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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #75 on: January 07, 2011, 11:04:27 am »
Here another opinion for the pile;

Level cap, soft and hard were absolutely needed. Coming into this game less than two weeks ago and quickly finding out massive agi spammers and gen 10 archers were going to dominate me forever was not a good feeling. Now it's quicker to get to an acceptable level, and you don't need to worry so much about leeching, wanna run around with your buddy who loves to flank as a peasant? No worries!

Nothing but positive there, fights will come down to teamwork and skill more than anything else, just playing on the 80 man for a day I've seen more teamwork than I saw the entire week I played before this.

Upkeep, at 20% it was absolutely depressing. I love plate armor for its aesthetic, being so slow people with staffs beat me down? Okay, at least I look awesome, but at 20% it was impossible to maintain plate without massive amounts of luck. In general the new upkeep changes are strong and good, it has removed meta gaming in the sense of whether or not to wear good gear since you run repair win or lose, and although I found out this afternoon you can't full tin can all the time unless you win non stop (Coming from a person without 150k banked, those guys will probably be able to tin can for a long time.) I'm still generally happy I can wear my armor most of the time and the rest I can run around in a bright blue dress and attract throwing lances.

Archers are a big can of worms I don't know enough to about to get into, but I do see archers doing well so I don't think that it's the doomsday for them.

But most of all I am so happy I never have to join a battle to see 15 black armor players with sniper crossbows on their backs, you have no idea.

ppl like you is uncapable of growing a char thats why you  enjoy the patch.

after a couple of week that you are 30 LIKE ALL THE OTHERS whit no real meritocracy,    let me know if you still have fun.     unlucky for you 65% of the community think that       growing a char, was part of the mod,     ppl love to spend time in  stuff for get more, exactly like you make career on your job in real life,      you expect more gain with time,   and this is a sense of a game based on level and exp,      gift  more dedicated player with some bonus, thing that now not exist any more.      is all based on random upkeep shit     and      BROKEN autobalance, removing totally any   merit on the ability of the player, and the time they invested on the mod.

i readed shitload of player   who not where in plate, accepting to be owned by a plate user, becouse they AIMED to become one also with time, and tbh there was not many plate user, i recon only me and cmp and phaz in merc using a plate all others where using a medium armor, so i not see where ppl where seeeing all this plate users.
Wtf you have to dream when you are lev 30    now?      i remember spending hours tryng to   imaginate how develop my lev 40 char,    and working hard for it, now i made      78 ml xp in 2 day.     for be 30-32     ,      and my friend that joined 3 day ago have at 99,5% my same char.  dressed like me.    so for what we are playng with levels and xp? lets make all born lev 30 directly,    becouse right now  levels have no more sense in this mod.      is flatten.  almost the same of native.     that is the exact motive why we were playng here,    90% not liked native.   and crpg now is a fucking copy.  even less balanced now

« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 11:08:28 am by Vicious666 »

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #76 on: January 07, 2011, 11:07:15 am »

Well, while I do my fair share of bitching and moaning, and while my cat still hates you for what you did to archery, I have to say after playing some of my alts that the patch basically a good thing - there is still much balancing to do, but it was a step in the right direction.

So, yes you did the right thing!

I would have liked it even more if you have had the patience and persistence for proper testing/bugfixing/balancing before the fact. Since I develop software for a living, I know how much and how *annoying* work that is. So I feel with you in that regard. Nevertheless, you could spare yourself and us some major amount of nerve and anger by doing small, controlled and measured steps instead of big fuckoff changes in the future. Oh well, we all live and learn.

Finally I have to say thanks to you for the work you did - we are all having fun because of you, and that deserves some serious kudos.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 11:09:56 am by Trout4711 »

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #77 on: January 07, 2011, 11:08:06 am »
after a couple of week that you are 30 LIKE ALL THE OTHERS whit no real meritocracy....    unlucky for you 65% of the community think that       growing a char, was part of the mod,     ppl love to spend time in  stuff for get more, exactly like you make career on your job in real life,

It's gamers like you and the others that think this way that has made the quality of games shittier and shittier with each passing year and basically turned what was once an amazing subculture market into a generic assembly production line of rehashed shit in a fancy box.
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #78 on: January 07, 2011, 11:13:20 am »
It's gamers like you and the others that think this way that has made the quality of games shittier and shittier with each passing year and basically turned what was once an amazing subculture market into a generic assembly production line of rehashed shit in a fancy box.

except that i was in internet since 1995, with pc and i am a hardcore player who only played FULL LOOT GAME,        like meridian59  ultima online since his beta  (leaved with aos insurance etc),  eve online,  darkfall,  dark age of camelot  etc                 i avoided totally wow, and all game like this, where     there was no full loot, and was easy mode.

you probably where playng on your play station 1 at that time, so next time think before talk, becouse with me you fall very bad, i was a nerd at 13 years old, and gone online with an amiga 1200 first time in 1994,       and online at that timing there was only hardcore people, who not where whining on any brutal   mechanics like full loot,      is your generation that bringed wow , at my time ppl who where online where ppl   with high competence on pc, not last 15 years old with his youporn and    xbox.

