Author Topic: A few things that should be considered as a must-do for the next patch or so  (Read 5449 times)

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Offline Gnjus

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 - remove ladders from battle servers

    Why ? Cause battles look retarded these days, a bunch of roof-hugging monkeys climbing their beloved rooftops and then destroying the ladders so infantry that would otherwise     flank them and pick their brains out (what little of it they have) simply cant reach them, also often the same shitheads stand on the air-ladders (against all gravity and physics rules) and shoot people from there, i mean seriously what the hell ?

 - make all roofs unreachable (so you cant even jump on them without the ladders)

   Why ? Same shit as paragraph one, too many incompetent morons getting easy kills (on the infantry fighting below) from hardly reachable places, prolonging the rounds, making "battles" look retarded, etc.....

 - remove unbalanced maps and rework the spawn points on mostly all of 'em

 Too many of 'em, castles, villages on hills that you shouldn't be able to walk on without some alpinistic equipment, some where one team is spawned out in the open so they serve as practice dummies for the archers inside the village, etc

  - add some more open maps (like 50% villages and 50% plains or something) so we get different kinds of battles, not only archery it is now - all of the maps are perfectly suited for ranged units and most of them are not suited for other classes.....more open maps = more sticking together = more teamwork = less bundle of stickss camping in some corners and sniping people from there

 - make running away and making someone run after you for a couple of minutes across the whole map a banable offence, i mean i really dont mind archers sacrifying their melee weapon for additional stack of arrows but dont fucking run away when we come to kill you, if its your turn to die then stand still and die like a man....taking advantage of your high athletics and making us run around like retards makes no sense whatsoever, if you wanna play like that then youre in the wrong place....some say its "tactic" but its bullshit, its prolonging the round same as youre the last man standing, one competent man can kill dozen of such my old friends but not if they keep running waste our time that we could use to kill your teammates....backpedaling and taking cover to reload your xbow is one thing but running away like a spineless piece of shit without even trying to fight in melee is just.....crap.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Tai Feng

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some say its "tactic" but its bullshit

It's great guerrilla tactic. You're slow in plate, with a shield, and they're agile.

In words of great Chinese man, the renowned Sun Tzu:

Hence the skillful fighter puts himself into
    a position which makes defeat impossible, and does
    not miss the moment for defeating the enemy.

 Thus it is that in war the victorious strategist
    only seeks battle after the victory has been won,
    whereas he who is destined to defeat first fights
    and afterwards looks for victory.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 12:40:05 pm by Tai Feng »
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

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Ladders cost upkeep? I never saw any repair on my ladders, are you sure?

Offline Tai Feng

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I have all on autorepair, I wasn't aware there's an exception. Perhaps it is because you immediately use them? Perhaps you pay upkeep for what is on you, and if you use ladders right away upkeep chance is really low? Either way my comment was wrong then.
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

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Offline Vexus

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No ladders, siege shield, construction materials,ecc don't seem to have an upkeep.

Offline Gnjus

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No ladders, siege shield, construction materials,ecc don't seem to have an upkeep.

Even worse. People spam that useless crap all over the map for free. We are playing "BATTLEs" here, not sieges, raids or whatever other mod there can be. Battles on battle servers. Not roof-camping archery tournaments and shit like that. If these things cant be corrected then they should just rename the servers and sticky it to the forum so we can go play something else.
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline EponiCo

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Yep, running is tactic. It's not less cowardly than say hiding behind a giant shield when you are not hiding behind the entire team.
But as far as the last man standing is concerned - show a text warning when one team has been reduced to a last member.
The player can choose to fight or to suicide, but if he delays for more than one minute by whatever means (horse, running, turtling, hiding) for a few pointless extra kills (i.e. doesn't win) he gets xp and gold penalty.

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You're prolonging the round by not lowering your shield and get shot by the archer.

Offline Gnjus

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You're prolonging the round by not lowering your shield and get shot by the archer.

I agree. This is how a battle on cRPG should look like: we all spawn on some of the numerous shitty maps that we have atm, archers (who make at least 50% of each team) just climb the nearest roof/hill/whatever and start shooting at each other, shieldless melees (and ALL are shieldless since shield is considered time wasting and thus bannable) who stay downstairs get killed first so only archers stay alive and shoot each other until the last man goes down. The team with more accurate archers wins in less then 2 minutes. Nice and swift.  :wink:
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Tai Feng

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But as far as the last man standing is concerned - show a text warning when one team has been reduced to a last member.
The player can choose to fight or to suicide, but if he delays for more than one minute by whatever means (horse, running, turtling, hiding) for a few pointless extra kills (i.e. doesn't win) he gets xp and gold penalty.


