing but running away like a spineless piece of shit without even trying to fight in melee is just.....crap.

First of all I agree that if someone is running away and there is no chance of their team winning then they should be kicked/banned, or even if they are just wasting time fighting pointless odds (you know like if some dickhead Xbow-sniper is hiding Behind trees/buildings/edge of map trying to fight 1vs10 every round wasting everyones time).

However if its lets say 10 vs 8 and you as an archer find yourself being chased by 5 from the enemy team, then it makes sense to lead them on a tour of the map as it allows your team of 8 guys to overwhelm and slaughter the other 5. You can then just lead the  5 guys chasing you to the rest of your team.
If a group of players choose to chase one guy who it is impossible for them to catch while the rest of their team is fighting , then it is they who are the retards as you say gnjus "making us run around like retards". So the answer to this is don't play like a retard and don't chase people you cannot catch.
(as said however If there is only like 2 guys versus 15 and one is running away then they should be kicked/banned.)

Anyway I think Gnjus post can be summed up as - QQ Admins please make the archers let me slaughter them, they keep doing things to make it hard for me to slaughter them like using the advantages of the map terrain or their build designs to make it hard. Its almost like they don't want me to kill them! they are such morons :(

General Discussion / Re: Nickname stolen
« on: January 11, 2011, 05:54:08 pm »
Maybe you should change your name to Storm.

It sounds pretty cool and I don't think anyone else is using it.

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 12:45:53 pm »
Progressing and if you want to call it like that, grind is why I played cRPG and not Native.

Goddamnit : it's called "cRPG"

Call this mod "Mario Kart" if you don't want a grind factor. The name cRPG is misleading since the patch.

What I liked was skill and grind put together. As a skilled player, you can take out grinders without any difficulty. The best results come from people that are both skilled and have grinded much. If you have less equipment/levels, the odds are against you with an equal player skill. There's no shame in loosing. Some people are now defending the patch because the pre patch version was a "tincan oneshotting peasants" fest. In fact it was very far from that. Less than roughly 10% of players had plate. Many of the best players were using mid armor, and the best weapons weren't the costly ones.

If chadz really plans on making cRPG a Native mode with little to no grind and some additional (and imba) armors and weapons, great I suppose. The "build what you want" thingy isn't very true, since you can choose a class and your gear in Native too.

RPG stands for Role Playing Game which means exactly that, a game where you act out a role (which doesn't really fit cRPG that well anyway since most people just buy the best equip then can). Many RPGs also include skills and the ability to upgrade and improve skills which cRPG does.
The only way the patch is different is that the amount of grind is reduced, so how does less grind make it any less of a RPG.

Does RPG now mean fuk-ton of grind?

Anyway the difference between native and this is that you keep your gear at the end of the round , can design you character in many different ways and have a much larger choice of gear as well as a gradual progression of improving your gear and equip (you know that thing "grind" which is still there just less)

General Discussion / Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« on: January 07, 2011, 11:43:47 am »
This is what I wanted from the start. Just to be able to choose my own gear and character within a fairly mild amount of time/grind and to be pretty similar to native in that most people playing in the round are using average armor.

I hated the endless grind, I would play even when not really having fun just to get the equipment I wanted for my character because if I just played when I wanted to it would take forever. I would run into battle and die, then minimize the game and surf the internet untill the next round.

But whats the point you spend all this time not having fun just painstakingly playing battle over and over waiting to get your items telling yourself the fun starts then, and eventually you get your awesome super weapon/armor but what is there to do now but play battle of which you are completely bored of.

Anyway I for one really love the new system and am happy its changed.

Suggestions Corner / Re: Heirloom stones
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:30:00 am »
Honeslty first i liked the idea of people being able to heirloom stones. But when you think about it they are already kinda OP. If a high enough level can kill or significantly damage anyone on the battlefield with the cheapest weapon, then it's to good  :wink:
And should defiantly not be able to heirloom  8-)

Nerf stones!! they are OP!

Change them to cut damage.

General Discussion / Re: Feedback...
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:36:21 pm »
I like the new patch. The best thing about it is that the boring endless grind is gone and its now possible to easily try new ways of playing. Also no more tincan spammers (well not as much).

I think the archer nerf is just a bit too much although I really like the new animations (makes it feel like you are really pulling back a proper powerful bow)

For the way I play anyway upkeep seems fine to me. I can use all my archer gear but cannot afford a giant spam 2h sword and have to use one of the smaller less powerful ones.

General Discussion / Re: Archery Help?
« on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:33 pm »
Wow they nerfed everything accuracy, damage and speed.

But the worse thing is that they shrunk the longbow size!!!! I chose that bow cos its the biggest and most damaging. Now it looks like a short bow!! Now how am I going to compensate for my small....

Anyway I think the nerf is just a bit too much. I think they should either change the damage back to pierce or give us back the ability to take the weapon prof high for accuracy. I think with how it is now cav is getting a big boost as its very hard to kill horses ATM.

Anyway to sum up I shot a naked peasant before with a longbow and normal arrows in the chest and he did not die :`( 

I was just pleased that I hit him lol

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