but even uo was a grind and develop on char   + your skill, is the nature of every game based on skill with 5% xp and levels.           if you remove this factors become      more and arcade fps,   in this cade an arcade fps    in medioeval epoque.          and if ppl wanna bullshit me, with stuff like, now is only skill based.

remove exp and gold at timing, place it only     to who kill ,    so will be based on skill of player, and who is good      grow and upkeep  armor, other suck . and trust me i not suck    so i am all up for a thing like that, if you wanna play the     SKILL only card.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 11:15:58 am by Vicious666 »

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #79 on: January 07, 2011, 11:14:20 am »
I am a horse archer and i feel a litle bit fucked up with the patch.... but anyway I think It is just awesome!!! cool work,, I like the way it goes also I like to your oppinion about wht should be this mod... I think like you... I have started playibng this thing after playing massive rpg online... and I feel loathed of that shit, grinding and lookking for very stupid objects ti try to hide how bad player I am.

Just keep going this way, it is good, and it makes the difference.

Also I said you at the beggining of this proyect that donations should be not only dedicated for maintaining the server, also they should pay your hours of work. Or be able to pay the hours of work of whoever helps you.
Encourage the donations system.

I say.

Best regards.

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #80 on: January 07, 2011, 11:24:01 am »
Good for you chadz. You are absolutely right, the changes are good and you still have my undying faith and support. :D

I have been enjoying cRPG massively in the last two months. During my recent vacation the second half of december, i exceeded 40 hours per week, i think.  :shock:

Now, you must understand, playing the game from my perspective is a quite different from most players, because i am a Merc and my main character was indeed 40+ for quite a while now. To add to that potent mix i've been doing tactics: i've been trying to get teams to organize and try different simple strategies together to encourage teamplay.

Honestly, this whole tactics thing started with my desire to win more rounds. But as time passed i started to realize that it's insanely fun and very, very satsifying to lead the troops and actually get good results! In the beginning, the feedback has been mixed. Some players disagreed with my attempts to play tactics together, especially at the beginning... but lately it seems the community has gotten used to it.

So, as a decked out tincan on an armored horse, leading the troops has been fantastic. It's been the main reason why i play so much.

But i totally agree with your analysis. The game was all about getting to level 40 and characters really only became usable after like level 25 or maybe 30.... and you still often were at a serious disadvantage until you got to 35 or even 40, making the game a bit of a grindfest.

When the .200 patch came, at first i was a bit shocked at how radical the changes were. But soon i was all exited about the repair costs. It forced me to rethink my gear choices... every round! Did i dare to use my good stuff? How confident was i that i could make our team win this round? Did i dare to gamble and risk paying 10k or more repair costs?

So cRPG was all new and exiting again. Tactics was on a low simmer for a while, becauase people need time to settle down and get used to the new system... but at least i really felt challenged once more!

Then the .201 patch came and winning the round didn't matter anymore: gear decays anyway and so rethinking my gear and the 'gambling' aspect vanished.
However: you did add the ingame voice commands! Thank you for that. They are great! My team now uses those a lot. I remember a scene where i run up a hill, plant the flag and from various players in my team the 'Hold this position' voice command sounded. Great stuff! It really works and helps the tactics aspect of the game.

Hopefully you can find a way to change the repair system back, so winning a round means no repair costs. Or maybe winning a round minimizes repair costs somewhat. Other than that, i'm really looking forward to getting back to my old game of playing mr. commander and trying to get all those random people to play as a team. It's been great fun and still is.  :)

Anyhoo, i really like all the work you've been doing on cRPG and fully support your choices. You are right to change it. It's your mod!
Keep up the good work, don't listen to all the whiners too much and know that we support your choices and love your mod.

P.S.: Personally, i still think you should get some sort of a salary from the community and i'd love to see more people donate. Or maybe not a salary, but maybe you can take out a small percentage of the donations to buy yourself a decent pc and pay for the heating costs at your place. You deserve it.

P.P.S.: Looking at Thomek's post suggesting to split cRPG servers into different 'tiers'. No! Don't split. The great thing about cRPG is that every round you play against a mixed bag of players. Newbies, pro's, highlevels and lowlevels thrown into a big brawl. Keep it that way. I like that.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 11:25:43 am by Phazey »

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #81 on: January 07, 2011, 11:31:06 am »
Changes are great!
I can maintain equip worth 50k easily, no to massive arrowspam, no forcefields (have to skill shield because my feet get hit so much with my wodden shield), no uberfast chars (yeah i know i was one of them before i retired)
Ingame char menu rocks even though it still have some bugs.
Probably want to raise the upkeep cost to 10%, there are far too much plated chargers ;)

Thank you very much for your work Florian!

P.S. Just ignore the one playing the MORON only card
Sacrum Romanum Imperium

Yeah, well you know, that's just like, your opinion, man.