Prolonging is a valid tactic. Perhaps to trick enemy into being careless and killing them individually while they're spread over the map.
Either way, there is Master of the Field. Unless the person is on the roof no one can get to, or is obviously leeching, last man should do whatever he wants.

I'm saying this because I've seen various situations where this has been abused "oh you're last man, suicide" even though that last man can kill more people. For example, I was once vote kicked off the server because as a last man I refused to climb the steep slow ladder to a roof which was camped by some enemy players who refused to go down even though they had numerical advantage.

Quote from: Gnjus
who stay downstairs get killed first so only archers stay alive

These melee, including yourself, refuse to take any ranged weapon right now because it slows you down, costs wpf/points and costs upkeep. Not being able to participate in ranged combat is thus the price you pay, just as an archer who takes no melee weapon. If you take light crossbow without wpf you have a good chance of killing some of the people on these roofs, and if not, there's always Master of the Field. I've urged my team to wait for MotF many times and it won us battles easily, even when there were 3x more enemies left than us. It's a tactic.
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Imperial army:

Offline Ninja_Khorin

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Roof camping in unreachable places or unreasonably hard to reach places is already kickable.
I was referring to your complaint about archers running away from you. Big deal, play a faster character.

And making roofs unreachable would be boring, would just lead to Team A runs toward Team B every round, no interesting flanking possibilities.

Offline Gnjus

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Roof camping in unreachable places or unreasonably hard to reach places is already kickable.
I was referring to your complaint about archers running away from you. Big deal, play a faster character.

And making roofs unreachable would be boring, would just lead to Team A runs toward Team B every round, no interesting flanking possibilities.

You've just said it all.

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Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline Gnjus

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Prolonging is a valid tactic.
Perhaps to trick enemy into being careless and killing them individually while they're spread over the map.
Either way, there is Master of the Field. Unless the person is on the roof no one can get to, or is obviously leeching, last man should do whatever he wants.

I'm saying this because I've seen various situations where this has been abused "oh you're last man, suicide" even though that last man can kill more people. For example, I was once vote kicked off the server because as a last man I refused to climb the steep slow ladder to a roof which was camped by some enemy players who refused to go down even though they had numerical advantage.

These melee, including yourself, refuse to take any ranged weapon right now because it slows you down, costs wpf/points and costs upkeep. Not being able to participate in ranged combat is thus the price you pay, just as an archer who takes no melee weapon. If you take light crossbow without wpf you have a good chance of killing some of the people on these roofs, and if not, there's always Master of the Field. I've urged my team to wait for MotF many times and it won us battles easily, even when there were 3x more enemies left than us. It's a tactic.

I've bolded out the key parts for you. Try reading it with understanding before you post such things again.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2011, 01:43:57 pm by Gnjus »
Do you honestly think you have any sort of moral authority, Reyiz? Go genocide some more armenians and deny it ever happened, please, and stay in the middle east.
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Offline EponiCo

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Prolonging is a valid tactic. Perhaps to trick enemy into being careless and killing them individually while they're spread over the map.
Either way, there is Master of the Field. Unless the person is on the roof no one can get to, or is obviously leeching, last man should do whatever he wants.

I'm saying this because I've seen various situations where this has been abused "oh you're last man, suicide" even though that last man can kill more people. For example, I was once vote kicked off the server because as a last man I refused to climb the steep slow ladder to a roof which was camped by some enemy players who refused to go down even though they had numerical advantage.

These melee, including yourself, refuse to take any ranged weapon right now because it slows you down, costs wpf/points and costs upkeep. Not being able to participate in ranged combat is thus the price you pay, just as an archer who takes no melee weapon. If you take light crossbow without wpf you have a good chance of killing some of the people on these roofs, and if not, there's always Master of the Field. I've urged my team to wait for MotF many times and it won us battles easily, even when there were 3x more enemies left than us. It's a tactic.

I know of the abuse problems. I've been archer before everyone else was, and always got polled when I was alone against 3 guys without shield. I have no problem when this is used as tactic to win the round (especially when he's on my team ofc).
But I also see a lot of people who are just delaying. As in no realistic chance to win, five people with cover, lone archer stays on roof because one or two may get bored enough to get out of it. Or cavalryman riding in save distance around pikemen group. He can kill two more? Doesn't matter when he doesn't win the round. (Admins usually count to ten before kick when they are on). But hell, yeah, it's a far better idea to spawn MotF directly next to the group when there are only 1 or 2 enemies left.

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so only archers stay alive and shoot each other until the last man goes down. The team with more accurate archers wins in less then 2 minutes.
you wanna play a ranged game go play CoD