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #82 on: January 07, 2011, 11:34:52 am »

except that now you will have no tactics becouse play on formation, make shield wall etc have 0 sense, since win or lose you have upkeep anyway and win or lose you get xp and gold.       ppl where together cause area exp.       now i see 60 vs 60 ppl spread around map. with no sense -.-     

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #83 on: January 07, 2011, 11:36:06 am »
no forcefields (have to skill shield because my feet get hit so much with my wodden shield)

Can't believe I forgot this: it's great! It's more fun and challenging to play a shielder now.

except that now you will have no tactics becouse play on formation, make shield wall etc have 0 sense, since win or lose you have upkeep anyway and win or lose you get xp and gold.       ppl where together cause area exp.       now i see 60 vs 60 ppl spread around map. with no sense -.-     

Tactics != clusterfuck
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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #84 on: January 07, 2011, 11:41:45 am »
Can't believe I forgot this: it's great! It's more fun and challenging to play a shielder now.

Tactics != clusterfuck

i am a shielder user since mod was release and i always finded stupid that huscarl was able to  block an arrow even if ppl aimed at my head or   foot, so i am ok with   force field  nerf.

what you and your troll friend gorath not get, is that mod loosed  tactics, and deepness     with this new system,   i am sure in a week from now when all are 30,    ppl will be bored much more fast than grind chars.

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #85 on: January 07, 2011, 11:43:47 am »
This is what I wanted from the start. Just to be able to choose my own gear and character within a fairly mild amount of time/grind and to be pretty similar to native in that most people playing in the round are using average armor.

I hated the endless grind, I would play even when not really having fun just to get the equipment I wanted for my character because if I just played when I wanted to it would take forever. I would run into battle and die, then minimize the game and surf the internet untill the next round.

But whats the point you spend all this time not having fun just painstakingly playing battle over and over waiting to get your items telling yourself the fun starts then, and eventually you get your awesome super weapon/armor but what is there to do now but play battle of which you are completely bored of.

Anyway I for one really love the new system and am happy its changed.

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #86 on: January 07, 2011, 11:46:11 am »
Okay, what I think about the opening post I have already written in DaveUKR s topic 'leaving crpg' on taleworld forums, where I read your comment first.

But I have forgotten to comment the most important sentence:

I am sorry for every single one I have disappointed,

You are so wrong. SO wrong. You have disappointed noone, I am certain. At least, I can say you have never disappointed me, and I know you never will. I dont like the hotfix, actually hate it, so what? Not a big deal.
Also, we players are bots, forgotten? =)

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #87 on: January 07, 2011, 11:46:16 am »
(...) since win or lose you have upkeep anyway and win or lose you get xp and gold. (...) now i see 60 vs 60 ppl spread around map.

True, that's why i asked chadz to see if he can get the "win = no repair costs"-change back into cRPG. I'm confident that if that's possible, he'll get that back in there. After all, the game is supposed to be played to win.

I think the main reason why the "win = no repair"-change was taken out was this: people tended to go naked when they thought the team was about to lose a round again instead of trying to win. Personally, i think people were just angry and protested by going naked. It really made no financial sense at all because minimal gear is so much better than going naked and repair costs of a shirt, straw hat, cheap shield and sword are negligible.

And on top of that: not trying to win a round at all is a waste of time and can be considered griefing in a way. It spoils the game for your teammates that ARE trying to win and ARE putting their gold on the line.

It's like running away from the battle or prolonging it needlessly by camping unreachable roofs. There are many ways for players to spoil a crpg round and there always will be many ways.

The fix is simple: just don't accept people going naked. Kick leechers and nakeds. Tell them to get at least a shirt and pitchfork and try to win a round. Talk to them.

If the communtiy frowns upon going naked, people will soon stop doing it. And if that's too optimistic: if you make it a server rule not to go naked, i'm pretty sure that would stop that fast.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2011, 11:50:00 am by Phazey »

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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #88 on: January 07, 2011, 11:46:59 am »
Meah... chadz have spoken. I respect hes point of view. It is hes mod.
I hate the patch, but he has right to do whatever he wants. End of story.
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Re: chadz and cRPG - a lovestory!
« Reply #89 on: January 07, 2011, 11:53:53 am »
but even uo was a grind and develop on char   + your skill, is the nature of every game based on skill with 5% xp and levels.           if you remove this factors become      more and arcade fps,   in this cade an arcade fps    in medioeval epoque.          and if ppl wanna bullshit me, with stuff like, now is only skill based.

remove exp and gold at timing, place it only     to who kill ,    so will be based on skill of player, and who is good      grow and upkeep  armor, other suck . and trust me i not suck    so i am all up for a thing like that, if you wanna play the     SKILL only card. can you call yourself a pvp'r with that opinion? Grind =/= skills.

Grind =/= skills

The reason the game is more skills based now, is that nobody has broken the game with their level 40 characters. And there is a even playing-field.

Now go fuck yourself  :wink: